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May 31, 2013 |

Lawyers: Forget iPhones, Get a Real Camera

Lawyers need more than an iPhone or Droid camera, for documenting property damage, medical malpractice, and other evidence.
8 minute read
June 01, 2011 | Legaltech News

Holding Court

Eight ideas to help the judiciary make wise technology decisions when facing severe budget cuts.
7 minute read
March 22, 2007 | Legaltech News

Teach Your Firm That It's Easy Being Green

Alvidas Jasin of Thomson & Hine was so moved by the Al Gore slide show in "An Inconvenient Truth," he joined The Climate Project to learn how to present it himself. He also learned a few ways to re-energize his firm the green way. He suggests you do the same -- letting IT take the lead.
5 minute read
October 20, 2004 | Legaltech News

Courtroom Technology for Small Firms

Still using flip charts? Welcome to the 21st century, where the use of courtroom presentation technology is on the rise. It streamlines litigation and increases juror understanding -- but it's also expensive. For many small firms, the most cost-effective way to take advantage of the new tools is to hire a consultant. It's an option that lets you focus on the case while leaving the task of adding the bells and whistles to the tech wizards.
7 minute read
July 19, 2006 | Legaltech News

No Web Site? Click on 'Lose Clients'

A law firm's Web site is its way of showing its face to the world. Even though much of a firm's business comes by referral, many referrals will scope you out online before they phone. These tips will help you to meet potential clients face-first.
6 minute read
December 01, 2002 | Legaltech News

A View from the Other Side

6 minute read
June 11, 2008 | Legaltech News

Confusion Reigns In Courts Over 'Metatags'

"Metatags," words or phrases that a business embeds in HTML code to drive search-engine traffic to its Web site, come in 100 different flavors, but courts tend to treat them all the same. When metatags include trademark-protected names of competitors, it can lead to litigation.
4 minute read
August 15, 2004 | Legaltech News

TEST - What is That Thing?

4 minute read
September 09, 2013 | Legaltech News

The EDRM Metrics Model From Cubism to Modernism

The updated Metrics Model by the Electronic Discovery Reference Model can contribute to better efficiencies and outcomes by providing insight into how electronic data discovery uses resources and funds.
5 minute read
August 01, 2013 | Legaltech News

Be Not Afraid

Be not afraid: Seven reasons why e-discovery need not be terrifying.
6 minute read