Page 90 - ALMExperts 2025 Southwestern Directory
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Metallurgy                                                    ALM EXPERTS: Southwestern Edition 2025

                METALLURGY                  METALLURGY FAILURE
        Bradley N. Plank, PE
         Plank M&ME, LLC                  Clifton Knight                   Professor J. Rasty, PhD,
         Mechanical & Metallurgical        KnightHawk Engineering Inc.     PE, DFE, MBA, CFEI,
         Engineer                          Houston, TX                     CFII
         Dallas, TX                        Phone: (281) 282-9200             President & CEO
         Phone: (214) 399-4844             Cell: (281) 702-0203
         E-mail: brad@plankmme .com        E-mail: nknight@knighthawk .com   Real-World Forensic
                                                                             Engineering, LLC
        (Please see our resume on page 174 for further   (Please see our resume on page 166 for further   2309 19th Street
        details.)                         details.)                          Lubbock, TX 79424
                                                                             Phone: (806) 368-9811
        Professor J. Rasty, PhD, PE, DFE,   Bradley N. Plank, PE             Fax: (806) 368-9812
        MBA, CFEI, CFII                    Plank M&ME, LLC                   E-mail: info@expertengineering .com
                                                                             Web: http://www .ExpertEngineering .com
         President & CEO                   Mechanical &
         Real-World Forensic Engineering,   Metallurgical Engineer           Degrees/Licenses: Ph .D ., M .Eng ., M .S .,
         LLC                               9540 Garland Road, #381-347       and M .B .A . Educated Staff in Mechanical
         Lubbock, TX                       Dallas, TX 75218                  Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and
                                           Phone: (214) 399-4844
         Phone: (806) 368-9811                                               Forensic Science Disciplines. Board-certified
         E-mail: info@expertengineering .com  E-mail: brad@plankmme .com     Professional Engineer by National Academy
                                           Web: http://www .PlankMME .com    of Forensic Engineers, Diplomat Forensic
                                                                             Engineer, Licensed Professional Engineers
        (Please see our resume on page 176 for further                       (PE) and Certified Fire and Explosion
        details.)                          Degrees/Licenses: Professional Engineer
                                           (P.E.) in Texas and 24 other states; Certified   Investigators (CFEI) .
                                           Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI); MBA
                                                                             Profile: Professional Engineers who are
           METALLURGY - STEEL/             Profile: Bradley N . Plank, PE uses his   University Professors and  Internationally
                 ALUMINUM                  combination of mechanical and materials   Recognized Researchers, supported
                                           (metals and plastics) experience and   by Engineering and Legal Professionals
                                           education to provide forensic and consulting   Specializing in Failure Analysis, Forensic
        Clifton Knight                     engineering services to attorneys, insurance   Engineering, and Intellectual Property
                                                                             Evaluation .
                                           professionals, and industrial clients . His
         KnightHawk Engineering Inc.       experience includes more than 30 years
         Houston, TX                       in manufacturing in the metals processing   AREAS OF EXPERTISE
         Phone: (281) 282-9200             industries, over 25 years performing failure   Mechanical Engineering
         Cell: (281) 702-0203              analyses, and over 25 years investigating   Design of Mechanical Systems
         E-mail: nknight@knighthawk .com   claims for insurance firms and attorneys. Mr.   Failure Analysis of Components & Machinery
                                           Plank has worked on assignments involving   Metallurgical Engineering / Corrosion
        (Please see our resume on page 166 for further   mechanical equipment, appliances, oil and   Dynamics of Impact, Collision & Explosion
        details.)                          gas transmission, plumbing, HVAC, heavy   Friction Analysis / Falls, Slips & Trips
                                           equipment, machine tools, crane and wire   Products Liability / Reliability / Safety
                                           cables, manufacturing processes, boilers   Patent Review / Infringement Issues
                                           and water heaters, and thermal processes,   Microscopy
                                           among many others. Mr. Plank has testified in
                                           a wide variety of matters including personal   Electrical Engineering
                                           injury and property damage, in both state and   Design of Electrical Systems
                                           federal court and his testimony has never   Electrocution / Electrical Switch Malfunction
                                           been excluded .                   Electrical Fires Cause & Origin
                                                                             Electrical Switch Malfunction
                                          (Please see our resume on page 174 for further   Component Failure Analysis
                                          details.)                          Grounding / Lightning Protection
                                                                             High-Voltage / Current Power Systems
                                                                             Lab Testing for Impulse & Lightning Load

                                                                             PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Since 1988,
                                                                             RWFE has provided engineering services to
                                                                             industries and government labs, as well as
                                                                             litigation support to both plaintiff and defense
                                                                             attorneys practicing in the following areas of

                                                                             •  Product Liability / Personal Injury Law:
                                                                             Component Defect and Safety

                                                                             •  Premises Liability: Slips, Trips and Falls,
                                                                             Evaluation of Slip Resistance

                                                                             •  Intellectual Property Law: Patent Review /
                                                                             Infringement, Breach of Confidentiality, Trade
                                                                             Secret Violation - Mechanical / Electrical

        76                                                        Visit our website at www .law .com/expert-witness
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