Page 75 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025                                        Insurance Appraisals
            Joe L. Williams, CPCU            Robert J. Worth, Professional Law
             Partner                         Corporation                           INSURANCE AGENT/
             Pozmantier, Williams & Stone      dba Law Offices of Robert J.        BROKER LIABILITY
             Insurance Consultants LLC         Worth
             Houston, TX                       Attorney-at-Law
             Phone: (281) 235-5966             Calabasas, CA                   Paul W. Burkett, JD, CPCU, CIC,
             E-mail: joe@pwsconsult .com       Phone: (818) 222-2433           CRM, ARM, ALCM
                                               Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California   President
            (Please see our resume on page 183 for further   Only)
            details.)                          E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,   Snoaspen Insurance Group, Inc.
                                               worth4law@aol .com               Reno, NV
            Robert J. Worth, Professional Law                                   Phone: (775) 682-4380
            Corporation                      (Please see our complete listing under the   Cell: (775) 742-8829
             dba Law Offices of Robert J.    following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   E-mail: paul .burkett@att .net
                                             Insurance Practices & Standards)
             Worth                                                             (Please see our resume on page 150 for further
             Attorney-at-Law                                                   details.)
             Calabasas, CA                       INSURANCE AGENCY
             Phone: (818) 222-2433                  MANAGEMENT                 Joe L. Williams, CPCU
             Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California                        Partner
             Only)                                                              Pozmantier, Williams & Stone
             E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,
             worth4law@aol .com              Robert J. Worth, Professional Law   Insurance Consultants LLC
                                             Corporation                        Houston, TX
            (Please see our complete listing under the   dba Law Offices of Robert J.   Phone: (281) 235-5966
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:                     E-mail: joe@pwsconsult .com
            Insurance Practices & Standards)   Worth
                                               Attorney-at-Law                 (Please see our resume on page 183 for further
                                               Calabasas, CA                   details.)
             INSURANCE (BAD FAITH)             Phone: (818) 222-2433
                                               Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California   Robert J. Worth, Professional Law
                                               Only)                           Corporation
                                               E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,
            Robert J. Worth, Professional Law   worth4law@aol .com              dba Law Offices of Robert J.
            Corporation                                                         Worth
             dba Law Offices of Robert J.    (Please see our complete listing under the   Attorney-at-Law
             Worth                           following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Calabasas, CA
             Attorney-at-Law                 Insurance Practices & Standards)   Phone: (818) 222-2433
                                                                                Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California
             Calabasas, CA                                                      Only)
             Phone: (818) 222-2433                                              E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,
             Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California   INSURANCE AGENT &    worth4law@aol .com
             Only)                                      BROKER
             E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,                               (Please see our complete listing under the
             worth4law@aol .com                                                following area of expertise: Expert Categories:  EXPERT CATEGORIES
                                             Robert J. Worth, Professional Law   Insurance Practices & Standards)
            (Please see our complete listing under the
            following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   Corporation
            Insurance Practices & Standards)   dba Law Offices of Robert J.
                                               Worth                            INSURANCE APPRAISALS
               INSURANCE AGENCY                Calabasas, CA
                                               Phone: (818) 222-2433           Rudy R. Robinson III, MAI
                                               Toll Free Phone: (800) 978-1529 (California   Austin Valuation Consultants,
            Joe L. Williams, CPCU              Only)                            Ltd.
             Partner                           E-mail: robert@robertworthlaw .com,   Georgetown, TX
                                               worth4law@aol .com
             Pozmantier, Williams & Stone                                       Phone: (512) 423 8547
                                                                                E-mail: rrr@austinval .com, cla@austinval .com
             Insurance Consultants LLC       (Please see our complete listing under the
             Houston, TX                     following area of expertise: Expert Categories:   (Please see our resume on page 144 for further
             Phone: (281) 235-5966           Insurance Practices & Standards)  details.)
             E-mail: joe@pwsconsult .com
                                                                               Winston McKenzie, Jr., ANA
            (Please see our resume on page 183 for further                      President
                                                                                McKenzie Appraisal Service
                                                                                Houston, TX
                                                                                Phone: (713) 863-1215
                                                                                E-mail: weehahn@aol .com
                                                                               (Please see our resume on page 172 for further

            Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness                                              61
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