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December 09, 2008 | Legaltech News

Video Clipped: Deposition Excerpt Ordered Off YouTube

A Texas plaintiff was so outraged by the deposition testimony of her opponent in a fraud suit against a Houston car dealership that her attorney posted an excerpt on YouTube and linked to it from the firm's Web site. But a court order cut the clip because it wasn't a public record.
7 minute read
December 12, 2012 | Legaltech News

Top Six Tech Issues of 2012 for In-House Counsel

Making a list and checking it twice? Don't forget about the most important law and technology developments in 2012. Foley & Lardner attorney Adam Losey walks us through his top six tech issues of the year.
6 minute read
January 05, 2012 | Legaltech News

Google Opts In to Legal Troubles

Shapiro Sher partner William A. McComas observes that the public is taking notice of Google's "acceptance-by-silence" paradigm in using content unless originators opt out.
6 minute read
March 01, 2009 | Legaltech News


LTN winners honored at festive Times Square party.
6 minute read
February 21, 2012 | Legaltech News

Forensic Experts Identify Litigation Game-Changers

6 minute read
August 22, 2013 | Legaltech News

What's New From the ILTA Exhibit Hall

Product news from the Exhibit Hall of the International Legal Technology Association's annual meeting.
4 minute read
May 05, 2005 | Legaltech News

Blogging and the Bottom Line

Blogging is one of the hottest tools in legal marketing. Not convinced? Pick an area of law -- trademark, employment, appellate, whatever -- tack "lawyer" onto it, and search the phrase on Google. Odds are, a legal blog will be among the top-ranked results, if not at the very top of the list. And higher search ranking is just one of the many marketing advantages blogging offers lawyers -- all for little or no cost and with virtually no technical knowledge required.
9 minute read
February 21, 2007 | Legaltech News

Business Intelligence: What It Takes and What It Does

Business intelligence sounds alluring. It evokes images of smart, hip-but-geeky people wearing those expensive horned-rim glasses so popular in cell-phone commercials. But, what is it, really? Or what should it be? John Alber of Bryan Cave tells us what it means to his firm.
9 minute read
December 01, 2009 | Legaltech News

Litigation Support

8 minute read
March 02, 2011 | Legaltech News

Survey Shines Light on Law Student Social Networking

A recent survey by Ari L. Kaplan found that law students use professional social networking tools -- 40 percent have registered for a LinkedIn account, for example. But he also found evidence that students struggle with following up on opportunities, lack confidence in their networking prowess, and have weak relationships with mentors. What more can they do?
5 minute read