Page 85 - ALMExperts 2022 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2022                                                Harassment
                                               approach teaches and engages all trial   Michael Wakshull, M.S., CQE
                 HANDWRITING &                 participants—judge, jury and attorneys .    Forensic Document Examiner

               DOCUMENT ANALYSIS               • He uses generally-accepted practices such   Q9 Consulting, Inc.
                                               as SWGDOC, SAFE, and ASTM standards .    Temecula, CA
                                                                                Phone: (951) 252-4929
            Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.           Wakshull is a frequent speaker at local and   E-mail: mikew@quality9 .com
             Forensic Document                 international forensics conferences and   (Please see our resume on page 196 for further
                                               attorney conferences . He is a published
             Examinations, LLC                 author of three books about forensic document   details.)
             New York, NY                      examination . He has developed and teaches
             Phone: (212) 888-8181             a number of California Bar approved MCLE
             E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com       seminars .                             HANDWRITING

            (Please see our resume on page 184 for further   Member of:               EXAMINATION
            details.)                          National Association of Document Examiners
                                               Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners
            Michael Wakshull, M.S.,            — VP                            Michael Wakshull, M.S., CQE
            CQE                                International Association of Scientists and   Forensic Document Examiner
                                               Researchers - Advisory Board
             Forensic Document                 Association of Certified Fraud Examiners —  Q9 Consulting, Inc.
             Examiner                          Director - Inland Empire         Temecula, CA
                                                                                Phone: (951) 252-4929
             Q9 Consulting, Inc.               National Speakers Association — prior    E-mail: mikew@quality9 .com
                                               co-dean of the Speakers Academy
             P .O . Box 892965                 ASTM International
             Temecula, CA 92589                American Society for Quality — Senior   (Please see our resume on page 196 for further
             Phone: (951) 252-4929             member                          details.)
             Fax: (951) 302-1785               Former member Forensic Expert Witness
             E-mail: mikew@quality9 .com       Association — Past-president San Diego
             Web: https://quality9 .com
                                               Chapter                                HANDWRITING
             Degrees/Licenses:               (Please see our resume on page 196 for further   IDENTIFICATION
             Graduate School Certificate:    details.)
             Forensic Document Examination;
             B .S . Mathematics;                                               Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.
             M .Sc . Technology Management;                                     Forensic Document
             Certified Quality Engineer;      HANDWRITING ANALYSIS
             Certified Information Systems Auditor;                             Examinations, LLC
             Project Management Professional                                    New York, NY
                                             Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.           Phone: (212) 888-8181
             Profile: Mike Wakshull partners with clients in   Forensic Document   E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com
             civil and criminal cases in the United States,
             Bahrain, Canada, Malasia, Mexico and Hong   Examinations, LLC     (Please see our resume on page 184 for further
             Kong requiring authentication of handwritten   New York, NY       details.)
             and computer-generated documents . As a   Phone: (212) 888-8181
             state and federal court-qualified document   E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com  Michael Wakshull, M.S., CQE
             examiner, he dissects the evidence, helping                        Forensic Document Examiner
             clients learn the strength of their case .    (Please see our resume on page 184 for further         EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                             details.)                          Q9 Consulting, Inc.
             More than 100 testimonies under oath in                            Temecula, CA
             state and federal courts, arbitrations and   Michael Wakshull, M.S., CQE  Phone: (951) 252-4929
             depositions .                     Forensic Document Examiner       E-mail: mikew@quality9 .com

             Working with Wakshull is different:     Q9 Consulting, Inc.       (Please see our resume on page 196 for further
                                               Temecula, CA                    details.)
             • He uses the latest video spectral comparator   Phone: (951) 252-4929
             (VSC80), ESDA, digital microscopes,   E-mail: mikew@quality9 .com
             Photoshop CC, Acrobat DC, NEGA software,                                 HARASSMENT
             and other quality tools for examinations .    (Please see our resume on page 196 for further
             • He applies his scientific and engineering
             experience and training to examine questioned                     Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
             documents and produce verifiable arguments.   HANDWRITING          Professor (Emeritus) of Human
             Although courts require a verifiable, scientific                   Resource Management
             approach for expert witness testimony, not all   COMPARISON
             examiners use this approach .                                      at prestigious California
             • He is meticulous about customer service and   Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.  Fullerton, CA
             client communications .           Forensic Document                Phone: (714) 879-9705
                                                                                Cell: (714) 595-1891
             • He employs internet video technology to   Examinations, LLC      E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,
             communicate with clients worldwide .    New York, NY               bkleiner@fullerton .edu
                                               Phone: (212) 888-8181
             • He has built a well-equipped laboratory and a   E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com  (Please see our complete listing under the
             large forensic reference library to enhance his                   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
             research and courtroom testimony .    (Please see our resume on page 184 for further   Employment)
             • As a former university instructor and member
             of National Speakers Association, Wakshull
             is skilled at explaining complex evidence with
             clear exhibits, easy-to-understand language
             and descriptive pictures . His courtroom

            Visit our website at www .ALMExperts .com                                                      69
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