Equity in Divorce Photo: Shutterstock.com

NY Adds a New Factor to Consider for Equitable Distribution: Domestic Violence

Exploring the impact the recent amendment to the Domestic Relations Law §236, which now includes domestic violence as a factor to consider when determining equitable distribution, will have on future matrimonial litigation as well as existing case law.

Surrogacy Agreements Approved by New York…With Provisos

A in-depth discussion of the newly enacted "Child-Parent Security Act of 2020" recently signed into law. The Act establishes the legal framework for "surrogacy contracts," in New York.

'Fields v. Fields': The "Townhouse Stoop-Sweeping" Case 10 Years Later

A review of how New York Courts have handled the "head-scratching" decision in 'Fields v. Fields' in the subsequent 10 years after the case.

Calling the Child's Therapist as a Witness in a Custody Case

In high conflict divorces, the child's therapist plays a unique role. While the therapist likely offers an invaluable perspective on the needs and interests of their patient, such perspective may, and often does, conflict with the desired outcome of one party. The matrimonial practitioner must be cognizant of many issues to ensure the best interests of the child.

SCOTUS "Clarifies" "Habitual Residence" Under the Hague Convention

After several decades of inconsistent interpretations by federal courts of the term "country of habitual residence" that is key to the cases under the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, the U.S. Supreme Court finally has spoken. Or has it?