Page 22 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Accident Reconstruction                                        ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022

        Craig L. Moskowitz, P.E.
         CLM Engineering
         Associates, LLC
         PO Box 4532
         Stamford, CT 06907               Daniel P. Connolly, ACTAR #2286  DJS Associates, Inc.
         Phone: (866) 432-4677             Crash Reconstructionist           Forensic Consulting, Technology
         Fax: (204) 504-8838               Pittsburgh Collision &            & Animations
         E-mail: clmprofessionalengineer@gmail .com
         Web: http://www .clmpe .com       Reconstruction Services, LLC      Lauren Latzko, Executive Director
                                           10 Grandview Avenue               1603 Old York Road
         PO Box 394                        Pittsburgh, PA 15214              Abington, PA 19001
         Montvale, NJ 07645                Phone: (412) 491-5503             Phone: (215) 659-2010
                                           E-mail: pghrecon@gmail .com       Fax: (215) 659-7156
         Degrees/Licenses: BS in Civil Engineering   Web: http://www .pghrecon .com  E-mail: lat@forensicdjs .com
         (University of Maine)                                               Web: http://www .forensicdjs .com
         MBA, concentration in International Finance   Degrees/Licenses: ACTAR #2286
         (University of Bridgeport)                                          Profile: For over 60 years DJS Associates,
         MS in Construction Administration (Columbia   Profile: Daniel P . Connolly is an ACTAR (#   Inc . has been and continues to be, a trusted
         University)                       2286) accredited Crash Reconstructionist with   source of quality forensic consulting and
                                           over 25 years of experience in handling active   litigation support services for the legal
         Profile: CLM Engineering Associates,   crash investigations and reconstructions .   community, insurance industry, government
         LLC, concentrates its focus on forensic                             entities, and the public and private sectors,
         engineering/expert witness evaluations for   Our firm specializes in Heavy Truck and   Located throughout the country, our expert
         the insurance industry and legal community .    Commercial Vehicle crash reconstruction . We   consultants possess the education, training,
         Such evaluations include but are not limited to   are equipped to image and evaluate Engine   and experience, as well as both written and
         construction defects and accidents, slips, trips   computer data (ECM) as well as Airbag   oral communication skills necessary to assist
         and falls, ADA/code compliance issues, OSHA   Control Modules utilizing the Bosch CDR tool   you and your client throughout all aspects
         non-compliance and storm event damage . We   and the Hyundai/Kia Tool .   of your case . The case managers and
         have experts to handle electrical engineering,                      administrative team at DJS are thoroughly
         mechanical engineering maritime matters   Our firm is staffed with a certified DOT   trained individuals that work directly with
         and others . In addition, we offer construction   Inspector and State Inspection Mechanic .   our experts, providing a level of support to
         management, civil engineering, value   Each investigation and reconstruction includes   our clients that is both results-driven  and
         engineering and building inspection services .   an inspection of the involved vehicles to   efficient. We are proud to offer our extensive
         We have experience in being deposed and   document damage and check for mechanical   experience and dedication to providing
         serving as trial consultants . Numerous cases   failures .          superior support to you, your client and your
         have already settled/went to trial and we                           firm.
         maintain an active caseload of work . We have   Proper scene documentation and measuring
         advised numerous clients with respect to their   is essential to a through crash reconstruction .   (Please see our resume on page 180 for further
         current and potential structural issues related   Our 24 hour quick response team will respond   details.)
         to the acquisition and disposition of real estate   and document the crash scene before
         (both residential and commercial), performed   evidence disappears . Our FAA Licensed   Rapperport Associates, Inc.
         costs estimates/projections and have vast   Drone Pilot will provide aerial documentation   Daniel Rapperport
         experience in performing quality assurance   to be utilized in 3-D scale modeling .
         inspections for high-rise apartment buildings                       Lexington, MA
                                                                             Phone: (781) 862-9001
         and rental communities in both Connecticut   Mr. Connolly is a Court Certified Expert
         and New Jersey .                  Witness in Local Court, Commonwealth   Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822
                                           Court and Federal Court . He assesses the   E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
        (Please see our resume on page 177 for further   evidence and provides opinions based on
        details.)                          the facts. He has testified for both plaintiff   (Please see our resume on page 197 for further
                                           and defense in Depositions, Meditations and   details.)
        Curt M. Freedman, MSEM, PE,        Civil and Criminal trials . Mr . Connolly was   Real-World Forensic Engineering,
        CEM, CEA, LEED® AP                 the first person in Pennsylvania to charge   LLC
                                           Third-Degree Murder in a car crash and get a
         CMF Engineering, Inc.             conviction .                      Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
         President                                                           MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
         Longmeadow, MA                    Please visit our website for a complete listing
         Phone: (413) 567-1175             of services . http://www .pghrecon .com  CEO
         E-mail: cmf .freedman@gmail .com                                    Lubbock, TX
                                                                             Phone: (806) 773-7787
        (Please see our resume on page 178 for further                       E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,
        details.)                                                            jrasty@rwfei .com
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 199 for further

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