Page 118 - ALMExperts 2023 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Epidemiology                                                   ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2023
                                                                           Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH, FCCWS
               EPIDEMIOLOGY                * Interaction of Smoking and Workplace   Wound Care Consultants
                                                                             Plano, TX
                                                                             Phone: (214) 265-9408
                                           * Railroad Exposures and FELA Rules
        David F. Goldsmith,                                                  E-mail: jstone@wound .com
        MSPH, PhD, LLC                     * Industrial Laundry & Mold Hygiene   (Please see our complete listing under the
         George Washington                 Assessment                      following area of expertise: Medical Experts:

         University                        * PFAS/PFOS, Epidemiology & Polices   Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)
         9504 Crosby Road
         Silver Spring, MD 20910           * Covid-19 and Workers Compensation
         Phone: (202) 549-1019                                                FDA MEDICAL DEVICE
         Fax: (301) 589-8825               Dr . Goldsmith was a member of the World   REGULATION
         E-mail: dgoldsmi@gwu .edu         Health Organization (WHO) International
         Web: http://www .OccupationalEpi .com  Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) panel
                                           assessing the carcinogenicity of silica . He
         Degrees/Licenses: MSPH, PhD in    served on the Institute of Medicine panel on   Alan P. Schwartz
         Epidemiology from the University of North   Gulf War veterans .     Executive Vice President
         Carolina, Chapel Hill              In 2006, he was Chair of a peer-reviewed   mdi Consultants, Inc.
                                           panel on asbestos remediation methods for
         Profile: Dr . David F . Goldsmith is an   the U .S . EPA . In 2014, he was a Fulbright   Great Neck, NY
                                                                             Phone: (516) 482-9001
         experienced consultant providing   Fellow of the University of Manitoba,   E-mail: alan@mdiconsultants .com, diane@
         epidemiology services as an expert witness   Winnipeg, Canada, and in 2017 was a   mdiconsultants .com
         for both plaintiffs and defense attorneys . He   Fulbright Specialist at Ateneo de Manila
         is an expert in general causation assessment,   University in Philippines . He is the Principal   (Please see our complete listing under the
         asbestos and silica dust exposures, water   Epidemiologist for the Railroad Union Health
         contamination, firefighter exposures, male and   study since 2016 . He is past president of   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                                                           FDA Regulatory Affairs)
         female mesh, hazardous military exposures,   Workplace Health Without Borders - US
         pesticides, PFAS, Covid-19, and railroad   Branch . He was the past president of Fulbright
         litigation .                      Association National Capital Area Chapter .
                                                                             FDA NEW DRUG REVIEW/
         He has been qualified as an occupational and                        APPROVAL PROCEDURES
         environmental health expert in proceedings   EPIDEMIOLOGY (CANCER)
         before both federal and state courts . Dr .
         Goldsmith has testified at Daubert hearings,
         California Proposition 65 hearings, and at                        Alan P. Schwartz
         numerous deposition and trial appearances .    David F. Goldsmith, MSPH, PhD,   Executive Vice President
         He has worked for clients in: California,   LLC                     mdi Consultants, Inc.
         Oregon, Nevada, Texas,  Illinois, Ohio,   George Washington University  Great Neck, NY
         Florida, North Carolina, Mississippi, Puerto   Silver Spring, MD    Phone: (516) 482-9001
         Rico, Maryland, Washington DC, Delaware,   Phone: (202) 549-1019    E-mail: alan@mdiconsultants .com, diane@
         West Virginia, New York, Virginia, Montana,   E-mail: dgoldsmi@gwu .edu  mdiconsultants .com
         Nebraska, Louisiana, Missouri, Pennsylvania,
         New Jersey, and Connecticut . He has                              (Please see our complete listing under the
         overseas medical/legal consulting experience;   (Please see our complete listing under the   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                          following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         as well as Native American tribal experience .                    FDA Regulatory Affairs)
         His areas of expertise include:
                                          Dr. James C. Norris
         * Occupational/Environmental Epidemiology,   Expert Witness in Toxicology and
         including Veterans’ Disability Appeals   Pharmacology
                                           Benton, AR
         * Urogynecological Mesh, including Male   Phone: (815) 955-5838
         Mesh                              E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net

         * Health Hazards of Silica, including Silicosis
         and Lung Cancer, and Auto-Immune Diseases   (Please see our resume on page 136 for further

         * Histoplasmosis, Coal Workers, and Other
         Respiratory Diseases and Tuberculosis (TB)
                                               FAMILY MEDICINE
         * Environmental and Community Fracking
         Sand Emissions
                                          Dr. Steven D. Kamajian, D.O.,
         * World Trade Center Exposures and Chronic   C.M.D, F.A.C.O.F.P.
         Health Risks
                                           Montrose, CA
         * Mothers’ Drug Use and Birth Defects   Phone: (805) 807-0616 - Office
                                           Cell: (818) 957-2007
         * Many Workplace Cancer Risks, Including   E-mail: drstevenkamajian@gmail .com,
         Solvents, Diesel Exhaust, Wood Dusts,   dosteven@msn .com
         Pesticides, Welding Fumes, Benzene, Crude
         Oil Clean-up, Spray Paints, Agent Orange,   (Please see our complete listing under the
         Camp Lejeune, and Quartz countertops .   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                          Medical Chart Review)
         * Firefighting and Cancer Causation

         * Naturally-Occurring Asbestos, Lead,
         and Asbestos Sampling and Abatement in
         Construction .
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