Page 178 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Pharmacy                                                       ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022

        Rodney G. Richmond,                      PHLEBOTOMY                    PODIATRIC SURGERY
        MS, PharmD, BCGP,
         The Mackenzie Group,             Lynda Hayes                      Richard T. Braver,
                                           19629 Galway Bay Circle, Unit#
         LLC                               403                             DPM, Board Certified
         50 COUNTRY CLUB CIRCLE            Germantown, MD 20874            Podiatric Surgeon
         SEARCY, AR 72143                  Phone: (844) 633-5345             Director, Active Foot &
         Phone: (304) 612-9045             Cell: (570) 446-9204              Ankle Care, LLC
         E-mail: rrichmond@mackenziegroup .org  E-mail: lhayes@medlegalpro .  4-14 Saddle River Rd .
                                           com                               Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
         Degrees/Licenses: BS - Pharmacy (West                               Phone: (201) 791-1881
         Virginia U .); MS - Pharmacy (U . of North   Degrees/Licenses: Laboratory Technician   Fax: (201) 791-6177
         Carolina at Chapel Hill); PharmD (University   Certification, Philadelphia, PA 1983   E-mail: drrun@aol .com
         of Colorado); Fellow, American Society                              Web: http://www .DrRun .com
         of Consultant Pharmacists; Registered   Medical Transcriptionist, Medical Terminology   blank
         Pharmacist: AR, NC, PA, WV; Board-Certified   and Human Behavior Certification —   140 Grand Avenue
         Geriatric Pharmacist              Philadelphia Training Center Philadelphia, PA   Englewood, NJ 07631
                                           1979                              Phone: (201) 791-1881
         Profile: Pharmaceutical Care Standards                              Fax: (201) 791-6177
         (nursing home/long-term care, acute care,   South Philly High School, Philadelphia, PA    E-mail: DrRun@aol .com
         hospice, home health); Pain Management;   1977                      Web: http://www .DrRun .com
         Geriatric Drug Therapy Management
         (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, psychoactive   Profile: Experienced Phlebotomist . Over 35   blank  44 Route 23 North
         medications, psychotropic drug reactions,   years in practice dealing with adults, pediatric,   Riverdale, NJ 07457
         polypharmacy); Clinical Pharmacy   and neonatal patients . Venipuncture and   Phone: (201) 791-1881
         Services (drug information services, patient   specimen collection, Specimen processing,   Fax: (201) 791-6177
         assessment & counseling); Drug Safety/  distribution, and central access . Primary   E-mail: DrRun@aol .com
         Misadventure (interactions, adverse   laboratory communication liaison between   Web: http://www .DrRun .com
         reactions, medical errors, death/overdose,   physicians, nursing, physician offices,
         product liability); Pharmacology (causal   patients, and laboratory sections .  Profile: Providing plaintiff and defense work
         relationship between drug exposure and                              as a foot and ankle specialist-podiatric expert
         subsequent effects, pharmacoepidemiology,   (Please see our resume on page 206 for further   for all states, with exception of plaintiff cases
         pharmacokinetics); Pharmacy Operations   details.)                  in New Jersey and New York City Metro area
         (3rd party-payment, managed care, controlled                        (due to probable conflict of interest). Medical
         substances/narcotics, drug distribution                             Evaluation and Treatment of all Podiatric
         systems, pharmacoeconomics) .                                       Pains and Injuries including diabetic ulcer
                                             PHYSICAL MEDICINE               care, Nerve Injuries, bunion, toe and other
        (Please see our resume on page 209 for further                       foot/ankle problems along with fracture and
        details.)                                                            revision surgical care of the foot and ankle .
                                          John L. Merritt, MD, FACP          Dr Braver performs IME’s of the Foot & Ankle,
                                           RehabMed South, Inc.              Peer Review, Personal Injury Evaluation
                 PHARMACY                  Tampa, FL                         and Treatment, Workers Compensation
                                           Phone: (813) 368-7757             Evaluation, Medical Record and Standard of
                                           E-mail: rehabmedsouth@gmail .com  Care Review, Second Opinions, and Expert
        Dr. Joseph S. Bertino Jr.                                            Witness Testimony . He is in practice at a busy
                                                                             podiatric center in Northern New Jersey and
         Clinical Pharmacology            (Please see our resume on page 207 for further   treats Children and Adults and has X-ray on
         Consultant                                                          sight .
         Schenectady, NY
         Phone: (518) 280-1378                     PHYSICAL                  Dr . Braver has Reconstructive Foot &
         E-mail: sbertino@ix .netcom .com                                    Ankle privileges at Hackensack University
                                               REHABILITATION                Medical Center in NJ . He is currently the
        (Please see our complete listing under the                           team podiatrist for several professional
        following area of expertise: Medical Experts:                        and college sports teams . He also has a
        Pharmacology)                     John L. Merritt, MD, FACP          wealth of knowledge and experience in the
                                           RehabMed South, Inc.              manufacturing and design of shoes/sneakers .
        Rodney G. Richmond, MS,            Tampa, FL                         He has offices in Fair Lawn, Englewood, and
                                                                             Riverdale, NJ .
        PharmD, BCGP, FASCP                Phone: (813) 368-7757
         The Mackenzie Group, LLC          E-mail: rehabmedsouth@gmail .com  He is Board Certified in Foot Surgery and also
         SEARCY, AR                                                          Board Certified in Reconstructive Rearfoot &
         Phone: (304) 612-9045            (Please see our resume on page 207 for further   Ankle Surgery by the American Board of Foot
         E-mail: rrichmond@mackenziegroup .org  details.)                    and Ankle Surgery. He is Board Certified in
                                                                             Podiatric Orthopedics by the American Board
        (Please see our resume on page 209 for further                       of Podiatric Medicine .
                                                                           (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                           following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                                                           Foot & Ankle)

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