Page 172 - ALMExperts 2025 Southeastern Directory
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NON-MEDICAL RESUMES                                           ALM EXPERTS: Southeastern Edition 2025

                                                   Spencer Fomby
                                                       Police Captain
                                                        PO Box 301258
                                                        Austin, Tx 78703
                                                      spencer@leexperts .net
                                                     https://www .leexperts .net/

                                             SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE
                    EDUCATION                22 year veteran law enforcement officer . Experienced Police Captain, SWAT

                    B .A Administration of Justice   Commander, and Police trainer with 20 years’ experience working in the San
                    Howard University,       Francisco Bay Area . Captain of the Boise PD Training, Education and
                    Washington DC, USA 1997   Development Division .

                    Visiting Fellow in Police Science   Managed development and implementation of department training and education

                    University of Derby, U .K   program through annual organizational needs assessment . Designed,
                    2016-2021                developed, and implemented an annual training plan and evaluated training

                                             results . Developed, planned, managed, and implemented police training activities
                    MEMBERSHIPS              and programs, including the recruit academy, field training program, quarterly

                    National Tactical Officers   training, and leadership development .
                                             Created two CA POST approved De-escalation courses . Certified Force Science
                    California Association of   Analyst and Force Science Realistic De-escalation Instructor .

                    Tactical Officers
                                             Instructor in the following disciplines: defensive tactics, firearms, active shooter

                    Intl . Law Enforcement   response, tactical de-escalation, crowd control/management, less-lethal
                    Educators and Trainers Assoc .   weapons, counter-ambush, chemical agents, sting balls, flash bangs, live-fire
                                             shoot house, scenario based training, and close quarter tactics .
                    Intl . Association of Chiefs of
                    Police                   QUALIFICATIONS

                    AWARDS                         National Tactical Officers Association Public Order Section Chair .

                    2011 Berkeley Police Dept .    Coordinated the creation of the Public Order Unit National Standard .
                    Officer of the Year            Coordinated the creation of specialized public order training for law

                                                   enforcement .
                    2013 First Place Urban Shield

                    SWAT Competition (Team         Involved in 1000+ high-risk tactical operations, including being assigned

                                                   as Squad Leader in 75+ crowd control events .
                                                   SME in public order equipment and tactics for DHS First Responder
                                                   Resource Group . Identified police protective equipment deficiencies and
                                                   made recommendations for new designs . Identified limitations of current
                                                   crowd dispersal options and gave guidance for manufacturers to develop
                                                   new less-lethal technologies .
                                                   SME in public order for a National Institute of Justice Special Technical
                                                   Committee on Public Order Unit Equipment . Worked with NIJ scientists
                                                   to create national standards for police protective equipment .
                                                   SME in active shooter response for the International Association of
                                                   Chiefs of Police Collaborative Reform Initiative Technical Assistance

                                                   Center (CRI-TAC) .

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