Page 154 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Valuation (Real Estate)                                        ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022
                                          Real-World Forensic Engineering,
             VALUATION (REAL              LLC                                      VOCATIONAL
                   ESTATE)                 Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,          REHABILITATION
                                           MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
        Jeffrey A Goldshine, CPM           Lubbock, TX
         Principal                         Phone: (806) 773-7787
         Goldshine Management              E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,
                                           jrasty@rwfei .com
         Consulting, LLC
         Dumfries, VA                     (Please see our resume on page 199 for further
         Phone: (240) 426-2605            details.)                        Gary A. Young and
         E-mail: goldshine .consulting@gmail .com                          Katherine A. Young
                                                                             Young Vocational
        (Please see our resume on page 185 for further   VEHICLE-PEDESTRIAN   Analytics
                                                  COLLISIONS                 Vocational
                                                                             Economic Life Care
          VALUATION - BUSINESS                                               Planning
                 VALUATION                Rapperport Associates, Inc.        4 Trenton Avenue
                                           Daniel Rapperport                 W . Trenton, NJ 08628
                                           Lexington, MA                     Phone: (609) 883-9033
        Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.           Phone: (781) 862-9001             Cell: (215) 280-6511
                                                                             Fax: (609) 883-9033
                                           Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822
         Scarsdale, NY                     E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com    E-mail: gyoungcrc@gmail .com
         Phone: (914) 725-4882                                               Web: http://www .youngvoc .com
         E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
                                          (Please see our resume on page 197 for further
                                          details.)                          Profile: Gary Young has worked in the field of
        (Please see our resume on page 191 for further                       rehabilitation counseling since 1977 . He has
        details.)                                                            completed evaluations detailing employability
                                          Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                                          LLC                                and lost earning capacity in State and Federal
                                                                             Courts . Specialized in case management
          VEHICLE FIRE CAUSE &             Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,      of catastrophically injured patients in
                   ORIGIN                  MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &     Northeastern United States and worked with
                                           CEO                               claims staff in developing rehabilitation plans
                                           Lubbock, TX                       and reserves . This experience was helpful in
                                                                             understanding life care planning and economic
        DJS Associates, Inc.               Phone: (806) 773-7787             loss. He is the only Certified Earnings Analyst
         Forensic Consulting, Technology   E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,   by the American Rehabilitation Economic
                                           jrasty@rwfei .com
         & Animations                                                        Association in the State of New Jersey .
         Lauren Latzko, Executive Director  (Please see our resume on page 199 for further     Master of Education, Certified Rehabilitation
         Abington, PA                     details.)                          Counselor, Certified Disability Management
         Phone: (215) 659-2010                                               Specialist, Certified Case Manager, Certified
         E-mail: lat@forensicdjs .com                                        Life Care Planner, Diplomate of the American
                                                   VIBRATION                 Board of Vocational Experts, Certified
        (Please see our resume on page 180 for further                       Earnings Analyst Katherine Young profile:
        details.)                                                            joined the practice five years ago with prior
                                          Rapperport Associates, Inc.        experience teaching . She has worked in the
        Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Daniel Rapperport                 field since 2011with additional specialty in
        LLC                                Lexington, MA                     placement of clients with multiple diagnoses .
                                                                             She has a Masters of Rehabilitation
         Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,      Phone: (781) 862-9001             Counselling Degree from George Washington
         MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &     Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822       University, a Master’s in Music Education from
         CEO                               E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com    Westminster Choir College and is a Certified
         Lubbock, TX                      (Please see our resume on page 197 for further   Rehabilitation Counselor .

         Phone: (806) 773-7787            details.)
         E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,                           Reports include comprehensive analysis of
         jrasty@rwfei .com                                                   vocational, medical and economic impact
                                                                             of injuries and other factors in a methodical
        (Please see our resume on page 199 for further   VISIBILITY STUDIES  and supported format . Transferable skills and
                                                                             abilities are identified through employment
                                                                             analysis and testing .
                                          Rapperport Associates, Inc.
              VEHICLE FIRES &              Daniel Rapperport
                EXPLOSIONS                 Lexington, MA
                                           Phone: (781) 862-9001
                                           Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822
                                           E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
        Rapperport Associates, Inc.
         Daniel Rapperport                (Please see our resume on page 197 for further
         Lexington, MA                    details.)
         Phone: (781) 862-9001
         Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822
         E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
        (Please see our resume on page 197 for further

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