Page 132 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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Accident & Injury (Medical)                                      ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025
                                                                           Steve C. Imber, Ph.D., LLC
                                          ADDICTION (PSYCHIATRY)             Psychoeducational Consultants
          Medical Experts                                                    President
                                                                             Fresh Meadows, NY
                                          Richard J. Frances, M.D.           Phone: (516) 273-1961
                                           Psychiatry                        E-mail: scimber1@aol .com
                                           180 East End Avenue 17 F        blank
                                           New York, NY 10128                Providence, RI
                                                                             Phone: (401) 421-4004
            ACCIDENT & INJURY              Phone: (914) 217-4417             E-mail: scimber1@aol .com
                                           Fax: (212) 427-5516
                 (MEDICAL)                 E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com
                                                                           (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                           following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                           Profile: Richard Frances M .D ., provides
        Michael D. Leibowitz, M.D., C.M.D.  expert testimony in cases related to psychiatry,   Special Education)
         Advanced Pain Medicine &          addiction, alcohol/drug, PTSD, Anxiety,
                                           medical malpractice, pain/suicide/overdose,
         Rehabilitation, P.C.              product liability, personal injury, disability,   ADULT PSYCHIATRY
         Roslyn Heights, NY                criminality, diminished capacity, contested
         Phone: (516) 662-7756             wills, DUI, hospital/prison safety/security/
         E-mail: MLeibowitzMD@gmail .com   quality assurance, and Family Law . An   Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine
                                           Adjunct Clinical Professor at UMDNJ, Rutgers   Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Medical School, he is in private practice,
        following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   and Senior Medical Adviser and Emeritus   Cambridge, MA
        Physical Medicine)                 President and Medical Director of Silver Hill   Phone: (617) 492-8366
                                           Hospital, Board certified in Psychiatry and   E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu
        Edmond Provder                     Addiction Psychiatry by the American Board   (Please see our resume on page 186 for further
         Occupational Assessment           of Psychiatry and Neurology, he is licensed   details.)
                                           in New York . A Distinguished Fellow of the
         Services, Inc.                    American Psychiatric Association, a Fellow
         Sunny Isles Beach, FL             of the American College of Psychiatrists, and   Richard J. Frances, M.D.
         Phone: (800) 292-1919             elected to the Benjamin Rush Society, he was   Psychiatry
         E-mail: edprovder@oasinc .org     founder and first president of the American   New York, NY
                                           Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, a cofounder   Phone: (914) 217-4417
        (Please see our resume on page 192 for further   and an associated editor of the American   E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com
        details.)                          Journal on Addictions, on editorial boards of
                                           peer reviewed journals, coauthored the first
        David W. Silver MD FACEP           Addiction Psychiatry Board Examination,   (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                           following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Silver Emergency Experts LLC      chaired the Council of Addiction Psychiatry   Addiction (Psychiatry))
                                           (APA,) and author and editor (200 articles,
         Roslyn, NY                        chapters, and 35 textbooks) . He ran a
         Phone: (773) 580-4175             U .S . Navy Alcohol Treatment Center, was
         E-mail: David@EM-Expert .com      Associate Professor at Cornell Medical   ALCOHOL TOXICOLOGY
                                           School, and Professor /Vice Chairman,
        (Please see our resume on page 195 for further   Psychiatry /New Jersey Medical School,
        details.)                          Chairman/ Hackensack University Medical   Richard Stripp
                                           Center, did disabilities evaluations for the NFL,   Toxicologist
                                           guested on Court TV, and consulted on the
                                           DSM IV .                          American Scientific Consultants
                                                                             132 Cove Road
                                                                             Huntington, NY 11743
                                             ADDICTION MEDICINE              Phone: (516) 635-9916
                                                                             E-mail: rstripp@forensictox .com
                                                                             Web:  http://www .forensictox .com
                                          Richard J. Frances, M.D.           Profile: American Scientific Consultants is
                                           Psychiatry                        a full service pharmacology and toxicology
                                           New York, NY                      consulting practice, providing services
                                           Phone: (914) 217-4417             related to all aspects of forensic, clinical,
                                           E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com     environmental, and general toxicology .
                                                                             Working with attorneys, insurance clients,
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   corporations, and law enforcement agencies,
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   American Scientific Consultants provides
                                          Addiction (Psychiatry))            impartial evaluations involving drug effects,
                                                                             overdose, toxic chemical exposure, medical
                                                                             malpractice associated with drug therapy,
                                                      ADHD                   poisoning, and the role of drugs, alcohol,
                                                                             or chemical exposure in civil and criminal
                                                                             litigation .
                                          Dr. Lawrence Amsel               (Please see our resume on page 184 for further
                                           Columbia University             details.)
                                           New York, NY
                                           Phone: (917) 576-8172
                                           E-mail: lamsel01@gmail .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 185 for further

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