Page 128 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Workplace Injuries                                            ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025
        Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
         Professor (Emeritus) of Human    Sandra Whitaker                       WRONGFUL DEATH
         Resource Management               On-Going Safety and                     (ECONOMICS)
         at prestigious California         Health Advice (OSHA)
         university                        691 Caribou Dr
         Fullerton, CA                     Spring Branch, TX 78070         David A. Macpherson, Ph.D.
         Phone: (714) 879-9705             Phone: (210) 380-4554             San Antonio, TX
         Cell: (714) 595-1891              E-mail: s .whitaker@oshatx .com   Phone: (210) 863-4808
         E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   Web: http://www .oshatx .com   E-mail: david .macpherson1@icloud .com
         bkleiner@fullerton .edu
                                           Degrees/Licenses: Certified Safety Health   (Please see our resume on page 170 for further
        (Please see our complete listing under the   Official (CSHO)       details.)
        following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Employment)                        Profile: As a US-DOL Occupational Safety
                                           and Health expert with over 50 years’   WRONGFUL DEATH (LOST
                                           experience in the field, Sandra Whitaker offers
           WORKPLACE INJURIES              expert witness and litigation support for clients   EARNINGS)
                                           located throughout Texas .

                                           Ms. Whitaker is a Certified Safety and Health   Chad M. Garland
        ACS Engineering & Safety, LLC.     Official (CSHO) and has held the designation
         Spring, TX                        of US-DOL OSHA Approved Trainer .   Chad M. Garland, CPA, LLC
         Phone: (281) 353-8224                                               Shreveport, LA
         E-mail: eaj@acs-consulting .com   Ms . Whitaker’s extensive experience,   Phone: (318) 220-4416
                                           education, and training in the area of US-DOL-  E-mail: cgarland@chadgarlandcpa .com
        (Please see our resume on page 143 for further   OSHA compliance make her uniquely qualified
        details.)                          to offer these expert services:   (Please see our resume on page 158 for further
        Dennis W. Eckstine                 - Prepared over 50 Expert Witness Reports
         Matthew Eckstine                                                  David A. Macpherson, Ph.D.
         Eckstine & Associates, Inc.       - Testified as a Qualified Expert Witness in   San Antonio, TX
                                           over 12 Depositions
                                                                             Phone: (210) 863-4808
         Waynesboro, PA                                                      E-mail: david .macpherson1@icloud .com
         Phone: (717) 762-1555             - Testified in Arbitration or Court
         E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@                      (Please see our resume on page 170 for further
         me .com                           - Retained by both Plaintiff and Defense   details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 154 for further
        details.)                          - Comprehensive review and interpretation   WRONGFUL RETENTION
                                           of OSHA 29 CFR 1910 General Industry
        Kathleen Fraser MSN, M. Juris, RN-  regulations / 29 CFR 1926 Construction
        BC, CCM, CRRN, FAAN                                                Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA
         Fraser Imagineers                 - Workplace Injury services including   Professor (Emeritus) of Human
                                           determination of cause, research, written
         Katy, TX                          opinion and consultation .
         Phone: (281) 728-7273                                               Resource Management
         E-mail: kfraser@fraserimagineers .com                               at prestigious California
                                            WORKPLACE VIOLENCE               university
        (Please see our resume on page 187 for further                       Fullerton, CA
        details.)                                                            Phone: (714) 879-9705
                                                                             Cell: (714) 595-1891
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA       E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                    Professor (Emeritus) of Human     bkleiner@fullerton .edu
         President & CEO                   Resource Management
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,   at prestigious California      (Please see our complete listing under the
                                                                           following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
         LLC                               university                      Employment)
         Lubbock, TX                       Fullerton, CA
         Phone: (806) 368-9811             Phone: (714) 879-9705
         E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  Cell: (714) 595-1891          WRONGFUL TERMINATION
                                           E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,
                                           bkleiner@fullerton .edu
        (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   J. Richard Claywell
                                          following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   CPA, ABV, ASA, CBA, ICVS, CVA,
           WORKPLACE SAFETY                                                  MAFF, CFD, ABAR, CVGA
                                                                             Houston, TX
                                                                             Phone: (281) 488-7531
                                                                             Toll Free Phone: (866) 499-7531
        ACS Engineering & Safety, LLC.                                       E-mail: richard@biz-valuation .com
         Spring, TX
         Phone: (281) 353-8224                                             (Please see our resume on page 151 for further
         E-mail: eaj@acs-consulting .com                                   details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 143 for further

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