International Edition

Southwest: Revamping the south

Billions of pounds' worth of regeneration projects are taking place in the southwest, creating homes and job opportunities through the development of mixed-use sites, write David Powell and Stephen Rosser
7 minute read

International Edition

Outsourcing: Getting your feet wet...

Law firms are no strangers to outsourcing where they see clear benefits. But when it comes to high-profile offshoring and managed services, most firms have yet to test the water, writes Ken Young
16 minute read

International Edition

The IT man

Legal IT reports
5 minute read

International Edition

Kept out of the loop

The potent issue of conflicts of interest is firmly rooted in the preservation of confidentiality - a key professional rule for solicitors and one that is always flagged by them any time the independence of the solicitor's profession is threatened. In any event, it is generally accepted that matters between clients and solicitors are confidential and should remain confidential. Hence, the recognition that legal professional privilege should, in certain circumstances, be attached to the advice that solicitors give to their clients.
8 minute read

International Edition

Southwest: The wired west

Exeter has long existed in Bristol's shadow as a centre of commercial law in the southwest. But with the city council laying out plans to redevelop the town as a major centre of scientific research and development, lawyers are hoping Exeter is on the brink of finding its niche. Simon Gregory reports
6 minute read

International Edition

Yorkshire / North East: On the right track

The role of the projects lawyer is no longer limited to issues in the legal arena. Michael Boyd and Ingrid Hoffbauer examine the dynamic role now played by them in ensuring not only that their clients' interests are represented, but that their crises are effectively managed
6 minute read

International Edition

Yorkshire / North East: Yorkshire forward

Leeds firms have been fighting their corner with some of the highest profile deals in the media, including acting on the Safeway takeover and the restructuring of Leeds United football club. Derek Bedlow reports
9 minute read

International Edition

Getting the message across

In order to communicate fully with their clients, law firms are having to employ an ever increasing range of technologies, some of which have proved a good deal more reliable and popular than others. Kieran Flatt reports
18 minute read

International Edition

Switzerland: Structual success

Wilhelm Haarmann explains how Haarmann Hemmelrath's use of the Swiss societe co-operative business structure has allowed the firm to grow and prosper through a tough regulatory period
5 minute read

International Edition

Switzerland: Against the flow

Swiss law firms were reluctant to expand outside their national borders even before the economic downturn rattled confidence in the global model. But despite continuing uncertainty in its home market, one firm has opted to swim against the tide. Sophie Evans reports
10 minute read


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