Page 88 - ALMExperts 2023 Mid-Atlantic Directory
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Professional Liability (Medical)                               ALM EXPERTS: Mid-Atlantic Edition 2023
        Dr. James C. Norris               Key Coleman, CPA, CFA, CPCU,
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and   ARe                              PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR
         Pharmacology                      Litigation Economic & Forensic
         Benton, AR                        Consulting Group LLC
         Phone: (815) 955-5838             Drexel Hill, PA                 C.J. Abraham, PhD, PE, DFE, FRIC,
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  Phone: (215) 779-5452        FTI, DEE
                                           E-mail: key .coleman@lefcg .com   Scientific Advisory Services, LTD
        (Please see our resume on page 136 for further
        details.)                         (Please see our complete listing under the   Great Neck, NY
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Phone: (516) 482-5374
        Stuart M. Statler                 Damages)                           Cell: (516) 974-7565
                                                                             E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com
         Safety Strategies
         494 Bay Harbour Road                                              (Please see our resume on page 119 for further
         Mooresville, NC 28117            PROPERTY MANAGEMENT              details.)
         Phone: (704) 360-2100
         Cell: (703) 304-5090
         E-mail: esms99@gmail .com        Jeffrey A Goldshine,                 PUMPING STATIONS
         Web: stuartmstatler .com/
         Profile: Providing litigation support and   Principal
         expert testimony on consumer product safety,   Goldshine          Chuck Dutill, P.E., D.F.E.
         product risks & standards, and manufacturer   Management            Expert Witness/Principal
         & seller responsibility in products liability and                   Consultant
         negligence actions on behalf of both plaintiff &   Consulting, LLC
         defense .   Also provide strategic consulting to   1300 Fordham Boulevard, Apartment  444  Heritage Technical Services, Inc.
         corporate clients and counsel, insurance firms,   Chapel Hill, NC 27514  Hydrology and Environmental
         and trial attorneys .   Specialized knowledge   Phone: (240) 426-2605  Engineering EXPERTISE
         covers recalls, warnings, product standards,   E-mail: goldshine .consulting@gmail .com  West Chester, PA
         testing, compliance, reporting obligations,   Web: goldshineconsulting .com  Phone: (610) 701-5650
         human factors, unreasonable risks, and                              E-mail: cdutill@heritageservices .com
         Consumer Product Safety Commission   Degrees/Licenses: The George Washington
         interface .   Served as CPSC Commissioner   University- BA Political Science   (Please see our complete listing under the
         for 7 years, and acting-Chairman;   also   The Institute of Real Estate Management-   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         VP for Product Liability & Risk Assessment   CPM, Certified Property Management   Hydrology)
         of AT Kearney, international management   Designation
         consultants .   Engaged in more than 350
         product-related cases.  Testified over 120   Profile: Jeff Goldshine, Principal of
         times .                           Goldshine Management Consulting, LLC,   QUESTIONED
                                           is a Certified Property Manager, (CPM) and   DOCUMENTS
        (Please see our resume on page 139 for further   an accomplished multifamily executive who
        details.)                          has led and created property management
                                           companies over the past thirty years . He   Andrew Sulner M.S., J.D.
                                           has achieved a successful track record of
         PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY            exceeding financial expectations as well   Forensic Document
                                           as creating positive working cultures . He
                                                                             Examinations, LLC
                 (MEDICAL)                 specializes in maximizing the value of real   New York, NY
                                           estate and its people, and is known as a   Phone: (212) 888-8181
                                           proactive visionary and proponent of new   E-mail: Andysulner@aol .com
        Kenneth J. Stoyack                 multifamily products and solutions .
         Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP         Jeff brings a perspective based on facts,   (Please see our resume on page 128 for further
         Nutley, NJ                        industry norms and experience to his role as   details.)
         Phone: (973) 661-2708             an expert witness . As an hands-on senior
         E-mail: kjsaia@rcn .com           executive, he provides a unique “both sides of   Michael Wakshull, M.S., CQE
                                           the desk” outlook as a result of his experience   Forensic Document Examiner
        (Please see our resume on page 140 for further   representing both owner managed and third   Q9 Consulting, Inc.
        details.)                          party managed organizations, in addition to   Temecula, CA
                                           serving as an asset manager . His experience   Phone: (951) 252-4929
                                           spans the industry: property management,   E-mail: mikew@quality9 .com
          PROPERTY & CASUALTY              operations and marketing, renovation
                 INSURANCE                 issues, financial industry benchmarking of   (Please see our resume on page 137 for further
                                           normalized income and expenses, standard
                                           of care issues, fair housing, risk and security   details.)
                                           concerns, premises liability issues, property
        Paul F. Amoruso                    inspections, landlord tenant disputes, real
         Mattapoisett, MA                  estate valuation and due diligence concerns .
         Phone: (508) 644-1074             HIs knowledge coupled with his proven
         E-mail: pamoruso@insuranceoperations .com  leadership and strong communication skills,
                                           provides the basis and foundation of how he
        (Please see our complete listing under the   will approach every case .
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Insurance)                        (Please see our resume on page 129 for further

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