Page 106 - ALMExperts 2025 Southeastern Directory
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Swamps/Wet Lands                                                 ALM EXPERTS: Southeast Edition 2025

           SWAMPS/WET LANDS                SWAT POLICE TRAINING                  SWIMMING POOL

        Hugh D. Dinkler                   Spencer Fomby                    Trevor A. Sherwood II
         Ecological Services Associates,   Law Enforcement Tactical          Pool Operation
         LLC                               Consultants                       Management
         280 Abalone Road                  Austin, TX                        231 Chambersbridge Road,
         Venice, FL 34293                  Phone: (916) 595-0560             Unit C
         Phone: (941) 330-5549             E-mail: spencer@leexperts .net    Brick, NJ 08723
         E-mail: hdinkler@ecologicalsa .com                                  Phone: (732) 451-1040
         Web: http://www .ecologicalsa .com  (Please see our resume on page 158 for   Fax: (732) 451-1630
                                          further details.)                  E-mail: pom4info@gmail .com
         Degrees/Licenses: * B .S ., Wildlife Ecology,                       Web: http://www .pooloperationmanagement .
         University of Florida, 1986                                         com
         * M .S ., Agricultural Operations Management,   SWAT TEAMS
         University of Florida, 1990                                         Degrees/Licenses: PHTA (NSPF®) Certified
                                                                             Pool/Spa Operator® (CPO® Certified)
         Profile: Mr . Dinkler has extensive experience                      and Instructor, PHTA (NSPF®) Advanced
         preparing, submitting, and defending   Spencer Fomby                Service Technician™ (AST™) Instructor,
         applications to local governments, the   Law Enforcement Tactical   Certified Pool/Spa Inspector™ (CPI™),
         Water Management Districts, the Florida   Consultants               PHTA (APSP) Certified Building Professional
         Department of Environmental Protection,   Austin, TX                (CBP) & Course Instructor, PHTA (APSP)
         the U .S . Army Corps of Engineers, the   Phone: (916) 595-0560     Certified Service Professional (CSP) &
         Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation   E-mail: spencer@leexperts .net  Course Instructor, PHTA (APSP) Certified
         Commission, and the U .S . Fish and Wildlife                        Service Technician Instructor (CST) &
         Service .  Mr . Dinkler has served as an expert   (Please see our resume on page 158 for   Course Instructor, PHTA (APSP) Certified
         witness in the administrative hearing, federal   further details.)  Maintenance Specialist (CMS) & Course
         appeal and takings arenas associated with                           Instructor, PHTA (APSP) Professional Pool &
         regulatory challenges to permit applications                        Spa Operator (PPSO) and Instructor, National
         or proprietary authorizations for the state of                      Plasterers Council Start-Up Technician,
         Florida .  Mr . Dinkler’s detailed knowledge of   SWIMMING          Attended over 500 hours of pool related
         federal, state and local regulations and state                      courses and seminars .
         proprietary processes have allowed him to
         provide compliance, litigation, and permit   Trevor A. Sherwood II  Profile: Swimming pool consultant with
         application support that have facilitated   Pool Operation Management  over 30 years of experience in service,
         positive outcomes for private and public sector                     consulting, training/education, code/regulation
         clients within Florida .          Brick, NJ                         development, and expert witness . Contributed
                                           Phone: (732) 451-1040             to aquatic textbooks and related articles,
                                           E-mail: pom4info@gmail .com       influenced State Recreational Bathing
                                                                             Codes, and presented at national industry
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   conferences . Provided leadership to such
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   organizations as PHTA (former NSPF® and
                                          Swimming Pool)                     APSP), NESPA, CAI - NJ, NJAA, NJPRS,
                                                                             PRPS and NJ and MA Health Departments .
                                                                             Named to the VGB training team to NESPA
                                                                             by CPSC to provide training services on
                                                                             compliance to health and building code
                                                                             officials in NJ, PA, CT and NY. In 2016, named
                                                                             to the NSPF® Advanced Service Technician™
                                                                             (AST) Review Committee and Team of Pilot
                                                                             Instructors . In 2019, named to the Pool &
                                                                             Hot Tub Alliance’s first Education Task Force
                                                                             and one of five providers for a new required
                                                                             training for pool directors in the State of New
                                                                             Jersey . In 2020 and 2021, selected to present
                                                                             Pool Chemistry module for Environmental
                                                                             Public Health program for NJREHS licensing .
                                                                             In 2021, named to the PHTA-1 and PHTA-2
                                                                             Standard Writing Committee (SWC), as well
                                                                             as the PHTA CPO® Advisory Council . In
                                                                             2022, the Stated Health Department hired
                                                                             to train New Jersey Health Officials how to
                                                                             perform pool inspections per the bathing code .
                                                                             In 2023, contracted to provide a webinar for
                                                                             NJ state health officials regarding hot tub
                                                                             design, maintenance, and recommended
                                                                             control measures as it pertains to Legionella .
                                                                             Also, contracted by Randolph, MA health
                                                                             department for inspection of all commercial
                                                                             pools .

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