Page 136 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Emergency Medicine                                            ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025
                                           Advanced Trauma Life Support Certified
          EMERGENCY MEDICINE               (ATLS)                             FAILURE TO DIAGNOSE

                                           Advanced Cardiac Life support Certified     CASES
        Kenneth “Kenny” Stein,
        MD                                 Email: kennystein1@gmail .com   Kenneth “Kenny” Stein, MD
         Emergency Medicine,                                                 Emergency Medicine, Critical
         Critical Care Medicine,          (Please see our resume on page 191 for further   Care Medicine, Internal Medicine
         Internal Medicine                                                   & Personal Injury (Causation)
         & Personal Injury                                                   St . Louis, MO
         (Causation)                        EMERGENCY ROOM/ER                Phone: (314) 495-7009
         14312 Aitken Hill Ct .                                              E-mail: kennystein1@gmail .com
         St . Louis, MO 63017
         Phone: (314) 495-7009            Kenneth “Kenny” Stein, MD        (Please see our resume on page 191 for further
         Fax: (708) 585-3348               Emergency Medicine, Critical    details.)
         E-mail: kennystein1@gmail .com
         Web: http://www .er-md .com       Care Medicine, Internal Medicine
                                           & Personal Injury (Causation)         FAMILY MEDICINE
         Profile: Dr . Stein excels in providing testimony   St . Louis, MO
         that is credible, clearly understandable and   Phone: (314) 495-7009
         serves to educate the judges & jury about the   E-mail: kennystein1@gmail .com  Dr. Steven D. Kamajian, D.O.,
         science, the medicine and the facts as they                       C.M.D, F.A.C.O.F.P.
         relate to negligence, causation and damages .   (Please see our resume on page 191 for further
                                          details.)                          Montrose, CA
         Dr . Stein has extensive experience in                              Phone: (805) 807-0616 - Office
         providing medical-legal expert services,                            Cell: (818) 957-2007
         having reviewed over 600 cases (both plaintiff   EPIDEMIOLOGY (CANCER)  E-mail: drstevenkamajian@gmail .com,
         and defense) in over 40 US states & territories .                   dosteven@msn .com
         Dr . Stein Has provided testimony (deposition
         and trial) over 200 times .                                       (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          Dr. James C. Norris              following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Topics that Dr . Kenny Stein has provided   Expert Witness in Toxicology and   Medical Chart Review)
         opinions on include: Emergency Medicine,   Pharmacology
         Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Personal                        Jeffrey Stone D.O., MPH, FCCWS
         Injury (Causation), Sepsis/Septic Shock,   Benton, AR               Wound Care Consultants
         MI, Heart Attack, PE, Pulmonary Embolism,   Phone: (815) 955-5838   Plano, TX
         Pneumonia, Thoracic Aortic Dissection,   E-mail: norristoxicl@earthlink .net  Phone: (214) 265-9408
         Cauda Equina, Infection, Medical Malpractice,                       E-mail: jstone@wound .com
         Intensive Care , ICU, Trauma, Stroke, ER,   (Please see our resume on page 173 for further
         Pressure Injury, Pressure Ulcers, Causation,   details.)          (Please see our complete listing under the
         Nursing Home Injury, Misdiagnosis,
         Prescription Errors, Medication Errors, Failure                   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
                                                                           Bedsores/Pressure Ulcers Prevention & Care)
         to Diagnose, Delayed Diagnosis, Fracture .    EYE SURGERY

         Dr . Stein furnishes an unbiased opinion on
         medical malpractice and negligence cases,   Carolyn R. Carman, OD, FAAO  FETAL ALCOHOL
         as well as personal injury and wrongful death   Phone: (817) 925-3509      SYNDROME
         cases, not guaranteeing a favorable outcome
         but providing an honest assessment .
                                          (Please see our resume on page 185 for further
         Services Dr . Stein provides include:    details.)                Elizabeth A. Lambeth
                                                                             Owner, Clinical Adminstrator
         Survey of case for merit,                                           Louisiana Care Partners, LLC
                                            FAILED BACK SURGERY              Lafayette, LA
         Medical chart review and analysis,                                  Phone: (318) 451-3989
                                                                             E-mail: msliz4kidz@gmail .com
         Audit trail and metadata recommendations,   William H. Dillin, M.D.
                                           Independent Spine Evaluation    (Please see our resume on page 189 for further
         Preparation for opposing expert deposition                        details.)
         and cross-examination,            Inc.
                                           Phone: (800) 211-9877
         Medical literature search,
                                          (Please see our resume on page 186 for further   FIBROMYALGIA
         Expert witness testimony .       details.)

         Dr . Stein is an Assistant Professor in the   John R. Smithson, Jr.  Jeff Sarkozi, MD, FRCPC, FACR
         Division of Emergency Medicine, St . Louis   MD                     Fibromyalgia Polypain Arthritis
         University School of Medicine .
                                           Medical-Legal Expert Witness      Center
         Dr . Stein has practiced Emergency Medicine   Services, PLLC        Santa Ana, CA
         for 29 years and Critical Care / Intensive Care   Longview, TX      Phone: (714) 973-4636
         Medicine for 27 years .           Cell: (918) 331-7144              E-mail: expert@fmpolypain .com
                                           E-mail: j .smithson4@outlook .com
         Internal Medicine, Board Certified A.B.I.M.                       (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          (Please see our complete listing under the   following area of expertise: Medical Experts:
         Emergency Medicine, Board Certified A.B.P.S.     following area of expertise: Medical Experts:   Rheumatology)
         Neurocritical Care, Sub-specialty Certified
         U .C .N .S .

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