Page 55 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025                                                Engineering
                   EMPLOYMENT                           ENERGY                  Houston, TX
                 DISCRIMINATION                                                 Phone: (713) 850-9955
                                                                                E-mail: houston@gaffneycline .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 157 for further
            Brian H. Kleiner, PhD, MBA                                         details.)
             Professor (Emeritus) of Human
             Resource Management
             at prestigious California       Baker & O’Brien                          ENGINEERING
             university                        Shawn McDonald
             Fullerton, CA                                                     James R. Drebelbis,
             Phone: (714) 879-9705             1333 West Loop South, Suite 1350
                                               Houston, TX 77027
             Cell: (714) 595-1891              Phone: (832) 358-1453           AIA, PE, NAFE
             E-mail: bkleinerphdmba@gmail .com,   E-mail: shawn .mcdonald@bakerobrien .com  Drebelbis Engineering
             bkleiner@fullerton .edu                                            2909 Cole Avenue, Suite 100
                                               Web: https://http://www .bakerobrien .com
                                                                                Dallas, TX 75204-1304
            (Please see our complete listing under the                          Phone: (214) 468-8118
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Profile: Baker & O’Brien provides industry   E-mail: jim@drebelbisengineering .com
                                               expertise to address a wide range of technical
            Employment)                                                         Web: http://www .drebelbisengineering .com
                                               and economic issues in disputes across the
                                               energy supply chain .  We have worked on
                                               thousands of expert assignments, and our   Degrees/Licenses: BS Arch . Engineering,
                   EMPLOYMENT                  consultants are skilled at delivering expert   MBA, Professional Engineer (Texas, Kansas,
                 DISCRIMINATION                evidence on complex matters .    Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico), Architect

                   (ECONOMICS)                 Expert Witness & Dispute Support
                                               Since 1993, Baker & O’Brien has provided   Profile: Disputes about construction
                                               independent consulting services to the energy   performance often emphasize the obvious
            David A. Macpherson, Ph.D.         industry, following our founders’ service,   (leaks, cracks, collapses) . Although symptoms
             San Antonio, TX                   commitment, integrity, and quality principles .    define the damage models, technology
             Phone: (210) 863-4808             We are committed to delivering the kind   and design/construction process define the
                                                                                legal issues . Our combined background in
             E-mail: david .macpherson1@icloud .com  of expertise even the experts turn to .  Our
                                               consultants are degree-educated engineers,   architecture, engineering and business makes
            (Please see our resume on page 170 for further   typically have 30 years of experience and are   Drebelbis Engineering uniquely qualified to
                                                                                address these complexities found in forensic
            details.)                          proven testifiers.
                                                                                engineering assignments .
                                               Liability & Root Cause Analysis
                                               We complete standard-of-care, industry   Our areas of specialty include: structural
                                               practice and forensic analyses to provide   engineering, building technology, construction,
                                               expert testimony on cause and liability .  For   project management, building codes,
                                               example, we assess the engineering design,   foundations, soil mechanics, retaining
                                               construction and operation of process   structures, water intrusion, moisture
                                               plants, review product quality issues in the   related problems, cause and origin of
                                               hydrocarbon value chain and investigate   structural failures, professional ethics,
                                               process plant accidents .        building specifications, contract documents,  EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                                                                performance of building systems (e .g ., roofs,
                                               Damages & Quantum                floors, moisture barriers, windows, doors), fire
                                               We also specialize in the economic analysis of   and weather related damage, deterioration
                                               refining, petrochemicals and gas processing,   due to insects and moisture, corrective
                                               and crude oil valuation .  Our consultants   construction, slip/ trip and fall .
                                               provide testimony on the fair valuation of
                                               assets, economic damages, and business   Drebelbis Engineering’s services include:
                                               interruption losses .            engineering investigation, documentation,
                                                                                testimony, and preparation of Certificates of
                                               Energy Industries Served         Merit .
                                               We assist legal teams with disputes across the
                                               following industries:           (Please see our resume on page 153 for further
                                               • Oil & Gas Production
                                               • Natural Gas, NGLs and LNG     Steven B. Kushnick
                                               • Petroleum Refining             Steven B. Kushnick P.E. Inc.
                                               • Renewable Fuels                Marietta, GA
                                               • Chemical & Petrochemical       Phone: (770) 591-1720
                                               • Transportation & Storage       E-mail: sbk@sbkushnick .com
                                               • Power Generation
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 167 for further
                                               For further details, contact:   details.)
                                               • Houston: Shawn McDonald,
                                               shawn .mcdonald@bakerobrien .com,
                                               (832) 358-1453
                                               • Dallas: Aaron Imrie,
                                               aaron .imrie@bakerobrien .com,
                                               (214) 368-7626
                                             (Please see our resume on page 145 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              41
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