Page 141 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022                                      Software Project Failure

            Tony Mason                            SOFTWARE PIRACY                 SOFTWARE PROJECT
             614 Nashua ST #139                                                          FAILURE
             Milford, NH 03055
             Phone: (888) 678-9891           DisputeSoft
             E-mail: tony@wamason .com       Experts in Software-Related       Brooks Hilliard
             Web: http://www .wamason .com
                                             Disputes                           Business Automation Associates,
             Degrees/Licenses: 2017 - Present Doctor of   Dr. Raj Subbu, President &   Inc.
             Philosophy (In Progress)          Managing Member                  Phoenix, AZ
             Computer Science                  Anne Ackerman                    Phone: (602) 264-9263
             University of British Columbia                                     E-mail: bhilliard@computerexpertwitness .com
                                                Tom Ashley
             2015 - 2017 Master of Science      Lubomyr Chabursky              (Please see our complete listing under the
             Computer Science                   Evan D’Aversa                  following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
             Georgia Institute of Technology    Nick Ferrara                   Business/ERP Software)

             1983 - 1987 Bachelor of Science    Aaron Green                    DisputeSoft
              Mathematics                       Frank Hydoski
             University of Chicago              G. Hunter Jones                Experts in Software-Related
             Profile: Tony Mason’s expertise is in computer    Aparna V. Kaliappan   Dr. Raj Subbu, President &
             operating systems, which includes data    Allen Klein              Managing Member
             storage (forensics, recovery, file systems,    Andrew Milano
             databases), computer security (encryption,    Jeff C. Parmet       Anne Ackerman
             anti-virus, authentication, authorization),                         Tom Ashley
             computer networks (blockchain, distributed    Andrew Schulman       Lubomyr Chabursky
             systems, network protocols, RDMA), code    Josh Siegel
             analysis (comparison, reverse engineering,    J. Todd Trivett       Evan D’Aversa
             failure analysis, debugging), and Artificial                        Nick Ferrara
             Intelligence (AI, Machine Learning, Adversarial    T.J. Wolf        Aaron Green
             Learning, Reinforcement Learning) .    Kimon Yiasemides             Frank Hydoski
                                               North Bethesda, MD
             He has developed this expertise through his   Phone: (301) 251-6313   G. Hunter Jones
             many years of both industrial and academic   E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com   Aparna V. Kaliappan
             work, ensuring a thorough understanding                             Allen Klein
             of both theory and practice .  Further, his   (Please see our resume on page 179 for further
             extensive experience as an author, educator,   details.)            Andrew Milano
             and consultant has honed his communications                         Jeff C. Parmet
             skills, permitting him to explain complex                           Andrew Schulman
             concepts to technical, managerial, judicial,   SOFTWARE PROJECT     Josh Siegel
             and lay audiences . He serves as an expert in
             complex technical patent litigations because of   ESTIMATING        J. Todd Trivett
             his ability to explain complex concepts to non-                     T.J. Wolf
             technical decision makers .  He is co-author                        Kimon Yiasemides
             of multiple technical books, peer reviewed   DisputeSoft           North Bethesda, MD                EXPERT CATEGORIES
             papers, and general technical articles .
                                             Experts in Software-Related        Phone: (301) 251-6313
            (Please see our resume on page 192 for further   Disputes           E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
            details.)                          Dr. Raj Subbu, President &      (Please see our resume on page 179 for further
                                               Managing Member                 details.)
                                               Anne Ackerman
                                                Tom Ashley
                                                Lubomyr Chabursky
                                                Evan D’Aversa
                                                Nick Ferrara
                                                Aaron Green
                                                Frank Hydoski
                                                G. Hunter Jones
                                                Aparna V. Kaliappan
                                                Allen Klein
                                                Andrew Milano
                                                Jeff C. Parmet
                                                Andrew Schulman
                                                Josh Siegel
                                                J. Todd Trivett
                                                T.J. Wolf
                                                Kimon Yiasemides
                                               North Bethesda, MD
                                               Phone: (301) 251-6313
                                               E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com

                                             (Please see our resume on page 179 for further

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