Page 25 - ALMExperts 2025 Southeastern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southeast Edition 2025                                      Aviation & Industrial Safety

            AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE                 AUTOMOTIVE LIFTS                        AVIATION

            David Bano                       Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
             Property Casualty Expert        MBA, CFEI, CFII
             Sarasota, FL                      President & CEO
             Phone: (614) 519-5389             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
             E-mail: davebano212@gmail .com
            (Please see our resume on page 149 for   Lubbock, TX
            further details.)                  Phone: (806) 368-9811           Kit Darby
                                               E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
                                                                                BS - Aeronautical Studies,
                   AUTOMOBILES               (Please see our resume on page 171 for   Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
                                             further details.)
                    VALUATION                                          Aviation
                                                                                Consulting, LLC
                                              AUTOMOTIVE ROLLOVERS              1029 N Peachtree Pkwy, S-352
            Peter Gampel, ABV/CFF, ASA, CBV,                                    Peachtree City, GA 30269
            CPA                                                                 Phone: (877) 334-2939; (678) 833-5620
             Gampel Forensic and Valuation,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Cell: (678) 776-5633
             Inc.                            MBA, CFEI, CFII                    Fax: (770) 487-6617
                                                                                E-mail: kitdarby@gmail .com
             Fort Lauderdale, FL               President & CEO                  Web: http://www .KitDarby .com
             Phone: (954) 332-2404             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
             E-mail: pgampel@forensicandvaluation .com
                                               LLC                              Degrees/Licenses: BS Aeronautical Studies;
            (Please see our complete listing under the   Lubbock, TX            Airline Transport Pilot: B-717, 727, 737, 757,
                                                                                767, DC-9, DC-8
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (806) 368-9811
            Business Damages)                  E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
                                                                                Profile: Kit Darby is a nationally recognized
                                             (Please see our resume on page 171 for   airline pilot career expert with 35 years’
                                                                                experience in pilot screening, selection,
                   AUTOMOTIVE                further details.)                  and training . He specializes in pilot career
                   ENGINEERING                                                  earnings, employability models, pilot career
                                                                                value, pilot forecasting, and pilot hiring
                                                                                requirements and he is available as an expert
                                                                                witness for written reports, depositions, and
            Dennis W. Eckstine                                                  trials . He also offers litigation support, case
             Matthew Eckstine                                                   preparation and case analysis .  Kit provides
             Eckstine & Associates, Inc.                                        statistical data and guidance through the
             Waynesboro, PA                                                     constantly changing aviation industry .
             Phone: (717) 762-1555
             E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@                       Mr . Darby is currently an ATP-CTP Instructor
             me .com                                                            Pilot on the B-757/767, B-737, and B-717   EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                                                                Teaching Simulator and Ground School for
                                                                                DELTA Professional Services in Atlanta, GA .
            (Please see our resume on page 156 for                              Previously he was a B-717 & B-737 Simulator
            further details.)
                                                                                Instructor for Boeing & DELTA Global Services
                                                                                from 2007-2015 . A retired B-767 Captain
            Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,                                   with United Airlines, and military instructor
            MBA, CFEI, CFII                                                     pilot, Mr . Darby has interviewed 21 times
             President & CEO                                                    with 17 different airlines and worked with four
             Real-World Forensic Engineering,                                   Major, one National airline, and an aircraft
                                                                                manufacturer since 1978 .
             Lubbock, TX                                                        Mr. Darby’s flight experience includes
             Phone: (806) 368-9811                                              25,000+ hours’ total time, 15,000 hours jet
             E-mail: info@expertengineering .com                                time . Mr . Darby was the president of Aviation
                                                                                Information Resources AIR, Inc ., the largest
            (Please see our resume on page 171 for                              pilot career information resource company for
            further details.)                                                   pilots for 25 years (1984 to 2009) .
                                                                                AVIATION & INDUSTRIAL

                                                                               Shem Malmquist, MSc, FRAeS
                                                                                Malmquist System Safety, LLC
                                                                                Melbourne, FL
                                                                                Phone: (901) 302-0779
                                                                                E-mail: shem@malmquistsafety .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 165 for
                                                                               further details.)

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              11
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