Page 32 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Car Dealership Valuation                                      ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025

             CAR DEALERSHIP                      CELL PHONES                 For more detailed information, give Mr . Cook
                                                                             a call .
                                                                           (Please see our complete listing under the
                                          Jim Cook                         following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
        Matt Springer                      Premier Cellular                Cellular Evidence Analysis)
         Andersen                          Mapping & Analytics
         Houston, TX                       ...your Wireless                David H. Williams
         Phone: (832) 727-0336             Experts...                        E911-LBS
         E-mail: matt .springer@Andersen .com  Ripon, CA 95366               Consulting
                                           Phone: (209) 606-2665             P .O . Box 220442
        (Please see our resume on page 178 for further   Fax: (209) 545-0345  St . Louis, MO 63122
        details.)                          E-mail: jim@premiercma .com       Phone: (203) 423-9015
                                           Web: https://premiercma .com/     E-mail: dwilliams@LBSGlobe .com
                                                                             Web: http://www .E911-LBS .com
               CARNIVAL RIDE               Degrees/Licenses: Carrier training by AT&T,
                 ACCIDENTS                 Verizon, Sprint/Nextel, Boost, Metro PCS,   Profile: Mr . Williams has more than 30 years
                                                                             in the wireless/mobile location field, the last
                                           Cricket, T-Mobile, GTE, Contel, Pac-Tel
                                           Cellular, Cingular, Airtouch .    20+ as President of E911-LBS Consulting
                                                                             which focuses on location and social media-
        John C. Laughlin, M.Eng., P.E.     Versed in all Carrier billing formats   related cellphone forensics analysis and
         Laughlin Engineering Firm, LLC    and network operations . In addition to,   Intellectual Property consulting . He has served
         Houston, TX                       manufacture training by Motorola, Fujitsu,   as an expert in over 200 criminal, civil, patent,
         Phone: (281) 741-9226             Nokia, Samsung, LG, RIM, Ericsson,   anti-trust, ITC, and trade secret matters,
         E-mail: [email protected]     Technocel, and Shintom .          including being deposed over 40 times and
                                                                             testifying over 12 times in ITC, Federal District,
        (Please see our resume on page 168 for further   Profile: Jim Cook works nationally as   and various federal, state, county, and local
        details.)                          a Wireless Expert with over 37 years of   criminal/civil courts, including internationally .
                                           experience in the Wireless Industry . He is
                                           versed in all Carrier billing formats . He can   Mr . Williams is an expert in cellphone
            CASE MANAGEMENT                analyze the current facts and digital evidence   forensics investigation and analysis services
                                                                             involving GPS, E911, LBS, RFID, RTLS, Cell
                                           in a case and make recommendations to Law
                                           Enforcement and Attorneys (in Civil Matters)   ID/ECID, GIS, Wi-Fi, TDOA, BLE, Beacons,
                                           on ways to maximize the evidence available   UWB, Ultrasound/IR, NFC, AFLT and other
        Kathleen Fraser MSN, M. Juris, RN-  from cellular phones, the carrier/service   location technologies . He is also expert in
        BC, CCM, CRRN, FAAN                providers, social media, device exams, IoT   analyzing social media data to determine what
         Fraser Imagineers                 (internet of things) data, vehicle infotainment/  role and how social media may contribute
                                                                             to location-related incidents--particularly
                                           telematics data, video and other digital
         Katy, TX                          evidence . Mr . Cook then analyzes the data   homicide, arson, and robbery- related--
         Phone: (281) 728-7273             and can map the activity associated with the   and is fluent in numerous forensics data/
         E-mail: kfraser@fraserimagineers .com  device(s) . His analysis and mapping provide a   data analysis tools including Call Detail
                                           graphic representation of the records, showing   Records (CDRs), NELOS, PCMD, RTT,
        (Please see our resume on page 187 for further   the location of device(s) during a specific event   EVDO, Cellebrite, CellHawk, and Paraben .
        details.)                          or period of time. When Mr. Cook testifies   Mr . Williams has nearly three decades of
                                           in Court, he has the ability to explain the   experience working with carriers and mobile
                                           technical aspects of our digital world to a jury   application providers (particularly in Location-
                                           so that a lay person can understand them .    Based Services, public safety, telematics,
                                                                             and social media) resulting in an extremely
                                           Mr. Cook has testified in a wide range of   detailed insider understanding of their inner
                                           cases including Hit-and-Run, Auto Accidents,   technical design and implementation, and thus
                                           Insurance Fraud, Workers Comp, Personal   able to expertly—and exhaustively—analyze
                                           Injury, Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery,   and opine on the (in)validity of mobile system
                                           Arson, and Homicide, in both State and   forensic data . He is also a leading expert in
                                           Federal Court where cellular phone data and   location technology issues in the Internet of
                                           other digital evidence records were a key   Things (IoT), driverless car, and consumer/
                                           piece of evidence .               business privacy fields, as wells as the
                                                                             emerging AI-based location, context, and
                                           Mr . Cook was a 2011 and 2015 recipient of the   forensics fields.
                                           HTCIA International “Case of the Year Award”
                                           (2011 - “People vs . Bulos Zumot” and 2015 -   (Please see our complete listing under the
                                           “State of Texas vs . George De La Cruz”) and   following area of expertise: Expert Categories:
                                           Featured in “Law Enforcement Technology   Cellular Evidence Analysis)
                                           Magazine” May 2011 issue . Jim also appeared
                                           on ON THE CASE WITH PAULA ZAHN
                                           episode “Texts, Lies, and videotape” . He is
                                           a P .O .S .T ./ICI Instructor for the South Valley,
                                           Sacramento, & San Diego Regional Training
                                           Centers and is an instructor for CDAA
                                           (California District Attorney Association) .
                                           He is a member of HTCIA (High Technology
                                           Crime Investigation Association) and
                                           SWGDE (Scientific Working Group for Digital
                                           Evidence) .

                                           Additionally, Mr . Cook’s forensic examiners
                                           have the ability to unlock and download
                                           cellular phones and various digital devices .

        18                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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