Page 75 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022                             Financial Analysis & Assessments

                   FAIR HOUSING                  FASTENERS (RIVETS,                 FEDERAL MOTOR
                                                     BOLTS, BLIND                   CARRIER SAFETY
                                                     FASTENERS)                     ADMINISTRATION
            Jeffrey A Goldshine, CPM
             Principal                                                                   (FMCSA)
             Goldshine Management            Real-World Forensic Engineering,
             Consulting, LLC                 LLC                               Scott L. Turner
             Dumfries, VA                      Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,     Truck Accident & Incident
             Phone: (240) 426-2605
             E-mail: goldshine .consulting@gmail .com  MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &   Experts, LLC dba/ Scott L Turner
                                               CEO                              Consulting
            (Please see our resume on page 185 for further   Lubbock, TX        Naples, FL
            details.)                          Phone: (806) 773-7787            Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
                                               E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,   Cell: (931) 213-4398
                                               jrasty@rwfei .com                E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
                       FALLS                                                   blank
                                             (Please see our resume on page 199 for further   Blairstown, NJ
                                             details.)                          Phone: (908) 496-4273
            Real-World Forensic Engineering,                                    Cell: (931) 213-4398
                                                                                Toll Free Phone: (844) 974-1870
            LLC                                   FDA REGULATORY                E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
             Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,               AFFAIRS                blank
             MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &                                      Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
             CEO                                                                Cell: (931) 213-4398
             Lubbock, TX                     Alan P. Schwartz                  blank  Spencer , TN
             Phone: (806) 773-7787             Executive Vice President         Phone: Toll Free: (844) 974-1870
             E-mail: Stephanie@expertengineering .com,                          Cell: (931) 213-4398
             jrasty@rwfei .com                 mdi Consultants, Inc.            E-mail: slturner@slturnerconsulting .com
                                               55 Northern Blvd ., Suite 200
            (Please see our resume on page 199 for further   Great Neck, NY 11021  (Please see our resume on page 203 for further
            details.)                          Phone: (516) 482-9001           details.)
                                               Fax: (516) 482-0186
                                               E-mail: alan@mdiconsultants .com, diane@
               FALSE ALLEGATIONS               mdiconsultants .com               FENESTRATION ISSUES
                                               Web: http://www .mdiconsultants .com
                                                                                  (WINDOWS & DOORS)
                                               Degrees/Licenses: BS Biology
            Joseph J. Blaettler AAS, BS, MS,
            CPM                                Profile: A recognized international expert   James Rappoport, AIA, NCARB,
             East Coast Private Investigations   in US FDA regulations and quality system   CSI, ICC, USGBC
             of New Jersey, LLC                implementation . A former US FDA Supervisor   Principal - Architect of Record
                                               of field operations and has been consulting to
             Morristown, NJ                    the FDA regulated industries, medical devices,
             Phone: (973) 725-9677             pharmaceuticals, foods and cosmetics . With   Daroff Design Inc. + DDI   EXPERT CATEGORIES
             E-mail: Jblaettler@ecpinj .com    over 48 years of regulatory experience . Been   Architects PC
                                               involved with various cases of provided expert   Philadelphia, PA
            (Please see our resume on page 181 for further   testimony involving FDA compliance, drug and   Phone: (215) 636-9900
            details.)                          device failure, as well as regulatory issues .   Cell: (215) 882-3101
                                               Mr . Schwartz has been an invited speaker   E-mail: jamesr@daroffdesign .com
                                               on the FDA policy and issues both in the US   blank
              FAMILY LAW & DIVORCE             and internationally . He has written papers on   Phone: Covid Era Home Office Phone (215)
                                               FDA issues . He provides his expertise on the   242-2113
                                               FDA to the medical device industry worldwide
                                               with clients in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan,   (Please see our resume on page 198 for further
            Richard J. Frances, M.D.           Germany, Italy, Argentina, Brazil and Canada .   details.)
             Psychiatry                        He also has a widely read Insight Report on
             New York, NY                      dealing with the FDA, Mr . Schwartz is on the
             Phone: (212) 861-0570             editorial advisory board of the Institute of   FINANCIAL ANALYSIS &
             E-mail: rfrancesmd@gmail .com     Validation Technology .
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
            Addiction (Psychiatry))                                            Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.
                                                                                Scarsdale, NY
                                                                                Phone: (914) 725-4882
                                                                                E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 191 for further
                                                                               Richard G. Pfluger, MBA, LUTCF
                                                                                Gillette, NJ
                                                                                Phone: (908) 647-1743
                                                                                E-mail: [email protected]
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 195 for further

            Visit our website at www .ALMExperts .com                                                      59
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