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September 07, 2005 | Legaltech News

AbacusLaw's Family Law Software Delivers

Over the years, case management software has become more and more refined. However, there are still several programs that don't take into consideration the fact that most attorneys need a program that is more adept at their particular practice area. Attorney and consultant Alan Pearlman reviews AbacusLaw's family law software.
6 minute read
April 12, 2011 | Legaltech News

Leading In-House Lawyers Find Way to Make Alternative Fees Work

Should your law firm continue to bill by the hour -- or would alternative billing work better? That's the question that was posed to four in-house counsel at the American Bar Association's midyear meeting. Despite the potential advantages of alternative billing -- and lawyers' dislike of having to track their time by the hour -- firms have been slow to adapt.
5 minute read
April 17, 2009 | Legaltech News

Dive Into Deep Web Research

Have you heard of the Deep Web? It's the content that is housed in online databases -- such as Westlaw and Lexis -- that search engines like Google and Yahoo cannot access. Paralegal Kim Walker dives into less known Deep Web databases to help you get the most out of online research.
11 minute read
May 12, 2006 | Legaltech News

Google Desktop Makes Progress

The version of Google's Desktop released last winter was maddeningly close to being very cool. The latest version, Desktop 4, released Wednesday, shows great progress, while addressing privacy concerns about earlier versions. The newest Desktop also has an optional "sidebar" that you can place on your screen to display customized modules of information. Its most intriguing functions may be news and blog modules that analyze your surfing habits and grab Web content you might enjoy.
5 minute read
December 09, 2010 | Legaltech News

Building Ethical Walls in Microsoft SharePoint

Ethical walls between client data and attorneys to comply with professional rules should be exclusionary, keeping certain individuals out but allowing all others. Fenwick & West's Mark Gerow supplies a work-around to overcome SharePoint's inability to set up exclusionary walls for compliance.
12 minute read
December 05, 2012 | Legaltech News

Europe Takes on Tech Giants and Their Tax Havens

Governments are accusing tech giants such as Google and Amazon of incorporating themselves in low-tax countries so they can avoid paying hundreds of millions of dollars to countries such as Germany, Britain, and France.
8 minute read
March 26, 2012 | Legaltech News

Negotiating the Risks of Click-, Shrink- and Browse-Wrap User Agreements

Employees often encounter "wrap" agreements during online transactions. Employers who do not supervise acceptance of such agreements could subject their companies to legal headaches.
5 minute read
March 19, 2010 | Legaltech News

How to Keep Sensitive Data Blacked Out

Webster defines redaction as "an act or instance of editing." Sound simple? Not according to paralegal Kim Walker, who defines it as "one of the scariest tasks performed in a law office." She lists steps to redact properly in two of the most widely used law office programs. Do it carefully.
4 minute read
October 08, 2009 | Legaltech News

DOJ Probes IBM's Mainframe Market Conduct

The U.S. Department of Justice is looking into allegations that IBM abused its dominant position in the mainframe computer market. The claims stem from IBM rivals who say that they've been frozen out of the market because Big Blue refused to allow its mainframe OS to run on non-IBM computers.
4 minute read
June 13, 2008 | Legaltech News

A New Breed of Attorney Enters the Fray

The volume of electronically stored information involved in litigation today, combined with the complexity and varieties of technology used to store and retrieve it, has created a need for attorneys who specialize in e-discovery rather than deal with it in an ancillary way.
7 minute read