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ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025                                    NON-MEDICAL RESUMES

                   Bill Cline                           713 850 9955

                   Strategic Advisor                 www .gaffneycline .com

                                                   Key Areas of Expertise

                   •   Competitive strategy, business direction and investment and economic analysis
                   •   Expert witness, particularly with respect to valuation of petroleum properties and/or petroleum industry
                       practices in arbitration, mediation and litigation proceedings
                   •   Technical, commercial and strategic advisory support to private and public sectors of oil and gas
                       industry, as well as to financial institutions, service and power sectors
                   •   Negotiation of commercial and fiscal arrangements and valuation of petroleum assets, properties and
                       companies for merger and acquisition assignments
                   •   Independent expert opinion for public disclosure or investor/lender due diligence purposes (debt and   NON-MEDICAL RESUMES
                       equity issues, project financings, fairness opinions, etc .) and dispute resolution purposes

                                                  Professional Experience

                   •   Advises national oil companies and governments on strategic and practical dimensions of transition to
                       private/market economies, including development of petroleum sector policy, model contracts,
                       bidding round and negotiation processes and petroleum-sector reorganization and privatization
                   •   Assisted Government of Iraq in its first 5 Licensing Tenders and subsequent efforts around petroleum
                       sector financing and development of large scale infrastructure projects
                   •   Involved in multi-year advisory roles with Petróleos de Venezuela in its initiatives under Apertura
                       (opening of petroleum sector), with Brazil’s Agência Nacional do Petróleo as it opened its upstream
                       sector to private sector (including Brazil’s first 4 licensing rounds), and with Trinidad and Tobago’s
                       Ministry of Energy in development of Master Plan for country’s key natural gas sector
                   •   Influential in engagements on restructuring and privatization of YPF S .A ., in Argentina, and with
                       Brazil’s BNDES in corporate valuation of Petrobras for its secondary share offering as well as ANP and
                       Ministry of Finance 2010 recapitalization of Petrobras and ~US$ 80 billion “pré-sal” development
                       financing (and subsequent value redeterminations)
                   •   Advised Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with respect to its Natural Gas Initiative; Governments of Bulgaria,
                       Congo, Romania on restructuring their petroleum sectors and related finances; Governments of both
                       Timor Leste and Afghanistan on petroleum and fiscal policy as well as institutional capacity
                       development within sector; and, governments of Brunei, Colombia, Mexico, Kuwait, Iraq and Peru
                       with respect to business and contractual frameworks to facilitate inflow of capital and/or technology
                       and know-how into their respective upstream sectors
                   •   Expert witness in numerous arbitration, mediation and litigation proceedings including: ExxonMobil
                       vs . Venezuela (ICSID); ExxonMobil vs . Petróleos de Venezuela (ICC); Anadarko Petroleum/Maersk
                       vs . Sonatrach (UNCITRAL); Maersk vs . Algeria (ICSID); Sonatrach vs . Duke (UNCITRAL); Texaco
                       vs . Apache (AAA); Vanco vs . Ukraine (Stockholm Chamber of Commerce); Occidental vs . Ecuador
                       (mediation); CNOOC vs . Talisman (mediation); arbitrations related to Egypt's natural gas sector (ICC,
                       ICSID, UNCITRAL and CRCICA); Midland Resources vs . Shtaif et al . (Ontario Superior Court);
                       Total/ExxonMobil/Chevron/Nexen vs . NNPC (Nigerian arbitration); Repsol vs . Chevron (Spanish
                       litigation); Niko vs . Bangladesh (ICSID and Bangladesh litigation); First National Petroleum vs . TNG
                       (Stockholm Chamber of Commerce); and multiple cases for the US IRS


                       •   1986   MBA, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas
                       •   1980   BS International Economics, Edmund A . Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown
                                University, Washington, DC

                                           14990 Yorktown Plaza Dr, Houston TX 77040

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