Page 25 - ALMExperts 2020 New Jersey Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: New Jersey Edition 2020                                   Accident Investigation-Trucks
                                             Technology Associates, LLC        Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                                               Irving U. Ojalvo, ScD, PE       LLC
                                               Lawrence V. Hmurcik, PhD, PE     Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,
                                               Stamford, CT                     MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &
                                               Phone: (203) 329-9909            CEO
                                               E-mail: iuo@technology-assoc .com
            TASA (Technical Advisory Service                                    Lubbock, TX
            for Attorneys)                   blank  New York, NY                Phone: (806) 368-9811
             CONTACT: Linda Bartorillo         Phone: (800) 358-9909            Alt . Phone: (806) 773-7787
                                                                                E-mail: Info@ExpertEngineering .com
             (800) 523-2319                    E-mail: iuo@technology-assoc .com
             Phone: (800) 523-2319                                             (Please see our resume on page 257 for further
             Fax: (800) 329-8272             (Please see our resume on page 261 for further   details.)
             E-mail: experts@tasanet .com
             Web: http://www .TASAnet .com                                     Scott L. Turner
             Degrees/Licenses: All academic and   ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION        Scott L. Turner
             professional degrees, licenses, certifications,   & FAILURE ANALYSIS   Consulting, LLC
             etc . are represented .                                            PO Box 185
                                                     (ELECTRICAL)               Blairstown, NJ 07825
             Profile: TASA REFERS A VARIETY OF                                  Phone: (908) 496-4273
             QUALITY EXPERT WITNESSES AND                                       E-mail: SLTurner@SLTurnerConsulting .com
             CONSULTING EXPERTS YOU NEED     Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Web: http://www .SLTurnerConsulting .com
             from our vast network of specialists . Save   LLC                 blank
             valuable search time . We identify, interview,   Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE,   PO Box 44
             and introduce you to local and national                            Spencer , TN 38585
             independent experts who match your   MBA, CFEI, CFII - President &   Phone: (423) 881-5469
             unique requirements, including background,   CEO                   E-mail: SLTurner@SLTurnerConsulting .com
             location, experience, budget constraints, and   Lubbock, TX        Web: http://www .SLTurnerConsulting .com
             availability . More than 11,000 categories of   Phone: (806) 368-9811
             expertise in Technology, Science, Business,   Alt . Phone: (806) 773-7787  Degrees/Licenses: FMCSA CMV (Truck/Bus)
             Engineering, and the Arts, including more   E-mail: Info@ExpertEngineering .com  Level 1 Post Crash Inspections; FMCSA Brake
             than 1,000 Medical specialties through the                         Inspections; PHMSA Cargo-Tank Inspections;
             TASAmed division and more than 10,000   (Please see our resume on page 257 for further   Smith-System Instructor; IPTM, Commercial
             areas of expertise through our TASconsulting   details.)           Vehicle Crash Investigation; NJSP, CMV
             division . Services include prompt searches,                       Weights and Measures Master Trained; NJSP
             referrals, resumés for review, and your initial                   Cargo Tank Specialist Instructor; NATMI
             interview calls with candidates . NO CHARGE                        Transportation Director Trained
             unless you designate or engage an expert .   ACCIDENT
             Plaintiff, defense; civil and criminal . Since   INVESTIGATION-TRUCKS  Profile: Highly qualified and well-rounded
             1956, benefit from our incomparable expert                         expert opinion is supported by in excess of
             referral experience, expertise, and personal                       25 years’ experience in the highly specialized
             service . We recruit experts or they register   Commercial Vehicle Consultants  field of commercial motor vehicle crashes and
             with us directly . No data mining or dumping                       incidents, general CMV transportation and
             of expert witness profiles from other websites   Bob Crandall      FMCSA regulations, in addition to 17 years
             when recruiting . Visit TASAnet .com to learn   West Babylon, NY   at the helm of a national incident response
             about free Expert-led webinars and Expert   Phone: (631) 321-4153  company . Specializing in commercial motor   EXPERT CATEGORIES
             Witness background reports .      E-mail: cvc@comvehicle .com      vehicle crash investigation and FMCSA post-
                                                                                crash inspections, Scott’s career of service
             REPRESENTATIVE EXPERTISE        (Please see our complete listing under the   includes response and investigation to well
             Accident Investigation /Reconstruction;   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   over 1,000 tractor trailer crashes, 200 cargo-
             Agriculture; Animals; Appliances; Appraisals;    Trucking Industry)  tank crashes and incidents, and a multitude of
             Architecture;  Automotive;  Aviation;                              industrial setting incidents, railroad, maritime
             Bicycles; Biomechanics; Business Loss &   Robert Malanga, PE       and airline disasters . In addition, Scott had
             Evaluation; Chemistry; Civil Engineering;   Fire & Risk Engineering  spent several years as a CMV operator (truck
             Communication Systems; Computers;                                  driver) in the mid 1980’s . Driver experience
             Construction;  Discrimination;  Documents;    Long Valley, NJ      includes: cargo-tanks, flatbed (low-boy) and
             Economics; Education; Electrical Systems;   Phone: (908) 876-3255  dry-van trailers . Scott’s rich experience,
             Employment; Energy; Engineering;   E-mail: [email protected]     regulatory and ‘standards of care’ knowledge,
             Entertainment; Environment; Explosives;                            detailed reports and well-delivered testimony
             Fire; Food; Furniture; Hazardous Materials;   (Please see our resume on page 248 for further   can be a focal point of any civil or criminal
             Healthcare; Highways; Insurance; Intellectual    details.)         litigation or arbitration where Commercial
             Property; Machinery; Maritime; Materials;                          Motor Vehicle crashes, hazardous material
             Mold; OSHA; Product Liability; Real Estate;   Rapperport Associates, Inc.  incidents, loading/offloading accidents and/or
             Recreation; Safety; Security; Toxicology;   Daniel Rapperport      transit related matters are at issue .
             Traffic; Transportation; Utilities, and much,   Lexington, MA
             much more .                       Phone: (781) 862-9001            * Truck Accident Expert * Truck Expert *
                                               Alt . Phone: (339) 222-2822      Trucking Expert * Truck Safety Expert *
             Contact Us Today, and a Regional Referral   E-mail: dan@rapperport .com
             Advisor Will Assist You.                                          (Please see our resume on page 259 for further
                                             (Please see our resume on page 256 for further   details.)
            (Please see our resume on page 260 for further   details.)

            Visit our website at www .ALMExperts .com                                                       5
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