International Edition

Law In Business; Tiers that bind

The profitability rankings of the top 50 UK law firms are not just a means for partners to keep score with their colleagues in rival firms - they are becoming more relevant in the search for the best clients, argues Tony Williams
7 minute read

International Edition

Commonwealth Countries: Beyond These Shores

UK firms are widening their horizons in an increasingly competitive labour market, and the Commonwealth countries can provide rich pickings for firms on the lookout for talent, as Derek Bedlow discovers
11 minute read

International Edition

The REIT approach to property revolution

The impending launch of the UK REIT promises to revolutionise the real estate market, resulting in significant returns for investors. Simon Clark and Tom Road outline the current situation and explain which companies will be eligible to convert
8 minute read

International Edition

Real Estate: Private sector eyes a share of public purse

Britain's biggest housebuilders can now bid for affordable housing projects, thanks to the Government's efforts to open up such developments to wider competition. But the change has not been met with universal approval, as Adrian Bland and Jacqueline Knox explain
6 minute read

International Edition

Law In Business: Libel: Netting slanders

Posters of libellous material on the internet should beware - the courts are finally catching up with them
5 minute read

International Edition

Commentary: Asian push could create virtue from Herbies' necessity

Herbies needs to stick to its guns to ensure its international strategy is a success
4 minute read

International Edition

Professional Negligence: Commercial Goal

The negligence claim by the Football League against its former solicitor, Edge Ellison, has thrown new light on the scope a legal adviser has to give commercial guidance to a client. Peter Mansfield reports
7 minute read

International Edition

Law In Business: At your service

Debate rages over whether lawyers should be excluded from the Services Directive, which outlines a legal framework for all service providers across all sectors
5 minute read

International Edition

Commentary: Barlows aims to widen litigation-centric focus

Headline-grabbing litigation wins fail to save Barlows from disappointing top 50 table results
4 minute read

International Edition

Germany: The Right To Copy

Controversy has surrounded efforts to modernise copyright law in Germany, as the competing interests of digital hardware manufacturers and authors jostle for position. Christian Frank reports
6 minute read


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