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April 11, 2008 | Legaltech News

How to Safeguard Your Firm's Mobility

Mobile lawyers have a variety of tools at their disposal -- cell phones, laptops, GPS devices and PDAs -- which increase productivity, but also create security challenges. Your IT department must assess the risks of mobility and take advantage of the latest technologies.
5 minute read
March 19, 2008 | Legaltech News

E-Mail: When to Keep? When to Throw?

To save or delete? It's a frequent but important question for state government workers managing e-mail. The answer to that question potentially affects the public and whether citizens can access the electronic messages replacing paper documents traditionally used by government officials.
5 minute read
October 13, 2009 | Legaltech News

Scanning the Future of Google Books

Given the scope, size and audacity of the Google book search deal -- Google stands to emerge as the biggest library and bookseller worldwide -- the controversy isn't a surprise. Lawyers who have studied it find it the most creative use of the class action mechanism they've ever seen.
14 minute read
July 12, 2012 | Legaltech News

Legal Information Can Find Parallels in 'The Hunger Games'

James Heller, William & Mary's law library director, suggests that a "Hunger Games" world where information is controlled by a few publishers -- and nearly everything is accessed by a license -- is pretty much upon us.
5 minute read
October 02, 2013 | Legaltech News

Yahoo! Joins Google and Others in Mobile Password Two-Step

Following in the footsteps of Google, Facebook, Apple and others, Yahoo introduced two-step authentication for mobile app users.
3 minute read
September 11, 2008 | Legaltech News

'U Can't Touch This' Litigation Hold

When the IT staff sacrifices lawyers' work habits on the altar of implementing a litigation-hold policy, it seems like MC Hammer rules the day: "U Can't Touch This." The IT department's efforts at compliance often seem to interfere with lawyers in their duties to clients.
18 minute read
October 01, 2003 | Legaltech News

Five Drivers

Profiles of five leaders of legal technology
7 minute read
February 03, 2006 | Legaltech News

Whitehill and Interwoven Attack Law Firm Inefficiency

At LegalTech, it's not unusual to see vendors repurposing existing products to address law firm IT problems. Whitehill Technologies' BPI for Legal uses the company's business integration platform to help a firm get its IT systems to connect and share information. Interwoven's two new legal-specific efforts, New Business Intake and Conflicts Management, help set up new-client procedures, including a check for potential conflicts of interest between prospective and current clients.
3 minute read
October 01, 2005 | Legaltech News

Microsoft's Lawyers Battle Hackers

Collaboration with law enforcement helps snare suspects.
5 minute read
November 01, 2010 | Legaltech News

Networking & Storage

6 minute read