Page 155 - ALMExperts 2020 New Jersey Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New Jersey Edition 2020                                          Public Transportation
                                             Jim Leatzow
            PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY             President                             PSYCHOLOGICAL
                     (MEDICAL)                 Leatzow & Associates             EVALUATIONS (DIVORCE
                                               Three Lakes, WI                        & FAMILY LAW)
                                               Phone: (715) 546-3300
                                               E-mail: Jim@Leatzow .com
            Kenneth J. Stoyack
             Kenneth J. Stoyack, AIA, PP     (Please see our resume on page 245 for further   Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine
             Nutley, NJ                      details.)                          Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.
             Phone: (973) 661-2708                                              Cambridge, MA
             E-mail: kstoyack@optimum .net                                      Phone: (617) 492-8366
                                              PROPERTY MANAGEMENT               E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu
            (Please see our resume on page 242 for further
            details.)                               ACCOUNTING &               (Please see our resume on page 266 for further
                                                      REPORTING                details.)
                  (NON-MEDICAL)              Matheson & Associates, LLC                   PUBLIC
                                               Joseph B. Matheson, MBA, CPA,        TRANSPORTATION
                                               ABV, CVA, PFS, CFF, CFE
            Jim Leatzow                        Diplomate American Board of
             President                         Forensic Accountants            Transportation Alternatives
             Leatzow & Associates              Fellow American College of       Ned Einstein, President
             Three Lakes, WI                   Forensic Examiners               158-18 Riverside Drive West
             Phone: (715) 546-3300                                              Suite 3F-50
             E-mail: Jim@Leatzow .com          Whippany, NJ                     New York, NY 10032
                                               Phone: (973) 428-8885            Phone: (212) 766-1121
                                               E-mail: joseph@mathesoncpa .com
            (Please see our resume on page 245 for further                      Fax: (917) 675-7068
            details.)                                                           E-mail: einstein@transalt .com
                                             (Please see our resume on page 250 for further   Web: http://www .transalt .com
             PROPERTY & CASUALTY                                                Profile: Areas of specialty include: Accident
                    INSURANCE                  PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR              analysis, investigation, testimony and
                                                                                mediation in vehicle and pedestrian accidents
                                                                                and incidents involving buses and other public
                                                                                transportation vehicles, including: transit,
            Paul F. Amoruso                  C.J. Abraham, PhD, PE, DFE, FRIC,   paratransit, school bus, special education,
             Mattapoisett, MA                FTI, DEE                           child transportation, motorcoach, charter
             Phone: (508) 644-1074             Scientific Advisory Services, LTD  & tour, non-emergency medical/ambulette,
             E-mail: pamoruso@insuranceoperations .com                          ambulance, taxi, Uber (etc .), limousine,
                                               Great Neck, NY                   shuttle and other services . Scenarios include:
            (Please see our complete listing under the   Phone: (516) 482-5374  slips and falls, loading & unloading/boarding
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Alt . Phone: Cell: (516) 974-7565  and alighting, vehicle-pedestrian collisions,
            Insurance)                         E-mail: cjabraham1@aol .com      crossing, vehicle-to-vehicle collisions, turning,  EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                                                                wheelchair securement and tip-overs, seat
            Paul W. Burkett, JD, CPCU, CIC,                                     belts and passenger securement, hiring &
                                                                                retention, driver training, passenger handling
            CRM, ARM, ALCM                   (Please see our resume on page 226 for further   & assistance, stop selection, management,
             President                                                          monitoring and supervision, evaluation,
             Snoaspen Insurance Group, Inc.                                     passenger molestation and assault, vehicle
             Reno, NV                              PSYCHOLOGICAL                fires and explosions, driver and motorist
                                                                                fatigue, and catastrophic accidents . Particular
             Phone: (775) 682-4380                 EVALUATION FOR
             Cell: (775) 742-8829                                               expertise in standards of care (all public
                                                                                transportation modes) and compliance with
             E-mail: paul .burkett@att .net           DISABILITY
                                                                                USDOT and other regulations (e .g ., ADA, FTA,
                                                                                FMCSA, NHTSA, IDEA, FERPA, HIPAA) .
            (Please see our resume on page 230 for further                      Extensive familiarity with full range of vehicles,
            details.)                        Accredited Psychiatry & Medicine   from two international bus design projects,
                                               Harold J. Bursztajn, M.D.        preparation of vehicle specifications, and a
            IEN                                Cambridge, MA                    decade directing the operations of my own
             Insurance Expert Network, LLC     Phone: (617) 492-8366            70-vehicle paratransit system (with five vehicle
             The Source for Insurance Experts  E-mail: hbursztajn@hms .harvard .edu  types) .
             Morrisville,  PA
             Phone: (215) 736-2980           (Please see our resume on page 266 for further   (Please see our resume on page 263 for further
             E-mail: info@insuranceexpertnetwork .com  details.)               details.)
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:

            Visit our website at www .ALMExperts .com                                                     135
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