Page 5 - ALMExperts 2021 Legal Experts Pages (Western Directory)
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“I found the experts TASA referred not only

           qualified, but available on a moment’s notice.”

                              “TASA stands for Tops At Serving Attorneys.

                                  It’s always rewarding working with TASA.”

       “I use TASA                                                     One phone call

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       in nearly every                                   to TASA, and in less

       case where I                                              than a day, TASA
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       need to find an                                            called back with a

        S.K.S., Corporate Senior Attorney, Dallas, TX
       expert witness.”                                         list of 8-10 experts

                                                                   who were exactly

             “TASA found the ‘needle-in-the

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             feared didn’t exist.”

                      When quality and variety matter,

                trust TASA when choosing an expert.

        65 COUNTIN G
            YEARS &
                                         For more than 60 years, we have delivered:

                                         • Quality expert witnesses from more than 11,000 fi elds

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                                         • No charge until an expert is designated or engaged
         The Best Source For             •  Industry-leading innovations like free, expert-led CLE webinars,
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              800-523-2319               When you want the shortest route to the largest
           [email protected]           range of experts, think The TASA Group.
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