Page 132 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Safety Engineering                                             ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022

           SAFETY ENGINEERING                SAFETY INSPECTIONS                 SAFETY SYSTEMS

                                          C.J. Abraham, PhD, PE, DFE, FRIC,   Rapperport Associates, Inc.
                                          FTI, DEE                           Daniel Rapperport
                                           Scientific Advisory Services, LTD  Lexington, MA
                                           Great Neck, NY                    Phone: (781) 862-9001
                                           Phone: (516) 482-5374             Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822
        C.J. Abraham, PhD, PE, DFE, FRIC,   Cell: (516) 974-7565             E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
        FTI, DEE                           E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com     (Please see our resume on page 197 for further
         Scientific Advisory Services, LTD  (Please see our resume on page 175 for further   details.)
         3 Baker Hill Road                details.)
         Great Neck, NY 11023-1413
         Phone: (516) 482-5374                                                  SAFETY TRAINING
         Cell: (516) 974-7565
         Fax: (516) 482-1231                SAFETY MANAGEMENT
         E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com
         Web:                            Keith M. Cianfrani, Ed.D. (abd),
                                          TRC Environmental Corporation    MAS, CISM, CFI
         Degrees/Licenses: PhD, JD, FRSC, FTI,   Harry M. Neill, CIH         Aviation Safety Consultants, LLC
         DEE, IH, PE, DFE, CPC, CCHEM, BCEE,   Director, Indoor Air Quality and   Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) U.S.
                                           Microbiology                      Army
         Profile: Scientific Advisory Services, Ltd.   Exton, PA             3389 Conservation Trail, The Villages, FL
         has over forty-five years of international   Phone: (610) 524-5525  Phone: (352) 571-9348
         experience consulting to corporations,   Cell: (610) 283-1801       E-mail: kcianfrani@safety4pilots .com
         insurance companies, municipalities,   Toll Free Phone: (888) 873-9983
         government agencies and the legal profession   E-mail: hneill@trccompanies .com  (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
         in matters involving human factors, safety,                       details.)
         warnings and instructions, personal injury   (Please see our resume on page 202 for further
         and product liability, risk analysis, safety   details.)
         engineering & design, OSHA, Labor Law                                      SCAFFOLDS
         (Industrial Code) and ADA (Americans with
         Disabilities Act),  head and brain injuries . Dr .   SAFETY REGULATION
         Abraham has also consulted on over 1,500
         slip, trip, and fall cases over the last 45 years .               John J. Hare
                                                                             John J. Hare, RA, PE, PP, NAFE
         Dr . Carl Abraham is the former Director of   Stuart M. Statler     (S.M.)
         Sports, Recreation & the Athletics Division of   Safety Strategies  Turnersville, NJ
         Inter-City Testing & Consulting Corp .  He is   494 Bay Harbour Road  Phone: (856) 589-9302
         experienced in the identification, elimination,   Mooresville, NC 28117  E-mail: johnharepera@comcast .net
         and control of hazards in recreation facilities,   Phone: (704) 360-2100
         trampolines and trampolines facilities,   Fax: (704) 360-4590     (Please see our resume on page 186 for further
         amusement parks and school environments .   E-mail: esms99@gmail .com  details.)
         He is directly involved with sports & recreation   Web: stuartmstatler .com/
         safety standards, safety and design analysis
         of protective equipment, consumer products,   Profile: Providing litigation support and
         warnings and instructions . He is also   expert testimony on consumer product safety,   SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION
         involved in the evaluation for every type of   product risks & standards, and manufacturer
         protective headgear, helmets, and analysis   & seller responsibility in products liability and
         of head injuries such as brain trauma and   negligence actions on behalf of both plaintiff &   James Rappoport, AIA, NCARB,
         concussions .  Dr . Abraham is a Diplomate in   defense .   Also provide strategic consulting to   CSI, ICC, USGBC
         Sports & Recreation Safety .      corporate clients and counsel, insurance firms,
                                           and trial attorneys .   Specialized knowledge   Principal - Architect of Record
         Dr . Abraham can also be reached at:   covers recalls, warnings, product standards,   Daroff Design Inc. + DDI
         cjabraham1@gmail .com             testing, compliance, reporting obligations,   Architects PC
                                           human factors, unreasonable risks, and   Philadelphia, PA
        (Please see our resume on page 175 for further   Consumer Product Safety Commission   Phone: (215) 636-9900
        details.)                          interface .   Served as CPSC Commissioner   Cell: (215) 882-3101
                                           for 7 years, and acting-Chairman;   also   E-mail: jamesr@daroffdesign .com
        ElectroQuest, LLC                  VP for Product Liability & Risk Assessment
         John M. Tobias, Ph.D., P.E.       of AT Kearney, international management   blank  Phone: Covid Era Home Office Phone (215)
         Principal Consulting Engineer     consultants .   Engaged in more than 350   242-2113
                                           product-related cases.  Testified over 120
         Oxford, PA                        times .
         Phone: (732) 270-2775                                             (Please see our resume on page 198 for further
         E-mail: jmt@electroquest-llc .com  (Please see our resume on page 200 for further   details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 183 for further

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