Page 43 - ALMExperts 2025 New England Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New England Edition 2025                                      Executive Compensation
            Kenneth J. Stoyack
             Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP             ERGONOMICS                 ERISA WELFARE BENEFIT
             43 Orchard Street                                                            PLANS
             Nutley, NJ 07110
             Phone: (973) 661-2708           C.J. Abraham,
             E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com
                                               P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC,   Marcia S. Wagner
             Profile: Established in 1982, Kenneth J .   FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC  The Wagner Law Group
             Stoyack, AIA,PP ., is a full service organization   Scientific Advisory Services, LTD  Boston, MA
             offering  comprehensive  Architectural,   Great Neck, NY           Phone: (617) 357-5200
             Planning, and Consulting Engineering   Phone: (516) 482-5374       E-mail: marcia@wagnerlawgroup .com
             Services .  Mr . Stoyack is a licensed  Architect   Cell: (516) 974-7565
             and Professional Planner with  40 years’   E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com  (Please see our resume on page 118 for further
             experience in all phases of architectural office                  details.)
             practice . Licensed to practice architecture in   (Please see our resume on page 107 for further
             New Jersey and New York he is also NCARB   details.)
             certified  to practice architecture in all fifty
             states by reciprocity . He is a Licensed New                                  ESOP
             Jersey Home Inspector and he also holds a
             license to practice Professional Planning in   ERISA
             New Jersey . We have more than 35 years’                          Marcia S. Wagner
             experience in providing expert witness                             The Wagner Law Group
             reports and testimony in matters involving   Marcia S. Wagner      Boston, MA
             building code violations, slip, trips and falls,   The Wagner Law   Phone: (617) 357-5200
             construction negligence, accepted design                           E-mail: marcia@wagnerlawgroup .com
             practice and accepted construction industry   Group
             standards and practices .         125 High St ., 5th Floor, Oliver
                                               Street Tower                    (Please see our resume on page 118 for further
            (Please see our resume on page 116 for further   Boston, MA 02110  details.)
            details.)                          Phone: (617) 357-5200
                                               Fax: (617) 357-5250
                                               E-mail: marcia@wagnerlawgroup .com  EXCAVATORS/EARTH
                 ENVIRONMENTAL                 Web: http://www .wagnerlawgroup .com  MOVING EQUIPMENT
                      TESTING                  Degrees/Licenses: Juris Doctorate, 1987
                                               (Harvard Law School), Bachelor of Arts, 1984
                                               (Cornell University), General Course Degree,   Dennis W. Eckstine
            Rapperport Associates, Inc.        1983 (London School of Economics); Bar   Matthew Eckstine
             Daniel Rapperport                 Admissions: Massachusetts (1987), District of   Eckstine & Associates, Inc.
                                               Columbia (1987)
             Lexington, MA                                                      Waynesboro, PA
             Phone: (781) 862-9001             Profile: Marcia S . Wagner is the founder   Phone: (717) 762-1555
             Cell: (339) 222-2822              of The Wagner Law Group, a certified   E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@
             E-mail: dan@rapperport .com       woman-owned and operated business and   me .com
                                               one of the nation’s largest and most highly
            (Please see our resume on page 114 for further   regarded boutique law firms, specializing   (Please see our resume on page 109 for further
            details.)                          in ERISA, employee benefits, executive   details.)                 EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               compensation and investment management
                                               law . She is a renowned authority on employee
                    EQUIPMENT                  benefits matters, including qualified and   EXECUTIVE COACHING
                                               non-qualified plans, fiduciary issues,
                                               deferred compensation, and welfare benefit
            Rapperport Associates, Inc.        arrangements . Ms . Wagner has served as an   Kevin A. Domingos, PhD
                                               expert witnesses in a wide variety of areas
             Daniel Rapperport                 of ERISA, employee benefits, executive   Boston Neuropsychological
             Lexington, MA                     compensation and investment management   Services, LLC
             Phone: (781) 862-9001             law, including many high-profile court cases.   Needham, Beverly, Chelmsford,
             Cell: (339) 222-2822              She has provided pivotal testimony for both   Lowell, Massachusetts
             E-mail: dan@rapperport .com       defendants (plans sponsors, custodians,   Needham, MA
                                               investment consultants, etc .) and plaintiffs
            (Please see our resume on page 114 for further   (plan participants) in cases involving defined   Phone: (781) 559-8444 ext . 102
                                                                                E-mail: kdomingos@bostonneuropsych .com
            details.)                          benefit pension plans (including cash balance
                                               plans) as well as defined contribution plans
                                               (including ESOPs and 401(k) and 403(b)   (Please see our resume on page 120 for further
              EQUIPMENT GUARDING               plans) . Ms . Wagner has represented clients
                                               with distinction in cases relating to plan
                                               design, benefit administration, financial issues,
                                               fiduciary matters, best practices and evolving   EXECUTIVE
            Rapperport Associates, Inc.        industry standards . Summaries of the cases   COMPENSATION
             Daniel Rapperport                 that Ms . Wagner has served as an expert
             Lexington, MA                     witness may be found here: https://http://www .
             Phone: (781) 862-9001             wagnerlawgroup .com/practice-areas/witness  Marcia S. Wagner
             Cell: (339) 222-2822
             E-mail: dan@rapperport .com     (Please see our resume on page 118 for further   The Wagner Law Group
                                             details.)                          Boston, MA
            (Please see our resume on page 114 for further                      Phone: (617) 357-5200
            details.)                                                           E-mail: marcia@wagnerlawgroup .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 118 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              29
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