Page 208 - ALMExperts 2020 New Jersey Directory
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Drug Labels & Warnings                                          ALM EXPERTS: New Jersey Edition 2020

              DRUG LABELS &                       EMERGENCY                Thomas Wetjen, D.O.
                 WARNINGS                        DEPARTMENT                  Moorestown, NJ 08057
                                                                             Phone: (856) 625-3005
                                                                             - Cell
                                                                             E-mail: thomaswetjen@
        TASAmed (A Division of The TASA   Thomas Wetjen, D.O.                yahoo .com
        Group, Inc.)                       Moorestown, NJ
         CONTACT: Patricia Keily           Phone: (856) 625-3005 - Cell      Profile: As a Clinical Professor of Emergency
         (800) 659-8464                    E-mail: thomaswetjen@yahoo .com   Medicine and Medical Director of a large
         Phone: (800) 659-8464            (Please see our resume on page 278 for further   Emergency Department, Dr . Thomas Wetjen
                                                                             leads a group of physicians, which provides
                                          details.)                          care to approximately 70,000 patients
        (Please see our resume on page 277 for further                       per year .  He has greater than 10 years of
        details.)                                                            clinical experience managing emergencies
                                            EMERGENCY MEDICINE               ranging from infectious (sepsis), traumatic,
                                                                             neurological, and cardiac diseases .  As
            DRUG TOXICOLOGY                                                  an administrator and expert in Emergency
                                                                             Medicine, he frequently participates in patient
                                                                             case reviews, root causes analyses, and peer
        Lawrence J. Guzzardi, MD                                             reviews .  He also has extensive knowledge
         Hockessin, DE                                                       of Emergency Department Operations
         Phone: (717) 854-7785                                               including patient flow algorithms, as well as
         E-mail: LGuzzy84@gmail .com                                         department procedures and policies .  This
                                          TASAmed (A Division of The TASA    unique background provides him with the tools
        (Please see our resume on page 269 for further   Group, Inc.)        and knowledge required to help you and your
                                                                             clients achieve successful outcomes .
        details.)                          CONTACT: Patricia Keily
                                           (800) 659-8464                  (Please see our resume on page 278 for further
        Dr. James C. Norris                Phone: (800) 659-8464           details.)
         Expert Witness in Toxicology and   Fax: (800) 850-8272
         Pharmacology                      E-mail: TASAmed@tasanet .com
         Benton, AR                        Web: http://www .TASAmed .com      EMOTIONAL DISTRESS
         Phone: (866) 526-6774
         E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  Degrees/Licenses: All relevant degrees,
                                           licenses, certifications, etc. are represented.  Glen Skoler, Ph.D.
        (Please see our resume on page 253 for further
        details.)                          Profile: WE HAVE YOUR MEDICAL     Clinical & Forensic Psychology
                                           EXPERT.                           Clinical and Forensic
        Rodney G. Richmond, MS, PharmD,    TASAmed provides a variety of quality Medical   Psychologist
                                           Experts you need quickly . We refer thousands
        BCGP, FASCP                        of experienced, independent, local, and   Bala Cynwyd, PA
         The Mackenzie Group, LLC          national medical specialists for case merit   Phone: (240) 605-2988
         Phone: (304) 612-9045             review, IME’s, consulting, and testifying in   E-mail: DrGlenSkoler@gmail .com
                                           more than 1,000 medical fields, for plaintiff   blank
                                           or defense . We customize referrals to meet   Marlton, NJ
        (Please see our resume on page 274 for further   your requirements, forward resumes at your   Phone: (240) 605-2988
        details.)                          request, and help arrange your initial interview   E-mail: DrGlenSkoler@gmail .com
                                           calls with candidates . Since 1956, The TASA
                                           Group has been renowned for exceptional   (Please see our resume on page 276 for further
            EATING DISORDERS               personal service . Visit TASAmed .com to learn   details.)
                                           about free Expert-led webinars and Expert
                                           Witness background reports .

        Charles H. Heller, Ph.D., Clinical   REPRESENTATIVE EXPERTISE        EMOTIONAL SUFFERING
        and Forensic Psychologist
         Heller Consulting Group           We refer experts and consultants
                                           in virtually every medical and
         New York, NY                      related specialty, including: Addiction,   Charles H. Heller, Ph.D., Clinical
         Phone: (212) 880-3789             AIDS, Allergies, Alternative Medicine,   and Forensic Psychologist
         Alt . Phone: (845) 354-0535       Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Critical   Heller Consulting Group
         E-mail: drheller@optonline .net   Care,  Dentistry, Dermatology, Emergency   New York, NY
                                           Medicine, Endocrinology, Forensic Pathology,
        blank                                                                Phone: (212) 880-3789
         Paramus, NJ                       Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Gynecology,   Alt . Phone: (845) 354-0535
         Phone: (201) 262-0331             Hospital Administration, Infectious Diseases,   E-mail: drheller@optonline .net
         E-mail: drheller@optonline .net   Internal Medicine, Managed Care, Medical
                                           Devices & Equipment, Mental Health,   blank
        blank                                                                Paramus, NJ
         Monroe, NY                        Neonatology, Neurology, Nursing, Nursing   Phone: (201) 262-0331
         Phone: (845) 354-0535             Homes, Obstetrics, Oncology, Ophthalmology,   E-mail: drheller@optonline .net
         E-mail: drheller@optonline .net   Orthopedics, Pain & Suffering, Pediatrics,
                                           Pharmaceuticals, Pharmacology, Plastic   blank
        blank                              Surgery, Psychiatry, Psychology, Public   Monroe, NY
         Tarrytown, NY                     Health, Pulmonology, Radiology, Serology,   Phone: (845) 354-0535
         Phone: (845) 354-0535             Surgery, Toxicology, Urology, Wrongful Death,   E-mail: drheller@optonline .net
         E-mail: drheller@optonline .net   and much more .
                                                                           blank  Tarrytown, NY
        (Please see our resume on page 270 for further   Contact Us Today, and a Regional Referral   Phone: (845) 354-0535
        details.)                          Advisor Will Assist You.          E-mail: drheller@optonline .net
                                          (Please see our resume on page 277 for further   (Please see our resume on page 270 for further
                                          details.)                        details.)

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