Page 20 - ALMExperts 2023 Midwestern Directory
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Accident Photo Analysis & Mapping                               ALM EXPERTS: Midwestern Edition 2023
                                          ProConsul Experts
             ACCIDENT PHOTO                Expert Witnesses in Multiple             ACCIDENTS
           ANALYSIS & MAPPING              Technical and Medical Categories
                                           Local Experts, Nationwide
                                           Service                         Thomas H. Burtness, PE, BSEE,
        Michael Nranian                    1945 PALO VERDE AVE, STE 200    CFEI
         AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN ANALYSIS        LONG BEACH, CA 90815              Burtness Engineering Services
         South Lyon, MI                    Phone: (800) 392-1119             White Heath, IL
         Phone: (248) 376-0338             E-mail: expert@expertinfo .com    Phone: (217) 687-4450
         Cell: (248) 446-4052              Web: http://www .expertinfo .com  Alt . Phone: (217) 898-8000
         E-mail: mnranian@charter .net                                       E-mail: tom@burtnesseng .com
                                           Profile: OVER 15,000 EXPERTS. NEW
        (Please see our resume on page 128 for further   EXPERTS ADDED EVERY DAY. Call (800)   (Please see our resume on page 129 for further
        details.)                          392-1119 or email us at eexperts@msn.  details.)
                                           com with your expert needs. Our full-time
                                           research staff locates qualified experts   Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH,
                                           quickly .
         ACCIDENT PHOTOGRAPHY                                              FACS
                                           SERVICE TO OUR CLIENTS IS FIRST -   Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon
                                           We give you the Right Expert Right Away©!   Brimfield, IL
        Real-World Forensic Engineering,   From Accident Reconstruction to Zoning, the   Phone: (708) 334-6754
        LLC                                expert you need is at our fingertips. ProConsul   E-mail: tesposi@gmail .com
         Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,      Experts is listed and recommended by the
                                           A .M . Best Company .
         MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &                                     (Please see our resume on page 152 for further
         Lubbock, TX                                                       Real-World Forensic Engineering,
         Phone: (806) 773-7787             Our goal is to provide you with the best   LLC
         E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,   experts at a reasonable cost . Simply submit
         jrasty@rwfei .com                 your request and we’ll do the rest . ProConsul   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
                                           Experts welcomes your rush cases . We look   MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
                                           forward to assisting you with your expert
        (Please see our resume on page 145 for further                       CEO
        details.)                          needs!                            Lubbock, TX
                                          (Please see our resume on page 143 for further   Phone: (806) 773-7787
                                          details.)                          E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,
          ACCIDENT PREVENTION                                                jrasty@rwfei .com
                                          Real-World Forensic Engineering,   (Please see our resume on page 145 for further
        Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH,                                       details.)
        FACS                               Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
         Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon     MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &           ACCOUNTING
         Brimfield, IL
         Phone: (708) 334-6754             Lubbock, TX
         E-mail: tesposi@gmail .com        Phone: (806) 773-7787
                                           E-mail: stephanie@expertengineering .com,   Michael D. Pakter CPA, CFF, CGMA,
        (Please see our resume on page 152 for further   jrasty@rwfei .com  CFE, CVA, MAFF, CA, CIRA, CDBV
        details.)                                                            Gould & Pakter Associates, LLC
                                          (Please see our resume on page 145 for further
                                          details.)                          Chicago, IL
                                                                             Phone: (773) 671-1950
                 ACCIDENT                 R. Kevin Smith, P.E., D.F.E.       E-mail: mpakter@litcpa .com
             RECONSTRUCTION                R. K. Smith Engineering Inc.    (Please see our resume on page 141 for further
                                           Crown Point, IN                 details.)
                                           Phone: 7087901938
        Michael Nranian                    Alt . Phone: Cell -  (708) 790-1938  ProConsul Experts
         AUTOMOTIVE DESIGN ANALYSIS        E-mail: rksinc@mac .com           Expert Witnesses in Multiple
         South Lyon, MI                                                      Technical and Medical Categories
         Phone: (248) 376-0338            (Please see our complete listing under the
         Cell: (248) 446-4052             following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Local Experts, Nationwide
         E-mail: mnranian@charter .net    Forensic Engineering)              Service
                                                                             LONG BEACH, CA
        (Please see our resume on page 128 for further                       Phone: (800) 392-1119
        details.)                          ACCIDENTAL SHOOTINGS              E-mail: expert@expertinfo .com
                                                                           (Please see our resume on page 143 for further
                                          Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH,     details.)
                                           Trauma and Acute Care Surgeon
                                           Brimfield, IL
                                           Phone: (708) 334-6754
                                           E-mail: tesposi@gmail .com
                                          (Please see our resume on page 152 for further

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