Page 104 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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Real Estate Damages                                              ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025
                                                                           Goodman-Marks Associates, Inc.
          REAL ESTATE DAMAGES             Jeffrey J. Beal                    Matthew J. Guzowski, President
                                           President                         Corporate Headquarters
                                                                             170 Old Country Road, Suite 501
                                           Real Estate Solutions
        Jeffrey J. Beal                    5 Latonia Road                    Mineola, NY 11501
         President                         Rye Brook, NY 10573               Phone: (516) 248-9777
                                                                             E-mail: mguzowski@goodmanmarks .com
         Real Estate Solutions             Phone: (914) 690-0166             Web: http://www .goodmanmarks .com
         Rye Brook, NY                     E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com    blank
         Phone: (914) 690-0166             Web: http://www .resol .us/       New York City Office
         E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com                                        420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 2154
                                           Degrees/Licenses: Professional Licenses   New York, NY 10170
        (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   *New York State Certified General Real Estate   Phone: (212) 324-2860
        details.)                          Appraiser ID #46000012423         E-mail: mguzowski@goodmanmarks .com
                                           *Yellow Book Qualified (UASFLA)   Web: http://www .goodmanmarks .com
                                           *HUD/FHA/VA Approved Appraiser   blank
                REAL ESTATE                *New York State Approved Real Estate   New Jersey Office
                                           Appraiser, Real Estate Instructor & Trainee
               DEVELOPMENT                 Supervisor                        55 Madison Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                             Morristown, NJ 07960
                                           *Appraisal Foundation/AQB Qualified USPAP   Phone: (973) 285-3195
                                           Instructor                        E-mail: mguzowski@goodmanmarks .com
        Jeffrey J. Beal                    *New York State Department of Transportation   Web: http://www .goodmanmarks .com
         President                         Approved General Appraiser
                                           *New York State Approved Small Claims
         Real Estate Solutions             Assessment Review Officer         Profile: The firm of Goodman-Marks
                                                                             Associates, Inc ., is a real estate consulting
         Rye Brook, NY                                                       and appraisal company . Members and
         Phone: (914) 690-0166             Profile: Mr . Beal has 40 years’ experience in   executives are licensed general real estate
         E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com      multiple phases of the real estate industry, and   appraisers in New York, New Jersey,
                                           has been a Certified General Appraiser since   Connecticut and throughout the United States .
        (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   1992.  As such, he has consulted and testified   Goodman-Marks Associates, Inc . is also a
        details.)                          as an expert in local, state and federal cases   real estate brokerage firm licensed by the
                                           in a variety of matters related to real property   State of New York .
                                           or interests in real property where there is
         REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS             an issue of valuation, loss in value, damages   Goodman- Marks and its predecessor firm
                                           or taxation . He is also an expert in issues
                                                                             have been in the real estate valuation and
                                           involving zoning and variances . In addition,   consulting field for over 50 years. Our large
                                           Mr . Beal is an expert on appraisal ethics and   company staff is comprised of appraisers,
        Jeffrey J. Beal                    practice .                        researchers, editorial and clerical personnel .
         President                                                           Appraisal designations of various personnel
         Real Estate Solutions             He is comfortable in front both a judge and a   include MAI, SRA, IFA and others .
         Rye Brook, NY                     jury having taught appraisal and real estate
                                           courses since 2000 (4,000+ class room
         Phone: (914) 690-0166             hours).  His teaching included certificate, pre   Members of the firm have testified regarding
         E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com                                        the value of land and buildings before the
                                           licensing and continuing education courses   Supreme Court of the State of New York, the
                                           at 2 year and 4 year colleges and private real   Court of Claims of New York State, the United
        (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   estate schools .
        details.)                                                            States Federal Court and the United States
                                                                             Bankruptcy Court . Testimony also has been
                                           Mr. Beal’s experience and services   presented to municipalities throughout the
                                           include:                          New York metropolitan area .
           REAL ESTATE EXPERT              *Eminent domain (partial and total takings)
           WITNESS TESTIMONY               *Tax Certiorari                   Assignments completed include: shopping
                                           *Variance applications
                                                                             centers (incl . super regional centers), retail
                                           *Forensic analysis and review of appraisals   properties, office buildings, department stores,
                                                                             gas stations, apartment complexes, HUD
        Rudi O. Sherbansky, P.E., F. NSPE  Valuations for:                   Section 8 housing complexes and RCS rental
         ASPA Engineering LLC              *Estate tax planning and returns (including   studies, cooperative and
         New Rochelle, NY                  value of  Minority Interests)     condominium residential housing, senior
         Phone: (347) 635-5090             *Transfer taxes and  tax preference programs   housing (incl . nursing homes and assisted
         E-mail: rsherbansky@aspagroup .com  *Partnership disputes           living facilities), hospitals, mixed-use
                                           *Equitable distribution (including Price rule)   developments, hotels and motels, golf
        (Please see our complete listing under the   *Use and occupancy claims   courses, marinas, industrial and warehouse
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   *Bankruptcy        facilities and vacant land .
        Premises Liability)
                                           Damages due to or resulting from:   (Please see our resume on page 171 for further
                                           *Defects in title (title insurance claims)   details.)
                                           *Appraiser malpractice
                                           *Building code violations
                                           *Wrongful lease termination
                                           *Building collapses/construction damage
                                           *Legal malpractice
                                           *Insurance malpractice
                                           *Breach of lease
                                           *Property mismanagement
                                           *Failure to maintain
                                           *Design & construction defects
                                           *Building Collapses
                                           *Fire Damage/Flood Damage
                                          (Please see our resume on page 158 for further
        90                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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