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Software Code Comparison                                       ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2023

              SOFTWARE CODE                • Conducting literal and non-literal   SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
                                           infringement analysis through source code
                COMPARISON                 comparison and the abstraction-filtration-
                                           comparison (AFC) test
        DisputeSoft                        • Reviewing project documents and   Experts in Software-Related
        Experts in Software-               conducting witness interviews   Disputes
                                           • Assessing adherence to applicable industry
        Related Disputes                   standard best practices and software   Dr. Raj Subbu, President &
         Dr. Raj Subbu,                    development lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies   Managing Member
         President & Managing              • Developing patent claim charts, researching   North Bethesda, MD
         Member                            prior art, and opining on infringement and   Phone: (301) 251-6313
                                                                             E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
         6116 Executive Boulevard          • Examining source code for license violations,
         Suite 330                         security gaps, reliability and maintainability   blank  New York, NY
         North Bethesda, MD 20852          • Performing unit testing, performance testing,   Phone: (301) 251-6313
         Phone: (301) 251-6313             and functional validation         E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
         Fax: (240) 465-4442               • Investigating computer systems, networks,
         E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com  servers, databases, and metadata   (Please see our resume on page 123 for further
         Web: https://http://www .disputesoft .com  • Evaluating system vulnerabilities and   details.)
                                           adherence to applicable data privacy and data
         One Rockefeller Plaza, 11th Floor  security regulations, policies, and procedures
         New York, NY 10020
         Phone: (301) 251-6313             DisputeSoft’s experts have opined and   SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
         Fax: (240) 465-4442               testified in federal and state courts on   STANDARDS & METHODS
         E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com  matters concerning issues such as project
         Web: https://http://www .disputesoft .com  management, software license and
                                           professional service agreements, system   DisputeSoft
         Degrees/Licenses: DisputeSoft staff   failure, architecture, and integration .
         certifications include: Project Management   DisputeSoft has worked with software genres   Experts in Software-Related
         Professional (PMP); Certified Associate in   including: enterprise resource planning (ERP),   Disputes
         Project Management (CAPM); Professional   customer relationship management (CRM),   Dr. Raj Subbu, President &
         Software Engineering Master (PSEM);   point of sale (POS), and electronic medical   Managing Member
         Certified Software Development Professional   records (EMR) . Our experts have experience
         (CSDP); Certified Forensics Examiner (EnCE);   with programming languages including: C#,   North Bethesda, MD
         Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist;   C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, SQL,   Phone: (301) 251-6313
         Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator   HTML/CSS, Matlab, Ruby, Bash, and Prolog,   E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
         (MCSA); Microsoft Certified Systems   among others . DisputeSoft’s practice is   blank
         Engineer (MCSE); ISTQB Certified Software   international in scope and includes assisting   New York, NY
         Tester; GIAC Computer Forensics Examiner   major clients in the financial, manufacturing,   Phone: (301) 251-6313
         (GCFE); Certified Enterprise Architect (CEA),   healthcare, government, and insurance   E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
         Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence;   industries, among many others .
         Technical Services Certified (TSC),                               (Please see our resume on page 123 for further
         American Staffing Association (ASA); Oracle   Attorneys requiring expert assistance in these   details.)
         Database SQL Certified Associate; Microsoft   areas are invited to contact DisputeSoft at
         Technology Associate (MTA): Database   inquiries@disputesoft .com
         Fundamentals                                                          SOFTWARE FAILURE
                                           Please visit http://www .disputesoft .com for
         DisputeSoft staff have undergraduate and   more information about our practice .
         graduate degrees in computer science and                          Brooks Hilliard
         engineering . Several DisputeSoft staff have   (Please see our resume on page 123 for further
         also obtained J .D . or LL .M . degrees .  details.)                Business Automation Associates,
         Profile: DisputeSoft specializes in providing                       Phoenix, AZ
         deep analysis, defensible opinions, and   SOFTWARE                  Phone: (602) 264-9263
         skilled testimony in complex software and IT                        E-mail: bhilliard@computerexpertwitness .com
         systems disputes involving software project   DEVELOPMENT
         failure, copyright infringement, trade secret   METHODOLOGIES     (Please see our complete listing under the
         misappropriation, and patent infringement .                       following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         E-discovery and computer forensics are core                       Business/ERP Software)
         disciplines used to support these substantive   DisputeSoft
         practice areas . We apply our proven industry                     DisputeSoft
         expert experience to the investigation,   Experts in Software-Related
         analysis, and reporting of findings and   Disputes                Experts in Software-Related
         opinions in disputes involving computers, data,   Dr. Raj Subbu, President &   Disputes
         or software to help our clients address the                         Dr. Raj Subbu, President &
         complex technical issues needed to efficiently   Managing Member
         resolve such disputes . Our work product   North Bethesda, MD       Managing Member
         frequently includes an expert report, which   Phone: (301) 251-6313  North Bethesda, MD
         we are prepared to defend at deposition and   E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com  Phone: (301) 251-6313
         at trial .                       blank                              E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
                                           New York, NY                    blank
         DisputeSoft experts have successfully   Phone: (301) 251-6313       New York, NY
         handled 425+ matters, over 20 years, and   E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com  Phone: (301) 251-6313
         served 300+ US and international clients .                          E-mail: inquiries@disputesoft .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 123 for further
         DisputeSoft provides a broad range of   details.)                 (Please see our resume on page 123 for further
         services to its clients, including:                               details.)
         • Analyzing schedule delay, percent complete,
         defects, and technical debt

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