Page 51 - ALMExperts 2025 New York Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New York Edition 2025                                          Document Identification
                                             Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.
              DIVORCE-RESIDENTIAL              Forensic Document                        DOCUMENT
             REAL ESTATE FINANCING             Examinations, LLC                     IDENTIFICATION
                                               220 East 57th Street, Suite 200,
                                               New York, NY 10022
                                               Phone: (212) 888-8181
            Jeffrey J. Beal                    Fax: (888) 634-4330             Access Forensic Group, LLC
             President                         E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com      Richard T. Picciochi
             Real Estate Solutions                                              Forensic Document Examiner
             Rye Brook, NY                     Degrees/Licenses: M .S . in Forensic Science   Floral Park, NY
             Phone: (914) 690-0166             and J .D . degree, George Washington   Phone: (516) 326-1122
             E-mail: resol .jb@gmail .com      University (1975)                E-mail: rtp@accessforensicgroup .com
                                               Member of New York, Florida, California and
            (Please see our resume on page 158 for further   D .C Bars         (Please see our resume on page 156 for further
            details.)                          Diplomate, Board of Forensic Document   details.)
                                               Examiners (certified through testing by FSAB
                                               accredited board)               Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.
               DOCUMENT ANALYSIS               Profile: Andrew Sulner is a board certified   Forensic Document
                                               forensic document examiner whose expert   Examinations, LLC
                                               testimony has been favorably cited in   New York, NY
            Access Forensic Group, LLC         numerous federal and state court decisions .   Phone: (212) 888-8181
             Richard T. Picciochi              The Sulner name is associated with three   E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com
             Forensic Document Examiner        generations of document examiners . Mr .
                                               Sulner has over 30 years of experience
             Floral Park, NY                   in examining questioned and disputed   (Please see our resume on page 180 for further
             Phone: (516) 326-1122             documents on behalf of major law firms,   details.)
             E-mail: rtp@accessforensicgroup .com  banks, insurance companies and financial
                                               institutions, as well as federal and state law
            (Please see our resume on page 156 for further   enforcement and regulatory agencies . He has
            details.)                          been retained in many high profile cases and
                                               is qualified to handle the most complex issues
                                               concerning the authenticity or fraudulent
            DOCUMENT EXAMINATION               preparation of documentary evidence .
                                               See Sulner, Andrew (2018) “Critical Issues
                                               Affecting the Reliability and Admissibility of
            Access Forensic Group, LLC         Handwriting Identification Opinion Evidence
                                               - How They Have Been Addressed (or Not)
             Richard T. Picciochi              Since the 2009 NAS Report, and How They
             Forensic Document Examiner        Should Be Addressed Going Forward: A
             Floral Park, NY                   Document Examiner Tells All,” Seton Hall Law
             Phone: (516) 326-1122             Review: Vol . 48 : Iss . 3 , Article 5 .  Available
             E-mail: rtp@accessforensicgroup .com  at: https://scholarship .shu .edu/shlr/vol48/
            (Please see our resume on page 156 for further
            details.)                          Forensic Document Examinations, LLC is                             EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                               a modern, full-service forensic laboratory
                                               located in the heart of New York City . The
                                               FDE Laboratory is equipped with state-of-
                                               the art instrumentation and equipment for
                                               examining and identifying handwriting, hand
                                               printing, typewriting, computer-generated
                                               printing, stamp impressions, paper,
                                               photocopies, inks and writing instruments;
                                               determining the authenticity of signatures;
                                               detecting erasures, alterations, additions
                                               and substitutions; differentiating inks,
                                               writing instruments and paper; deciphering
                                               (restoring) erased, obliterated and indented
                                               text; examining Medical Records and
                                               Business Records to determine evidence of
                                               reconstruction (preparation other than in the
                                               ordinary course of business); establishing the
                                               source of origin and method of preparation
                                               of documents; determining the sequence
                                               of preparation and relative date (age) of
                                               documents or entries thereon; and computer
                                               forensics tools for determining the integrity
                                               of electronic documentary evidence . Mobile
                                               laboratory equipment is available for on-site
                                               comprehensive forensic examinations and
                                               testing of documents .
                                             (Please see our resume on page 180 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              37
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