Page 42 - ALMExperts 2024 Midwestern Directory
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Firearms Explosions ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2024
Steven Howard Agosti Fire
Steve “The Gun Guru” Howard Investigations David M. Manuta, Ph.D.,
American Firearms and Munitions Chicago, IL FAIC
Consulting Phone: (847) 682-6793 President
Lansing, MI Fax: (847) 487-8142 Manuta Chemical
E-mail: John .Agosti@Agosti-
Phone: (517) 374-9000 Fire .com
E-mail: stevethegunguru@gmail .com Consulting, Inc.
Web: http://www .arsonexpert .com 431 Gordon Avenue
(Please see our complete listing under the Degrees/Licenses: Waverly, OH 45690-1208
following area of expertise: Expert Categories: Associates Degree in Fire Science Phone: (740) 947-7998
Firearms) Certified Fire Investigator (International Assn. Fax: (740) 947-1565
E-mail: dmanuta@dmanuta .com
of Arson Investigators) Web: http://www .dmanuta .com
Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator
FIREARMS/BALLISTICS (National Assn . of Fire Investigators) Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D ., FAIC
Certified Arson Investigator (State of Illinois)
Certified Fire Department Officer Profile: Manuta Chemical Consulting, Inc .
Steven Howard Various Private Detective Licenses across (MC2) engages in professional litigation
Steve “The Gun Guru” Howard the U .S . support services for attorneys in fire/explosion
American Firearms and Munitions Profile: For more than 20 years, Agosti investigations and in chemical cases . MC2
Consulting Fire Investigations has provided quality and works strictly with objectively obtained
scientific data to support attorney clients in
Lansing, MI thorough fire origin and cause investigations, civil and criminal cases . This support includes
Phone: (517) 374-9000 loss analysis and expert witness services research, writing, deposition, testimony, etc .
E-mail: stevethegunguru@gmail .com through-out the United States and Canada . for either the Plaintiff or the Defendant .
Our experts are nationally and internationally
(Please see our complete listing under the Certified Fire Investigators and have David M . Manuta, Ph .D ., FAIC has been a
following area of expertise: Expert Categories: conducted thousands of investigations . Our college professor in chemistry and physical
Firearms) experts will examine your fire loss and quickly science plus he has been the chief scientist at
identify your subrogation potential as well as a large industrial plant . This experience, when
your liability exposure . coupled with his education and his ability to
communicate complex science to lay persons,
Fire & Explosions enables him to be a valuable expert witness to
Agosti Fire Investigations is a well-established his many clients .
firm providing superior fire analysis and
consulting services . Our seasoned experts Additional email address: mc2@dmanuta .com
can properly manage the complex large-
loss incidents throughout the investigative (Please see our resume on page 105 for further
process. Our fire experts have conducted details.)
thousands of investigations from small
equipment to high rise fires.
Types of Investigations FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS
* Residential, Commercial, Industrial & High
* LP & Natural Gas Fires & Explosions Agosti Fire Investigations
* Auto, Truck & Heavy Equipment Chicago, IL
* Mobile Home, RV’s, & Marine Phone: (847) 682-6793
* Commercial Equipment E-mail: John .Agosti@Agosti-Fire .com
* Hazardous & Asbestos Sites
(Please see our resume on page 93 for further
Services details.)
* Detailed site examinations to evaluate and
analyze the fire loss David M. Manuta, Ph.D., FAIC
* Detailed documentation with photographs,
videotaping, diagrams and depiction of the President
scene Manuta Chemical Consulting, Inc.
* Comprehensive and objective reports Waverly, OH
detailing origin, cause and circumstances Phone: (740) 947-7998
* Identify subrogation potential and liability E-mail: dmanuta@dmanuta .com
* Expert testimony and consultation for (Please see our resume on page 105 for further
litigation support details.)
Water loss Investigations
* Detailed site examinations to evaluate and
analyze loss
* Detailed documentation with photographs,
videotaping, diagrams and depiction of the
For assignments or additional information,
please call (847) 682-6793, or view our
website at http://www .ArsonExpert .com
(Please see our resume on page 93 for further
30 Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness