Page 33 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025 Cell Phones
Michael J. Garibaldi, CPA/ABV/CFF/ in Court, he has the ability to explain the
CGMA CASE MANAGEMENT technical aspects of our digital world to a jury
Garibaldi Group so that a lay person can understand them .
Garden City, NY Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of
Phone: (516) 288-7400 Steven A. Tasher, Esq. cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents,
E-mail: michael@garibaldicpas .com, lisa@ Chief Executive Officer Insurance Fraud, Workers Comp, Personal
garibaldicpas .com Injury, Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery,
Wyatt Partners Arson, and Homicide, in both State and
(Please see our resume on page 169 for further Berkeley Heights, NJ Federal Court where cellular phone data and
details.) Phone: (908) 561-7483 other digital evidence records were a key
E-mail: stasher@wyattpartners .com piece of evidence .
BUSINESS/ERP (Please see our resume on page 182 for further Mr . Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the
SOFTWARE HTCIA International “Case of the Year Award”
(2011 - “People vs . Bulos Zumot” and 2015 -
“State of Texas vs . George De La Cruz”) and
CELL PHONE BATTERY Featured in “Law Enforcement Technology
Brooks Hilliard FIRES Magazine” May 2011 issue . Jim also appeared
Business Automation on ON THE CASE WITH PAULA ZAHN
Associates, Inc. episode “Texts, Lies, and videotape” . He is
a P .O .S .T ./ICI Instructor for the South Valley,
11811 N . Tatum Blvd, Ste 3031 C.J. Abraham, Sacramento, & San Diego Regional Training
Phoenix, AZ 85028-1632 P.E., DFE, Ph.D., JD, DEE, FRSC, Centers and is an instructor for CDAA
Phone: (602) 264-9263 (California District Attorney Association) .
E-mail: bhilliard@computerexpertwitness .com FTI, IH, CChem, ChE, CPC He is a member of HTCIA (High Technology
Web: http://www .computerexpertwitness .com Scientific Advisory Services, LTD Crime Investigation Association) and
Great Neck, NY SWGDE (Scientific Working Group for Digital
Profile: Brooks Hilliard has testified more than Phone: (516) 482-5374 Evidence) .
60 times as a computer expert witness and Cell: (516) 974-7565
has been engaged on more than 100 such E-mail: cjabraham1@gmail .com Additionally, Mr . Cook’s forensic examiners
matters for both plaintiffs and defendants . have the ability to unlock and download
He has done expert witness and consulting (Please see our resume on page 155 for further cellular phones and various digital devices .
assignments in 35 states, and has qualified details.)
as an expert witness on computer software For more detailed information, give Mr . Cook
and hardware (including ERP, SCM and CRM a call .
systems) in both state and federal litigation . CELL PHONES
His expert witness engagements have (Please see our complete listing under the
included courtroom and deposition testimony following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
in lawsuits, arbitrations, mediations and formal Cellular Evidence Analysis)
governmental hearings . Jim Cook
Premier Cellular
Mr . Hilliard has worked as a computer and Mapping & Analytics
management consultant since the 1980s
including more than 200 computer/software ...your Wireless
selection assignment, and has experience in Experts...
software development, project management, Ripon, CA 95366 EXPERT CATEGORIES
and computer/software sales and marketing . Phone: (209) 606-2665
Fax: (209) 545-0345
E-mail: jim@premiercma .com
CAD DRAWINGS Web: https://premiercma .com/
Degrees/Licenses: Carrier training by AT&T,
Verizon, Sprint/Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS,
Frank Ferrantello Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel
Ferrantello Group P.C. Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch .
New York, NY
Phone: (516) 248 2766 Versed in all Carrier billing formats
E-mail: frank@fgrouppc .com and network operations . In addition to,
manufacture training by Motorola, Fujitsu,
(Please see our resume on page 168 for further Nokia, Samsung, LG, RIM, Ericsson,
details.) Technocel, and Shintom .
Profile: Jim Cook works nationally as
a Wireless Expert with over 37 years of
experience in the Wireless Industry . He is
versed in all Carrier billing formats . He can
analyze the current facts and digital evidence
in a case and make recommendations to Law
Enforcement and Attorneys (in Civil Matters)
on ways to maximize the evidence available
from cellular phones, the carrier/service
providers, social media, device exams, IoT
(internet of things) data, vehicle infotainment/
telematics data, video and other digital
evidence . Mr . Cook then analyzes the data
and can map the activity associated with the
device(s) . His analysis and mapping provide a
graphic representation of the records, showing
the location of device(s) during a specific event
or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies
Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness 19