Page 47 - ALMExperts 2023 Mid-Atlantic Directory
P. 47

ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2023                                         Electrical Corrosion
                                             Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.
                        ECM                    Scarsdale, NY                           ECONOMICS
                                               Phone: (914) 725-4882
                                               E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
            Daniel P. Connolly, ACTAR #2286  (Please see our resume on page 134 for further   Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.
             Crash Reconstructionist         details.)                          Scarsdale, NY
             Pittsburgh Collision &                                             Phone: (914) 725-4882
             Reconstruction Services, LLC                                       E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
             Pittsburgh, PA                     ECONOMIC DAMAGES/              (Please see our resume on page 134 for further
             Phone: (412) 491-5503                  LOST PROFITS               details.)
             E-mail: pghrecon@gmail .com
            (Please see our complete listing under the   Key Coleman, CPA, CFA, CPCU,   ELECTRICAL
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
            Accident Reconstruction)         ARe
                                               Litigation Economic & Forensic
                                               Consulting Group LLC            ElectroQuest, LLC
               ECONOMIC ANALYSIS               Drexel Hill, PA                  John M. Tobias, Ph.D., P.E.
                                               Phone: (215) 779-5452            Principal Consulting Engineer
                                               E-mail: key .coleman@lefcg .com  Oxford, PA
            Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.                                            Phone: (732) 674-2530
             Scarsdale, NY                   (Please see our complete listing under the   E-mail: jmt@electroquest-llc .com
             Phone: (914) 725-4882           following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
             E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu      Damages)                          (Please see our resume on page 126 for further
            (Please see our resume on page 134 for further   Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.
            details.)                          Scarsdale, NY
                                               Phone: (914) 725-4882             ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS
                                               E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
                ECONOMIC DAMAGE
                     MEASURES                (Please see our resume on page 134 for further   Rapperport Associates, Inc.
                                                                                Daniel Rapperport
                                                                                Lexington, MA
            Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.          ECONOMIC FORECASTING              Phone: (781) 862-9001
             Scarsdale, NY                                                      Cell: (339) 222-2822
                                                                                E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
             Phone: (914) 725-4882
             E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
                                             Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.          (Please see our resume on page 138 for further
                                               Scarsdale, NY                   details.)
            (Please see our resume on page 134 for further
            details.)                          Phone: (914) 725-4882
                                               E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
                                                                                ELECTRICAL CORROSION
                                             (Please see our resume on page 134 for further
                ECONOMIC DAMAGE              details.)                                                            EXPERT CATEGORIES
                      MODELS                                                   Rapperport Associates, Inc.
                                                  ECONOMIC IMPACT               Daniel Rapperport
            Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.                                            Lexington, MA
             Scarsdale, NY                                                      Phone: (781) 862-9001
                                                                                Cell: (339) 222-2822
             Phone: (914) 725-4882           Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.           E-mail: d .rapperport@rcn .com
             E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu        Scarsdale, NY
                                               Phone: (914) 725-4882           (Please see our resume on page 138 for further
            (Please see our resume on page 134 for further   E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu  details.)
                                             (Please see our resume on page 134 for further
               ECONOMIC DAMAGES
                                                   ECONOMIC LOSS
            Key Coleman, CPA, CFA, CPCU,
             Litigation Economic & Forensic   Edmund H. Mantell, Ph.D.
             Consulting Group LLC              Scarsdale, NY
                                               Phone: (914) 725-4882
             Drexel Hill, PA                   E-mail: Emantell@pace .edu
             Phone: (215) 779-5452
             E-mail: key .coleman@lefcg .com
                                             (Please see our resume on page 134 for further
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:

            Visit our website at www .ALMExperts .com                                                      33
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