Page 162 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Alcohol/Drugs - Drug Abuse                                     ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022

         ALCOHOL/DRUGS - DRUG              AMPUTATION/ARTIFICIAL                     ANXIETY
                   ABUSE                             LIMBS
                                                                           Richard J. Frances, M.D.
        Dr. James C. Norris                                                  Psychiatry
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and                                    New York, NY
         Pharmacology                                                        Phone: (212) 861-0570
                                                                             E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com
         Benton, AR
         Phone: (866) 526-6774                                             (Please see our complete listing under the
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH,     following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                          FCCWS                            Addiction (Psychiatry))
        (Please see our resume on page 194 for further   Wound Care
                                           Consultants                     Sadie Sheafe, Ph.D., LCSW, ABS,
        Sadie Sheafe, Ph.D., LCSW, ABS,    9720 COIT RD, STE 220 PMB       Dip
        Dip                                197                               Psychotherapist / Clinical
                                           Plano, TX 75025
         Psychotherapist / Clinical        Phone: (214) 265-9408             Sexologist
         Sexologist                        E-mail: jstone@wound .com         DQS Healthcare Group
         DQS Healthcare Group              Web: http://www .wound .com       Newport News, VA
                                                                             Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7
         Newport News, VA                                                    Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673
         Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7      Profile: Dr. Stone’s field of practice is   E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com
         Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673       Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine . A
         E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com    past president of the Texas Affiliate of the   blank
                                           American Diabetes Association, Dr . Stone   Virginia Beach, VA
        blank                              received his medical degree from the College   Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7
         Virginia Beach, VA                                                  Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673
         Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7      of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific and   E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com
                                           a Master of Public Health from Harvard
         Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673
         E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com    University . He completed a residency in
                                           aerospace medicine and a fellowship in   (Please see our resume on page 210 for further
                                           hyperbaric medicine and wound care at   details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 210 for further   the U .S . Air Force School of Aerospace
                                           Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base . Dr .
                                           Stone started his medical practice in Dallas   AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT
                                           in 1992 after serving our country for twelve
                                           years in the Army . He left as a Major . He was   INJURIES
                                           credited with developing the U .S, Army’s
                                           Hyperbaric Medicine Program. He is certified
                                           in Hyperbaric Medicine and board certified   Brian Robert Pisula, MD FAAEM
                                           in Aerospace Medicine . He is a Diplomat   Valdosta, GA
                                           and Fellow of the American Academy of   Phone: 5854741196
                                           Wound Care Management, and a Certified   E-mail: brianpisula@gmail .com
                                           Wound Specialist . He has published articles
                                           on hyperbaric oxygenation, decompression   (Please see our resume on page 208 for further
                                           sickness, the diabetic foot and wound care .   details.)
                                           His most recent peer reviewed article was in
                                           November 2019 . He has served as hyperbaric
                                           consultant to the Department of Veterans
                                           Affairs Medical Center, Dallas, Texas;   BACK INJURY
                                           Poison Control Center of North Dallas and
                                           Department of Health and Human Services
                                           Office of General: Office of Evaluation and   Precise Chiropractic and
                                           Inspections . Dr . Stone is also available for   Rehabilitation
                                           peer reviews, legal reviews, and medical   Lief Hands, DC
                                           malpractice reviews . Dr . Stone is the Past
                                           Medical and Fellowship Director for the   Crofton, MD
                                           Hyperbaric Medicine Unit at the Institute for   Phone: (410) 370-0600
                                           Exercise and Environmental Medicine at   E-mail: DrLHands@gmail .com
                                           Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas . He is one of
                                           the first 60 physicians in the U.S.A. to receive   (Please see our resume on page 205 for further
                                           his certification in Wound Care. He has been   details.)
                                           active in hyperbaric medicine since 1985 and
                                           has trained many physicians in the field. He
                                           has over thirty-seven years of experience in
                                           wound care and hyperbaric medicine .
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                          Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)

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