• People v. Gonzalez

    Publication Date: 2022-03-28
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: Supreme Court, New York
    Judge: Justice Curtis Farber
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Meghan McNulty.
    for defendant: Defense Counsel: Laura Stasior, Esq., The Legal Aid Society.

    Case Number: 1083/21

    Warrant Properly Authorizes Search of Home Where Child Was Beaten to Death

  • People v. Campos

    Publication Date: 2022-03-25
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: County Court, Orange
    Judge: Judge Craig Brown
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for the People: Orange County District Attorney, Goshen, New York.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant: The Law Office of Orrin A. Fullerton, P.C., Warwick, New York.

    Case Number: 2019-171

    DNA Evidence Not Suppressed Despite Advances in Scientific Testing

  • People v. Deas

    Publication Date: 2022-03-25
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: Supreme Court, New York
    Judge: Justice Barry Warhit
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: ADA Cooper W. Gorrie, Esq., Westchester County District Attorney, White Plains, NY.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Jessica Hugel, Esq. , Legal Aid Society, White Plains, NY.

    Case Number: 21-0007-01

    People's Late Disclosure of Inculpatory DNA Evidence Was Not Willful

  • Ross v. Guy

    Publication Date: 2022-03-22
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, U.S. - EDNY
    Judge: District Judge William Kuntz
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 18-CV-1340

    Expert Barred From Testifying as to Injuries as FRCP 37(b) Sanction for Spoliated Evidence

  • People v. Forte

    Publication Date: 2022-03-21
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: City Court, Oneida
    Judge: Judge F. Christopher Giruzzi
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Rebecca G. Kelleher, Assistant District Attorney, Scott D. McNamara, Oneida County District Attorney.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Christopher J. Pelli, Esq. For the Defendant: Anthony J. Lafache, Esq.

    Case Number: CR-02367

    Court Denies Defendant's Request to Suppress Order for Genetic Testing

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    Bucks County Court Rules 2023


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  • People v. Hunter

    Publication Date: 2022-03-14
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: Appellate Term, Second Department
    Judge: Per Curiam
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Respondent: Leonard Joblove, Ruth E. Ross and Daniel Berman of counsel, Kings County District Attorney.
    for defendant: For Appellant: Olivia Gee and Michael Arthus of counsel, Appellate Advocates.

    Case Number: 2019-824 K

    Emergency Doctrine Did Not Justify Officer's Entry, Search of Apartment

  • People v. Destefano

    Publication Date: 2022-03-07
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: Supreme Court, Nassau
    Judge: Justice Robert Bogle
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: By: Chantee Dempsey, Esq., Hon. Anne T. Donnelly District Attorney, Mineola, NY.
    for defendant: Attorney for Defendant: Peter E. Brill, Esq., Hempstead, New York.

    Case Number: 108N20

    Warrantless Use of Camera on Public Street Does Not Violate Expectation of Privacy

  • Rinaldi v. SCA La Goutte

    Publication Date: 2022-02-25
    Practice Area: Court Administration | Evidence
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, U.S. - SDNY
    Judge: District Judge Vernon Broderick
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Counsel for Plaintiff: Thomas Edward Butler, Nicole Ann Sullivan, White and Williams LLP, New York, New York.
    for defendant: Counsel for Defendants: Edward William Floyd, Eva-Maria Mayer, Nicholas Paine, Zachary Barger, Floyd Zadkovich LLP, New York, New York.

    Case Number: 16-CV-1901

    Good Cause, Compelling Circumstances Allow for Witness' Remote Testimony From France

  • People v. Oliveri

    Publication Date: 2022-02-18
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: Supreme Court, New York
    Judge: Justice Steven Statsinger
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the People: Assistant District Attorney Kathryn Suma.
    for defendant: For the Defendant: Eugene Nathanson, Esq.

    Case Number: 429/20

    People Can Withhold Evidence That Would Disclose Undercover Officer's Identity

  • People v. Reinoso

    Publication Date: 2022-02-18
    Practice Area: Evidence
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings
    Judge: Justice John Hecht
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 70832-21

    Court Suppresses Firearm as the Fruit of an Unlawful Search