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August 22, 2007 | Legaltech News

Search Engine Finds Memories From Way Back

Internet Archive searches, records and stores publicly available data on the Web. The Wayback Machine, a search engine, allows viewing of pages that robotic search tools automatically record and archive, providing a record of past public statements made by or on behalf of a Web site's owner.
10 minute read
June 12, 2006 | Legaltech News

Get On Board the EDD Rules Train

The federal rules amendments governing e-discovery have sailed through the U.S. Supreme Court and are now before Congress. If they pass, they'll be effective this December. Attorney Craig Ball thinks it's a great time to get a jump on learning what we'll all need to know.
6 minute read
August 30, 2012 | Legaltech News

ILTA Panel Takes Stock in Connecting People

The International Legal Technology Association annual meeting near Washington, D.C., featured a TED-style discussion on how to "Reassess Your Calling to Redesign Your Career," moderated by Monica Bay, editor-in-chief of Law Technology News magazine.
4 minute read
July 08, 2011 | Legaltech News

In-House Counsel Caught in the Crosshairs of Righthaven Litigation

Under an agreement with Righthaven, Stephens Media, publisher of the Las Vegas Review-Journal would receive 50 percent of any copyright recovery, and would retain its ownership of copyrights. But Righthaven failed to disclose the financial interest of Stephens Media in its required "Certificate of Interested Parties," signed by its in-house counsel.
4 minute read
February 08, 2005 | Legaltech News

You've Got E-Mail Consolidation

Consolidation among makers of anti-spam software picked up speed in 2004, and the trend is expected to accelerate as larger players prey on smaller providers in hopes of tapping into a burgeoning computer security niche. In 2004, companies spent $747 million on anti-spam software and appliances, up from $652 million the previous year, according to analysts. Global spending in the sector is expected to grow to $852 million in 2005.
5 minute read
June 05, 2012 | Legaltech News

Eaton Executives' Affidavits Focus on E-Discovery Problems

Two top litigation counsel at Eaton Corporation were ushered out of their jobs because the two lawyers botched the production of emails for discovery, according to affidavits.
4 minute read
September 01, 2003 | Legaltech News

A Supreme Collection of High Court Resources

Opinions are only the tip of the iceberg.
6 minute read
October 21, 2005 | Legaltech News

E-Mail Primer: How Does It Get From My Desk to Yours?

Although e-mail is an indispensable part of practicing law, its workings remain a mystery to many people. But never fear: Roger C. Schechter, director of technology and of counsel for Grotta, Glassman & Hoffman, can explain the basics. Delayed or missing e-mail? Schechter explains some of the reasons behind those annoying events.
12 minute read
November 01, 2011 | Legaltech News

Righthaven: Down, but Not Out

Attorney David A. Tashroudian sees threats to Righthaven's success as "the nation's pre-eminent copyright enforcer," but suggests stories about its demise are hyperbole.
8 minute read
March 24, 2011 | Legaltech News

Kelley Drye Disqualified Over Access to Ex-Client's Confidential Documents

A New Jersey federal judge upheld a decision disqualifying Kelley Drye from defending its client, Arch Personal Care Products, in a lawsuit by H20 Plus because confidential information central to its client's defense was obtained when the firm handled H2O Plus' sale. Kelley Drye had managed an online, virtual data room containing more than 10,000 H2O documents.
5 minute read

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