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December 01, 2009 | Legaltech News

Creating the Path

The days of "doing more with less" are history.
5 minute read
June 21, 2013 | Legaltech News

D4 Acquires Local Litigation Expertise in Illinois

D4, a national provider of e-discovery software and services to law firms and corporations, announced Friday its further expansion into Illinois with the acquisition of the Litigation Solutions Group from Project Leadership Associates.
3 minute read
December 08, 2004 | Legaltech News

Of Ethics and EDD

As electronic information plays an increasingly vital role in the business of law, the retention of that data will be continually subjected to new methods of archiving and review. But can courts use the same rules for sanctioning abusive practices in e-discovery as they do in traditional discovery?
12 minute read
September 23, 2013 | Legaltech News

Tech Circuit: Jets & Motorcycles Edition

Tech Circuit: Jets & motorcycles edition: Craig Carpenter Defects from Recommind to AccessData, Mark Williams Jumps to Huron Legal, and Judith Flournoy Revs her Motorcyle for the USO.
6 minute read
August 01, 2004 | Legaltech News

Tech Fatigue

Overcoming exhaustion, stress and strain.
5 minute read
October 28, 2005 | Legaltech News

Open-Source Software Licenses Present Quagmire

Many companies find that open-source software components provide high quality at low cost compared to commercial alternatives. This provides a natural incentive to use open-source software as a building block for proprietary products. However, companies may find themselves in the difficult position of having to either release their proprietary source code to the public or lose permission to distribute, copy or modify the modified software.
11 minute read
August 04, 2011 | Legaltech News

When Software Bugs Attack

My colleague, Evan Koblentz, has been doing a great job these past few days answering questions about an Adobe Acrobat version 9.4.5 bug that has caused problems for many. The bug, discovered in June by users, prevents the software's search feature from properly highlighting results, says Koblentz. Several users took to Adobe's forums to decry the lack of an effective corporate response. What can users do when a software bug compromises ... [MORE]
4 minute read
May 07, 2012 | Legaltech News

Is Google the Big Winner in First Phase of Oracle Trial?

Though the jury said Oracle had proven infringement, it deadlocked on Google's fair use defense -- potentially throwing the decision in Northern District of California Judge William Alsup's lap.
4 minute read
April 14, 2010 | Legaltech News

Assigning Value to E-Discovery's Unknown

In two recent decisions, says attorney Leonard Deutchman, the question was how to value information that may never have existed -- data that should have been preserved to determine if it needed to be produced as e-discovery but, due to the actions of the producing parties, was destroyed.
11 minute read
December 23, 2011 | Legaltech News

E-Filing on Texas Supreme Court's Year-End To-Do List

Aside from its oral argument schedule, the Texas Supreme Court and its committees have been at work on several issues that impact lawyers: the attorney grievance system, e-filing, and new rules of civil procedure.
8 minute read