Page 40 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Construction Estimates                                        ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025
                                          Janik Forensics PC
        Dennis W. Eckstine                 EJ Janik, CPA, CFF, CFE, CFLC,    CONSTRUCTION SAFETY
         Matthew Eckstine                  MS
         Eckstine & Associates,            Dallas, TX
         Inc.                              Phone: (214) 720-9192           ACS Engineering & Safety, LLC.
                                           E-mail: ej@janikpc .com
                                                                             Spring, TX
         10817 Partridge Drive                                               Phone: (281) 353-8224
         Waynesboro, PA 17268             (Please see our resume on page 165 for further   E-mail: eaj@acs-consulting .com
         Phone: (717) 762-1555            details.)
         Fax: (717) 762-9055                                               (Please see our resume on page 143 for further
         E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@  Charles R. Porter, Jr., Ph.D.  details.)
         me .com
         Web: http://www .eckstine .net    Real Estate & Construction
                                           Expert                          Dennis W. Eckstine
         Degrees/Licenses: Bachelor of Science   Austin, TX                  Matthew Eckstine
         Mechanical Engineering/ Master of Business   Phone: (512) 627-3793  Eckstine & Associates,
         Administration/ Master of Safety Sciences  E-mail: crporter@sbcglobal .net  Inc.
                                                                             10817 Partridge Drive
         Profile: Eckstine & Associates, Inc ., BSME,   (Please see our resume on page 175 for further   Waynesboro, PA 17268
         MS, has extensive experience and expertise   details.)              Phone: (717) 762-1555
         in matters involving cranes, aerial lifts,
         mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP),                             Fax: (717) 762-9055
                                                                             E-mail: deckstine@earthlink .net, meckstine@
         fork lifts, trucks, carriers, wagons, loaders,   CONSTRUCTION FOR THE   me .com
         drills, excavators, tractors, back hoes, roll                       Web: http://www .eckstine .net
         backs, fire ladders, etc. In addition, Eckstine   DISABLED
         & Associates, Inc ., has served as experts
         in litigation on safe use, training, and                            Degrees/Licenses: Bachelor of Science
         design of construction, industrial and   Dan Bawden, GMB, CAPS, CGR,   Mechanical Engineering/ Master of Business
         agricultural equipment for over 30 years .   CGP, JD                Administration/ Master of Safety Sciences
         Eckstine & Associates, Inc . consultants
         have held senior positions in Engineering,   President              Profile: Eckstine & Associates, Inc ., BSME,
         Quality and Product Safety for several major   Legal Eagle Contractors, Co.  MS, has extensive experience and expertise
         manufacturers . Consultants are currently   Houston, TX             in matters involving cranes, aerial lifts,
         members of numerous committees within   Phone: (832) 731-9555       mobile elevating work platforms (MEWP),
         the organizations of ANSI, SAE, ASSP, ISO   Cell: (832) 731-9555    fork lifts, trucks, carriers, wagons, loaders,
         and NCCCO . Eckstine & Associates, Inc   E-mail: dbawden@legaleaglecontractors .com  drills, excavators, tractors, back hoes, roll
         consultants have held leadership positions                          backs, fire ladders, etc. In addition, Eckstine
         in national and international standards   (Please see our resume on page 147 for further   & Associates, Inc ., has served as experts
         organizations including International   details.)                   in litigation on safe use, training, and
         Chairman of several ISO Technical                                   design of construction, industrial and
         Committees .                                                        agricultural equipment for over 30 years .
                                                                             Eckstine & Associates, Inc . consultants
                                                CONSTRUCTION                 have held senior positions in Engineering,
        (Please see our resume on page 154 for further
        details.)                                MANAGEMENT                  Quality and Product Safety for several major
                                                                             manufacturers . Consultants are currently
                                                                             members of numerous committees within
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,                                    the organizations of ANSI, SAE, ASSP, ISO
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                   Charles R. Porter, Jr., Ph.D.      and NCCCO . Eckstine & Associates, Inc
         President & CEO                   Real Estate & Construction        consultants have held leadership positions
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Expert                           in national and international standards
                                                                             organizations including International
         LLC                               Austin, TX                        Chairman of several ISO Technical
         Lubbock, TX                       Phone: (512) 627-3793             Committees .
         Phone: (806) 368-9811             E-mail: crporter@sbcglobal .net
         E-mail: info@expertengineering .com                               (Please see our resume on page 154 for further
                                          (Please see our resume on page 175 for further   details.)
        (Please see our resume on page 176 for further   details.)
        details.)                                                          Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,
                                                CONSTRUCTION               MBA, CFEI, CFII
              CONSTRUCTION                      OPERATIONS &                 President & CEO
                                                                             Real-World Forensic Engineering,
                 ESTIMATES                       PROCEDURES                  LLC
                                                                             Lubbock, TX
                                                                             Phone: (806) 368-9811
        Dan Bawden, GMB, CAPS, CGR,       Dan Bawden, GMB, CAPS, CGR,        E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
        CGP, JD                           CGP, JD
         President                         President                       (Please see our resume on page 176 for further
         Legal Eagle Contractors, Co.      Legal Eagle Contractors, Co.    details.)
         Houston, TX                       Houston, TX
         Phone: (832) 731-9555             Phone: (832) 731-9555
         Cell: (832) 731-9555              Cell: (832) 731-9555
         E-mail: dbawden@legaleaglecontractors .com  E-mail: dbawden@legaleaglecontractors .com
        (Please see our resume on page 147 for further   (Please see our resume on page 147 for further
        details.)                         details.)

        26                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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