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August 21, 2009 | Legaltech News

Federal Judges Given Guidance on Web Sources

Judges, like the rest of us, can be lured by the treasure trove of information on all kinds of topics available on the Web. Now, the Judicial Conference of the United States has sent the chief judge in every federal district five pages of "suggested practices" on the subject. '
5 minute read
December 13, 2007 | Legaltech News

Learning EDD From the Mistakes of Others

Keeping up with EDD is like following celebrities' lives, writes attorney John Coughlin: every week a new story but no good news. Just as someone can learn from stars' woes, so can lawyers learn from others' EDD missteps. Coughlin reviews key cases involving electronically stored information.
10 minute read
December 02, 2011 | Legaltech News

Are International Cybercrime Laws a Hopeless Fantasy?

Because of the inability of international bodies to resolve differences, attorney Stephen Treglia finds that the threat of computer network cybercrime will remain a problem into the future.
11 minute read
June 01, 2013 | Legaltech News

Survival Secrets

Ted Brooks offers five important rules to follow when you are in charge of trial technology.
6 minute read
April 02, 2012 | Legaltech News

ABA TechShow: Chicago Is Home to Technology Makers and Super Heroes

LTN's technology editor, Sean Doherty, takes in the final day of exhibits at the ABA TechShow in Chicago, finding interesting local technology manufacturers and some super heroes.
10 minute read
October 25, 2004 | Legaltech News

The Case for E-Billing

In this tale of the fictional Acme Co., our correspondent explains how electronic billing works and points out its short- and long-term benefits, identifying seven areas where e-billing has potential for savings on legal spending. He also proposes a dozen tough questions law firms should ask to analyze historical spending patterns.
8 minute read
April 20, 2011 | Legaltech News

Microsoft Patent Case May Not Compute With High Court

6 minute read
February 03, 2012 | Legaltech News

Computer Forensics in Practice at PwC: a Glimpse

In a financial climate in which fraud is rampant, data breaches threaten the sanctity of personal and company data, and regulatory legislation such as the Dodd-Frank Act demands compliance, it's a ripe time to be a computer forensics investigator. That was one of my impressions after a recent conversation with Dyan Decker and Kristin Rivera, both forensics services partners at PwC, that gave me a little insight into the current state of the industry. Decker, a Certified Fraud Examiner, leads the firm's technology solutions practice and is based in Los Angeles. ... [MORE]
4 minute read
May 19, 2011 | Legaltech News

From the Bench: New Views of E-Discovery at LegalTech

What do judges imagine during electronic data discovery when they see a motion to compel responded to by a paralegal for the organization -- or a vendor? "The View From the Bench -- Why the Legal Industry Needs to Change and Embrace Technology," the second plenary session at LegalTech West Coast 2011, used this question to frame a look at e-discovery.
4 minute read
April 01, 2009 | Legaltech News

Don't Neglect Training

Resist the temptation to cut back training; in rocky times, it can help you survive.
5 minute read