Page 109 - ALMExperts 2025 New England Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New England Edition 2025                                                     Nursing
                                               facilities including Harvard Medical School,   Dr. James C. Norris
               NEUROPSYCHOLOGY                 Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH),   Expert Witness in Toxicology and
                                               Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), Yale Child
                                               Study Center, UCLA and Boston VA Medical   Pharmacology
                                               Center . We are members of APA (Div 40), INS,   Benton, AR
                                               NAN, MPA, and MNS .              Phone: (815) 955-5838
                                                                                E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net
                                               Call our Clinical Director, Dr . Kevin
                                               A . Domingos, for a free consultation .   (Please see our resume on page 113 for further
                                               877-2-TEST-ME (877-283-7863); Visit us at   details.)
                                               bnsforensics .com .
            Kevin A. Domingos, PhD
             Boston                          (Please see our resume on page 120 for further   NEWBORN BRAIN INJURY
             Neuropsychological              details.)
             Services, LLC
             Needham, Beverly,                                                 Kevin A. Domingos, PhD
             Chelmsford, Lowell,                   NEUROSURGERY                 Boston Neuropsychological
             Massachusetts                                                      Services, LLC
             687 Highland Ave . 2nd Fl .     Joseph R. Madsen, MD               Needham, Beverly, Chelmsford,
             Needham, MA 02494                                                  Lowell, Massachusetts
             Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102   Professor of                     Needham, MA
             Fax: (781) 559-8117               Neurosurgery                     Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102
             E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com  Boston Children’s         E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com
             Web: http://www .bostonneuropsych .com
                                               11 Broken Tree Road             (Please see our resume on page 120 for further
             Degrees/Licenses: PhD, California School                          details.)
             of Professional Psychology; MA, California   Newton, MA 02459
                                               Phone: (617) 755-1471
             School of Professional Psychology; BS,
             University of California, Irvine  E-mail: joseph .madsen@childrens .harvard .
                                               edu                                       NURSING
             Profile: Dr . Kevin A . Domingos is a   Degrees/Licenses: MD
             neuropsychologist and the Clinical Director of
             Boston Neuropsychological Services (BNS),                         Kevin A. Domingos, PhD
             LLC . He and his forensic neuropsychologists   Profile: Dr . Madsen is the Webster Family   Boston Neuropsychological
             offer expert witness evaluations and   Chair in Neurosurgery and Neuroengineering
             consultations in the following areas:   with decades of            Services, LLC
                                               experience in neurosurgery . He is an expert in   Needham, Beverly, Chelmsford,
             * ADHD                            neurosurgical practice and procedures,   Lowell, Massachusetts
             * Arbitration and Mediation       and has integrated principles from quantitative   Needham, MA
             * Autism Spectrum Disorder and    science and engineering into improving care   Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102
             neurodevelopmental disorders      for                              E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com
             * Competency (e .g . to stand trial, make   patients . Particular interests include
             financial decisions, perform essential job   hydrocephalus and epilepsy, his particular   (Please see our resume on page 120 for further
             functions)                        research interests, but the ability to integrate   details.)
             * Strokes, Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type   medical understanding and quantitative
             and Memory Disorders              science also qualify him to evaluate   Hilary Flanders, MPH,
             * Encephalitis/Hydrocephalus      causation and mechanism in a wide variety of
             * Executive Dysfunction           neurological conditions, including both brain   RN-BC, RRT, CLNC
             * IME (Independent Medical Evaluations)    and spinal cord .       Beverly, MA 01915
             * Language Disorders                                               Phone: (978) 473-1208
             * Learning Disabilities           Holder of multiple patents, he is also qualified   Fax: (978) 473-8872
             * Malingering                     to evaluate technical aspects of intellectual   E-mail:
             * Medical Malpractice             property issues, including medical devices .
             * Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)                                  seaportclinicalconsultants@gmail .com
             * Neurodegenerative Disorders                                      Web: http://www .linkedin .com/in/hilary-
             * Neurodevelopment (e .g . birth-related trauma)   NEUROTOXICOLOGY  flanders-a7268276
             * Neurological Disorders
             * Neuropsychological Sequelae of HIV                               Degrees/Licenses: Master of Public Health   MEDICAL EXPERTS
             * Pediatric Neuropsychological Evaluation   Kevin A. Domingos, PhD  degree
             * Personal Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI),                   BS in Nursing
             Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)       Boston Neuropsychological        BS in Respiratory Therapy
             * Post Concussive Syndrome        Services, LLC                    Licensed RN and Respiratory Therapist
             * Psychological / Psychiatric Disorders    Needham, Beverly, Chelmsford,
             * Seizure Disorder                Lowell, Massachusetts            Profile: With over twenty years of experience
             * Toxic Torts (e .g . exposure to mold, lead,                      in intensive care unit, progressive care unit
             asbestos, radiation, carbon monoxide)   Needham, MA                and medical-surgical settings, Hilary Flanders
             * Workers’ Compensation and Work-Related   Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102  has a strong background in delivering
             Injuries                          E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com  professional nursing. She is board certified in
                                                                                Medical-Surgical Nursing and Gerontological
             The expert team of neuropsychologists at   (Please see our resume on page 120 for further   Nursing. She is also a Certified Legal Nurse
             BNS proudly serve many states including   details.)                Consultant (CLNC) . In that role, she has
             California, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey,                          reviewed records, provided expert reports,
             New York, Texas, and the New England                               given depositions and court testimony . In
             area (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,                           addition, she has authored multiple published
             New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont)                              clinical works . As a seasoned staff nurse
             representing both plaintiff and defense cases .                    employed at the premier teaching hospital in
             We have represented medical malpractice                            New England, Hilary Flanders offers unique
             cases for BCH and MGH as well as other                             credentials for legal nurse consultation .
             defense cases for the federal government .
             Clinicians have trained at prestigious

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              95
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