Page 202 - ALMExperts 2024 Southwestern Directory
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NON-MEDICAL RESUMES                                           ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2024

                                                                         Ms. Rhonda Harper, MBA
                                                     [email protected]

              Ms. Harper, Owner, Harper Litigation Consulting and Research, has the
              expertise and experience that makes her uniquely court qualified across
              many types of cases.

              As a former top marketing executive for several Fortune 500 companies,
              general manager for a leading global communications agency, adjunct
              marketing professor, and serial entrepreneur, she has been retained by
              hundreds of law firms in cases regarding intellectual property
              infringement, misleading advertising, licensing, breach of contract and performance, unfair
              competition, trade practices, consumer privacy, commercial reasonableness, and personal injury.

              Since 2005, Ms. Harper has testified in virtually every Federal Circuit Court, along with State
              Courts, USPTO, TTAB, and in arbitrations through both AAA and JAMS. A leading survey expert,
              she has conducted or rebutted more than 200 Lanham Act trademark, trade dress, and advertising
              surveys. She has provided deposition and courtroom testimony more than 100 times. In 2022 alone,
              Ms. Harper provided expert testimony that helped clients garner more than $65 million in awards
              and settlements.

              Select Former Employment                    •  Board of Directors, Insights Association
              •  Chief Marketing Officer & Vice President   •  Member, American Bar Association
                 of Marketing, Walmart Sam’s Club         •  Member, International Trademark
              •  Chief Marketing Officer & Vice President    Association
                 of Marketing, VF Corporation VFI         •  Member, Data & Marketing Association
              •  Senior Vice President & General          •  Member, American Marketing Association
                 Manager, Ketchum Communications          •  Member, Institute of International Research
              •  Global Director, Marketing               •  Member, American Association for Public
                 Communications, UPS                         Opinion Research
              •  Marketing Promotion Director, Nabisco    •  Member, Public Relations Society of
                 Biscuit Division                            America
              •  Adjunct Marketing Professor, American    Education
                                                          •  Master of Business Administration, Emory
                 University                                  University Goizueta Business School – Vice
              •  Adjunct Marketing Professor, Fairleigh      President, Business School, 1988
                 Dickinson University                     •  Bachelor of Science, Education/Math
              Select Affiliations                            Resource, Illinois State University – Faculty
              •  Board of Directors, Brand Activation        Advisor, 1984


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