Page 187 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022                             Sexual Harassment Investigations

                                                  FINANCIAL FRAUD                  PERSONAL INJURY
             Investigators                          INVESTIGATION                   INVESTIGATIONS

                                             Donald A. Walker, Jr. MBA CPA     Richard T. Hughes
                                             CGMA                               R. Hughes Engineering, P.C.
                                               Managing Director                Clearfield, PA
                  AUTO ACCIDENT                Donald Walker Consulting LLC     Phone: (814) 765-8698
                  INVESTIGATION                Bedford, NH                      Alt . Phone: (800) 819-1004
                                                                                E-mail: rhughes@hughesengineering .net
                                               Phone: (703) 505-7053
                                               E-mail: profwalkerdo@hotmail .com  (Please see our resume on page 187 for further
            Richard T. Hughes                                                  details.)
             R. Hughes Engineering, P.C.     (Please see our complete listing under the
                                             following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
             Clearfield, PA                  SEC Accounting Rules and Regulations)
             Phone: (814) 765-8698                                                POLICE MISCONDUCT
             Alt . Phone: (800) 819-1004     Notable Software, Inc.                 INVESTIGATIONS
             E-mail: rhughes@hughesengineering .net
                                               Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D.
            (Please see our resume on page 187 for further   Digital Forensic Expert
            details.)                          Hamilton, NJ                    Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS,
                                               Phone: (609) 587-1886           CPM
                                               E-mail: notable@mindspring .com  East Coast Private Investigations
                  CHILD CUSTODY                                                 of New Jersey, LLC
                  INVESTIGATION              (Please see our complete listing under the   Morristown, NJ
                                             following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                             Criminal Defense)                  Phone: (973) 725-9677
                                                                                E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com
            Sadie Sheafe, Ph.D., LCSW, ABS,
            Dip                               FORENSIC DIGITAL AUDIO           (Please see our resume on page 181 for further
             Psychotherapist / Clinical
             DQS Healthcare Group            Notable Software, Inc.              SECURITY CONSULTING
             Newport News, VA                  Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D.
             Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7      Digital Forensic Expert
             Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673       Hamilton, NJ                    William J. Birks Jr., CPP, CHS-lll
             E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com    Phone: (609) 587-1886            William J. Birks Jr. & Associates
                                               E-mail: notable@mindspring .com
            blank                                                               West Chester, PA
             Virginia Beach, VA
             Phone: (888) 657-2343 - 24/7    (Please see our complete listing under the   Phone: (484) 356-7038
             Alt . Phone: (757) 864-0673     following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   E-mail: wbirks@securitywitness .com
             E-mail: vatherapist@gmail .com  Criminal Defense)                 (Please see our complete listing under the   INVESTIGATORS
                                                                               following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            (Please see our resume on page 210 for further                     Security/Premises Liability)
                                               FRAUD INVESTIGATIONS
                     CRIMINAL                Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.            SEXUAL HARASSMENT
                 INVESTIGATIONS                Forensic Document                    INVESTIGATIONS
                                               Examinations, LLC
                                               New York, NY                    Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
            Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS,   Phone: (212) 888-8181
            CPM                                E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com      Professor (Emeritus) of Human
             East Coast Private Investigations                                  Resource Management
             of New Jersey, LLC              (Please see our resume on page 184 for further   at prestigious California
             Morristown, NJ                  details.)                          university
             Phone: (973) 725-9677                                              Fullerton, CA
             E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com                                     Phone: (714) 879-9705
                                                  INTERNET CRIMES               Cell: (714) 595-1891
            (Please see our resume on page 181 for further                      E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,
            details.)                                                           bkleiner@fullerton .edu
                                             Notable Software, Inc.
                                               Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D.          (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                               following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                               Digital Forensic Expert         Employment)
                                               Hamilton, NJ
                                               Phone: (609) 587-1886
                                               E-mail: notable@mindspring .com
                                             (Please see our complete listing under the
                                             following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                             Criminal Defense)

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