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May 11, 2011 | Legaltech News

Pros and Cons of Pennsylvania's Proposed E-Discovery Rules Changes

To address the proliferation of e-discovery litigation, the Civil Procedure Rules Committee of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has announced a series of proposed changes. Though modest in scope, the changes are as significant for what they?re careful to state that they don't include as for what they do include.
10 minute read
February 18, 2005 | Legaltech News

Perfecting PDF Files

If you practice law and use a computer, you must be a whiz at creating files in the Portable Document Format, eh? Or at least you should know all about PDF files. The format has been adopted as the standard for electronic filing in the federal courts. Many other government agencies are following suit. But don't rush out and buy Adobe Acrobat just yet -- read this article first.
8 minute read
February 06, 2012 | Legaltech News

Who Owns Your Twitter Account? #Itmaynotbeyou

Who owns a Twitter account -- the person who used it or the company for which he worked at the time? PhoneDog LLC is hoping a federal judge comes down on the side of the company.
5 minute read
November 04, 2008 | Legaltech News

Online Law Grads: Slackers Need Not Apply

A growing number of people are working toward their law degrees over the Internet. Most aren't gunning for jobs at prestigious firms or other highly competitive law positions, but, says online grad Joy Nonnweiler, "You can't be a slacker and do this."
11 minute read
May 07, 2012 | Legaltech News

Clicking Facebook 'Like' Button Ruled Not Constitutionally Protected Speech

The "like" button on Facebook seems like a relatively clear way to express your support for something, but a federal judge says that doesn't mean clicking it is constitutionally protected speech.
4 minute read
December 01, 2005 | Legaltech News

In Katrina's Wake

Coming home again.
7 minute read
May 23, 2006 | Legaltech News

Best Practices for Legal Blogging

Many lawyers report that their practices have gotten a major boost from new clients who saw their blogs. Consultant Joshua Fruchter offers tips on what to post, how often and how to get your blog at the top of search results.
9 minute read
October 01, 2004 | Legaltech News

Reid Trautz

Director, Lawyer Practice Assistance Program, District of Columbia Bar
3 minute read
July 15, 2008 | Legaltech News

E-Mail Public Records Get Erased, Disappear

Most states give the public access to government e-mail by law. But what if that e-mail was intentionally deleted or routinely purged? This is cause for concern, but experts say e-mail archiving systems and better training for state employees will help ensure e-mail is not lost.
5 minute read
March 04, 2009 | Legaltech News

Free Web Tools for the Way You Work

A host of free Web applications are surprisingly effective in helping lawyers and marketing staff stay on top of their game. The trick is knowing which tools out there are worth your time and effort. Here are the apps that made consultant Nicholas Gaffney's top 24 list.
10 minute read