Page 8 - ALMExperts 2025 National Accident Investigation/Reconstruction & Safety Directory
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Alphabetical Areas of Expertise Index              ALM EXPERTS: National Accident & Safety Edition 2025
        Equine Accident Reconstruction .................................. 20  Intellectual Property Litigation Assistance ....................... 31, 70
        Equine -- See also Horses ....................................... 20  J
        Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20  Jacks ..................................................... 31, 70
        Equipment Guarding......................................... 20, 70  Juvenile Furniture .............................................. 31
        Equipment & Machines....................................20, 64, 66
        Equipment Safety ........................................... 21, 64  L
        Ergonomics ................................................ 21, 70  Labels & Warnings .......................................... 31, 70
        Expert Referrals --                               Laboratory Testing ............................................. 31
           See also Referral Services................................ 21, 70  Ladders/Scaffolds........................................ 31, 64, 70
        Expert Testimony ........................................ 21, 65, 70  Land Use Planning .......................................... 31, 71
        Explosions.................................................... 21  Lasers .................................................... 31, 70
        F                                                 Latching Mechanisms........................................... 31
        Failure Analysis (Engineering) ..............................22, 66, 70  Law Enforcement ........................................... 32, 65
                                                          Lead Poisoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
        Failure Analysis (Materials)  ...................................22, 66  Legal/Litigation Support ...................................... 32, 70
        Failure Analysis (Metallurgy) .................................. 22, 70
        Falls ................................................23, 64, 68, 70  Lifts (General) ...........................................32, 64, 70
                                                          Lighting  ................................................... 32, 71
        Fasteners (Rivets, Bolts, Blind Fasteners)  .......................... 23
        Federal Motor Carrier                             Lightning .................................................. 32, 70
                                                          Lightning Damage.............................................. 32
           Safety Administration (FMCSA)......................23, 65, 69, 73
        Finite Element Analysis/Numerical Modeling ........................ 24  Litigation Assistance......................................... 32, 70
        Finite Element Analysis/Stress Analysis ......................24, 66, 70  Litigation Consultant......................................... 32, 70
        Fire Damage .................................................. 24  Logistics...................................................32, 69
        Fire & Explosions .............................................. 24  Low Speed Accidents........................................... 32
        Fire Investigation............................................... 24  M
        Fire Origin & Cause  ......................................... 24, 70  Machine ...................................................... 32
        Fires & Explosions .......................................... 24, 70  Machine Design  .........................................32, 66, 70
        Fitness Equipment  .......................................24, 65, 70  Machine Guards .........................................33, 64, 70
        Flammable Liquids & Gases .................................. 25, 73  Machinery & Equipment ...................................33, 66, 70
        Flash Floods .................................................. 25  Machine Safety .............................................33, 64
        Floods ....................................................... 25  Manufacturing-Design/Procedures ............................. 33, 70
        Floors Safety ...............................................25, 64  Manufacturing/Tools & Equipment.............................. 33, 70
        FMLA ........................................................ 25  Marijuana..................................................... 57
        Forensic Analysis ........................................... 25, 70  Marine Corrosion ...........................................33, 66
        Forensic Analysis (Materials)..................................... 25  Maritime Accidents .......................................... 33, 72
        Forensic Engineering .....................................25, 66, 70  Mass Transit Accidents....................................... 33, 72
        Forensic Investigations.......................................60, 65  Materials .................................................. 33, 70
        Forensic Meteorology........................................... 25  Materials Engineering........................................ 33, 70
        Forklifts ..........................................26, 63, 64, 70, 73  Materials Handling .......................................... 34, 70
        Foundation Design .......................................... 26, 71  Materials Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 70
        Furniture Design ............................................... 26  Mechanical ................................................ 34, 70
        Furniture Safety............................................. 26, 70  Mechanical Engineering...................................34, 66, 70
        Fuses ..................................................... 26, 70  Mechanical Illustrations ...................................... 34, 70
        G                                                 Mechanically Fastened Joints .................................... 34
        Galvanized Steel & Zinc ...................................... 26, 70  Medical Equipment .......................................... 34, 70
        Garden/Lawn Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26, 70  Medical & Health......................................... 57, 67, 71
        Glass ..................................................... 26, 70  Medical Liability............................................. 57, 71
        Glass, Automotive........................................... 26, 70  Medical Record Alterations Analysis............................ 57, 65
        Glass, Vehicle .............................................. 27, 70  Medical Toxicology ............................................. 58
        Guarding .................................................. 27, 70  Metal Chemistry ............................................ 34, 70
        H                                                 Metal Corrosion..........................................34, 66, 70
                                                          Metallurgical ............................................... 34, 70
        Harassment................................................... 27  Metallurgical Engineering.....................................34, 66
        Hazardous Chemicals  ....................................... 27, 73  Metallurgical Testing......................................... 35, 70
        Hazardous Materials............................................ 27  Metallurgy ................................................. 35, 70
        Hazardous Materials-Chemicals ............................... 27, 73  Metallurgy-Aluminum ........................................ 35, 70
        Hazardous Waste ........................................... 27, 63  Metallurgy Failure Analysis ................................35, 66, 70
        HAZMAT Transportation................................27, 63, 65, 73  Metallurgy-Galvanized Steel .................................. 35, 70
        HAZMAT Transportation-Oil & Gas............................. 28, 73  Metallurgy-Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings/Products ................ 35, 70
        Heavy Machinery/Large Machinery............................. 28, 70  Metallurgy-Iron/Cast Iron ..................................... 36, 70
        High Voltage ............................................... 28, 70  Metallurgy-Metal Fatigue ..................................36, 66, 70
        Highway/Street ................................................ 28  Metallurgy - Steel/Aluminum ..................................35, 66
        Hoists..................................................... 28, 70  Metallurgy-Steel Structural.................................... 36, 70
        Home Inspection............................................ 28, 71  Metals - Strength and Fatigue Properties ........................... 36
        Horses ....................................................... 28  Meteorology/Climatology ........................................ 36
        Horse Training................................................. 28  Multi-employer Worksite Safety.............................36, 63, 64
        Hospital Equipment.......................................... 29, 70
        Household Appliances ....................................... 29, 70  N
        Household Products ......................................... 29, 70  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) ...........36, 69
        Human Factors .......................................29, 65, 67, 72  Negligence In Hiring/Supervision  ................................. 36
        Human Resources ............................................. 29  Nickel Alloys ............................................... 36, 70
        I                                                 Non-Destructive Examination (NDE)............................... 36
        Impact Analysis................................................ 29  Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
        Industrial Accident Investigation & Reconstruction ................ 30, 64  O
        Industrial Accidents....................................... 30, 67, 70  Occupational, Environmental & Medical Toxicology  .................. 37
        Industrial & Consumer Products (Electrical)......................... 29  Occupational Exposure ......................................... 37
        Industrial Products ............................................. 30  Occupational Health & Safety ................................. 37, 64
        Industrial Safety .........................................30, 68, 70  Occupational Injury............................................. 37
        Injury Biomechanics ............................................ 30  Occupational Medicine.......................................... 58
        Inspection ................................................. 31, 71  Occupational Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
        Insurance Claims .............................................. 31  Occupational Therapy .......................................58, 65
        Intellectual Property Investigations ............................. 31, 65  Oil & Gas .................................................. 37, 70

        vi                                       * Bold represents the beginning of Category in Expert Witness Listings
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